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Posts posted by subbacultchas

  1. Plant/something, currently running /martial but I've done /stone, /savagery, and /fire before too. Plant has the best survivability and soloing for me. Seeds as your opener, then immob and carrion creepers will pretty much keep most aggro off of you.

  2. Some powers only accept one type of enhancement (especially defensive powers tanks/melee rely on). ED nerfed these powers into oblivion, and ED was something that originally made me quit playing and move on to another game due to nobody wanting me in a team anymore. I got tired of being punished for having powers I needed to survive that only used one enhancement type.


    If we get punished for single type powers, why allow us to 6 slot them in the first place? Meanwhile, multi enhancement powers can still diversify and be useful with 6 full slots.

    Most of those powers really only need one or two extra slots, so you can spend others elsewhere. My Water/Cold Corr has several powers like this, Benumb and both of the Shields really only get one or two enhancement types in them. Benumb won't even take sets. So I put 2 rchg and an acc in, and spent those other slots on powers that can accept them. Even if I could put six slots in each, I just don't think I would.
  3. I'll get it next level, and I'm not sure yet. If it's a halfway decent heal for the team I may frankenslot it for rechg/dmg/slight heal. But it really depends on how it handles, as to how I'll handle it.

  4. I'm running Plant/Martial and loving it personally. You get a fair bit of close ranged AOE with Martial, and Plant works best IMO in mid to close range, and especially with more AOEs. As far as I'm concerned, with a Dominator you cannot beat Plant for outright damage by the time you get Creepers, and Martial pairs with it perfectly. You may lack a little on single targets, but not as much you think.

  5. Also kind of digging on /Rad Armor right now. Good resistances, decent amount of heals and regen, superb recovery, some damage and even a group heal. It's kind of a "Can't stop, won't stop" secondary as a brute.

  6. First, I don't think anyone is trying to create fear...What purpose would it serve here?  Just to be a troll?  I guess, but then what can you do with trolls?


    Nor do I. I don't genuinely believe anyone is intentionally fear-mongering. It's just with unfounded and unsubstantiated fears, they really can't be allayed much either. Fears like that are rabid dogs on flimsy leashes, you struggle really hard for control but you know at some point others will be bitten and it will spread. I don't think anyone here is coming from anything other than a place of caring about this game, even if we disagree a bit.

  7. In my mind, a lawsuit isn't even necessary if the fears are enough to force a change in policy. It's not concern that bothers me, I think that it's a fantastic thing to care about a game we love that much. It's more the aspect of consumer fear driving potential dev policy that worries me. And overall the idea of fear driven policy, devoid of the substantiation of whether that fear is even practical or evidenced at all. So far as I know we haven't had them chime in on this yet, and I'm not necessarily saying they need to be, but it certainly predisposes me to think that they are less worried than the vocal portion of the community we see here.


    I do not honestly see any of this ever generating a formal complaint or lawsuit from people, and a lot of the previous instances cited just don't really bear too much on the situation at hand. Like Jubakumbi, I'm not worried at all. Can't fault others for being afraid, but I can ask that we look at these fears to see how likely they are based on more analogous lawsuits and precedents.

  8. Not sure about a resource that lists them. I'm sure there may be one, but kind of in between a few things and not really looking for it atm.


    Offhand I believe you're right about Rad Melee/Rad Armor. I also think that Savage Melee/Savage Assault, Nature (MM) and Nature Affinity are new. Dark Control, Bio-Armor, Staff Fighting, Titan Weapons, and the Water sets I don't remember either but they could have been i24 versus i25.

  9. If I had to make a hard guess, I'd bet it's two things actually. The first is that a lot of folks are genuinely scared that any of the comic companies will come after the game, and COH will be shut down again. It's not going to happen, and the devs at present don't seem to share the same concern AFAIK, but it's still a fear even if it's unfounded. Can't blame someone for that too much I suppose. Second is this undercurrent of people playing the game differently, which you see crop up in other areas here too (PL and AE somewhat). This game isn't going to have a homogeneous playstyle, that's really what attracted a lot of to it in the first place. For the most part, we are all going to have to get along and adopt a live and let live approach unless it's something that directly impacts the games longevity. And I trust our devs and community mods to let us know when that's the case.


    I'm glad this is the type of game that inspires this type of passion in people, even in the form of worrying. Just goes to show you how dedicated our playerbase is. I hope we can eventually come together in some consensus on this, or get a dev's input to lessen some of these worries.

  10. I don't understand why people get so concerned about this. Do you harangue every Batman or Deadpool you see on Halloween? I look at this the same way. If someone wants to create a character that is an homage to one of their favorite comic characters, who cares? It's difficult to make exact copies anyway. There is no bat symbol, no Superman chest symbol, etc. Sure, you can make pretty close copies, but rarely are they exactly identical.


    How is this any different than the umpteen dozen generic Asian MMO NPCs I see running around? Aside from the IP concerns, I don't have a problem with recognizable character designs. If it's more fun for some, then have at it.

    This. I don't get it either, and I'm trying really hard not to cast stones at folks who seem to care about it. I don't care if others are lazy, or as is most often the case, are huge fans of the IP they copy so are doing as homage. It's certainly not costing the actual IP holder anything, it's not remotely likely that Marvel/DC/Image/TopCow/Joe's are going to actually sue the devs here. I just don't get it, at all. In my line of work I regularly tell other librarians, both local and wider audience, that it is not our job to do copyright lawyers jobs for them; but people still do and I've just never understood it.

  11. I havent played Fire/ to really know. But I know that I love Envenomed Blades as a dom secondary power. It's not quite set defining, as there's a lot more to love there, but it is the icing on the cake with its duration.


    Is it boosting Bonfire's multi-hits WAI I wonder?

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