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Everything posted by Dessertking

  1. @Force Redux could we please see your ninja/cold build? I am trying to decide for my next MM between thugs and ninjas. My main being a necro/dark.
  2. Appreciate it Striker! I finally got Mids to work. Here is my first draft build appreciate any thoughts! slotting is tough. I was not even able to fit slots for the three powers that grant a specter.
  3. Appreciate it! Just for my knowledge why are some level 10 and others 50? Just trying to identify what each one is lol. Acc/dmg vs dmg only for example. Also you chose soul extraction as a mule for the auras no? Why would that be better than let’s say slotting full recharge intensive pet?
  4. Just stumbled upon this thread as I am building my necro/dark. You are a ton of help so thank you! Anyway you can post your build? If possible not in mids, but in text written out? Idk why but my laptop will not allow me to download mids. If not it’s ok.
  5. Hello Homecoming Server! would any of you like to help me with posting the copy and paste Mids build I got from a youtube Video? I am not able to download the program =( It is just two. I mean the one that can be seen here showing the powers and IO Sets. Also feel free to give advice on these two! would love to pick the "best one" or update. The goal is to be a strong mastermind for EB AVs etc. 😃 Thank you anyone that takes time out of their day to help. Demonic SSR(provoke) - Mastermind (Demon Summoning).mxd Demonic SSR - Mastermind (Demon Summoning).mxd
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