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Everything posted by Goddangit

  1. Not moaning, but seeing if my perception that the community is different than I recall it is valid. I need to check myself these days for perceptions, personality changes, etc. So far it seems I am the same humble, lovable bastard.
  2. Thank you for your kindness. My right side is still about 25% dead but I can get by nicely on what is left. I was unaware of the fix you describe, but then I was never one of the "in crowd" nor one for street sweeping unless a mission required it and there was seldom enough other people around at any given spot for it to be an issue. In specific, this was a mission to defeat 50 carnies. I was a level 45 tank and knew a few spots in PI where they occasionally spawned at a low enough level I could take them on. I had spent 20 minutes culling Nemesis, Malta and Rikti before finally getting a mob. I had jumped into their midst and delivered a foot stomp when someone swooped in. I said, "Fine. Take them," and left. And never saw any credit for defeats despite the fact I'm quite sure the foot stomp at least did some minor damage and there was at least one I had close to defeating. Perhaps there is a required minimum percentage of damage? Or perhaps without me present to draw their ire the fellow took an express ride to the hospital. It took another half hour before another mob of carnies spawned for me. So I hope you can understand my... annoyance. I had a similar incident a few weeks prior with my level 14 controller. (Yes, I am an alt-a-holic.) I had three Council locked down and was very slowly taking them down when a brave scrapper swooped in and finished them. I got XP to reflect the percentage of damage inflicted but no credit for the defeat. So I hope you can see why I would make that assumption. I just think my efforts deserve reward. I'm soloing occasionally, running radio missions to fill street sweeping mission requirements and limiting my interactions. Keeping myself to myself. Since the consensus seems to be I was wrong about all this I think it best. Have fun!
  3. *sighs* As I suspected, I am out of step. I'll my old fashioned notions and go away now.
  4. Color me impressed you have that much to spend. Well... HAD that much to spend.
  5. Excelsior. And I'm honestly just trying to check if my perceptions are valid.
  6. Those who were always ready to share, "you're doing it wrong", "that costume sucks" and of course the venerable kill-stealer have always been present, but in the days of live they were berated. It has been my recent experience this is no longer the case. I am not an admin and I am only one person. If you choose to have such a community that's none of my business. I just want to know where I stand. And if this is simply bad luck on my part. Conversations with others suggest this is throughout the gaming community. I've spent recent years recovering from a stroke and playing Skyrim by myself, so I have no reliable basis for knowing how much things have really changed in six years. What is your experience? Is what was once considered rude at best no longer so?
  7. Hey, I was less than a minor, random player, but how could anyone forget you? I'm glad I could bring you cheer. :)
  8. Started on Infinity, moved to Triumph. Had a few on the VIP server whose name I cannot recall. Mostly soloed but wasn't adverse to teaming when asked. I was an alt-a-holic. One even made a brief appearance in Leandro's video of pics taken just before shutdown which tickled me greatly. Here's a few I remember: Goddangit Hypnochick Faith Healing Amy Surplus Knight Paladin Wandering Tiger Ali Bubba Capt. Incompetent Sweet Little Girl (a tank) I know there are more I'm forgetting... The last two were mainly humorous, the rest serious or mostly serious. I liked back stories. :) I'm on Excelsior. Healix, I remember you!
  9. I just heard about this a few minutes ago and rushed over here. I thought I would never adventure in Paragon again. If you ever start taking subscriptions or contributions I'd open my wallet in a heartbeat. Thank you sounds so inadequate but there is a lot of gratitude and feeling behind that.
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