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Everything posted by Sirus

  1. Oh man, those are awesome! Thanks for the link.
  2. I don't know if I simply missed it or if there's been some sort of delay, but what ever happened to that costume contest that was pinned here in General Discussion? If I remember correctly it was supposed to run until the 5th, with results posted that weekend, but the thread was just sorta locked and now seems to have vanished entirely. I wasn't really expecting to win or place (there were some damn good costumes on display!) but I would have liked to see the results.
  3. I like this idea (even though I'm one of those that are usually okay with unexpected assistance). I need to figure out how to set up macros so I can say things other than my battle cry.
  4. You know, I sometimes see other players getting mobbed by enemies in the outdoor areas. I often check their levels, their health status, see how many criminals are attacking them and how well they're managing. Most times, I leave them be. Other times the player appears to be in trouble and I jump in to assist. Especially when playing as my Tanker, who can draw aggro off the other player and ease the pressure on them. This, in my mind, isn't kill-stealing. It's doing what heroes do: namely, helping others in need! I find myself in the reverse situation sometimes, again particularly with my Tanker. I don't really "grind" as such on outdoor foes, but if I see civilians in dire straits I'll help them out because, again, it's what heroes do. And sometimes, thanks to a Tanker's abilities, I find myself getting mobbed by rapidly respawning foes. When that happens, and I begin to be overwhelmed through sheer numbers, and another hero leaps in to help out? I'm always grateful. We heroes are outnumbered a hundred to one! We need to watch each others' backs! Given the emphasis on cooperation in CoX and the various measures the game has in place to prevent players from getting shafted too horribly when someone, er, assists in dispatching a foe, getting angry about kill-stealing seems a bit contrary. The only real scenario I could envision being cause for frustration would be a high-level character nuking low-level spawns in order to deny them to other players, but quest areas are generally large enough that a single player couldn't hope to cover everything.
  5. Ugh, I just felt a shiver run down my spine at those memories. There was this one time when I guess I strayed too close to a rooftop that had bad guys on it. My Internet wasn't all that great at the time, and I recall the game lagging suddenly before I found myself dead on the ground. I was so close to my mission, too.
  6. Name: Brawl Might Account: Sirus Battle Cry: "I am here!"
  7. This is amazing. I had all but given up hope of ever playing City of Heroes again. CoH was my first MMO, and while I never got very far into it (being a middle/high school student in a house with sporadic internet access does that to you) I enjoyed every precious minute. After the shutdown, I tried to fill the superhero void with Champions and DC Universe, but neither scratched the old itch in quite the right way. Now I got to hear the music again, create a new hero, and run around punching crooks in the face. It only lasted a short time before I was disconnected, but I'm back. Paragon City, I'm home. Thank you, Team Homecoming.
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