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  1. Clark Kent’s “disguise” has been people clothes, some glasses and bad posture for damn near 90 years; it’s never gonna be the movies’ fault that people (including Pulitzer Prize winning investigative reporters) are fooled by it. My personal headcanon is that folks just let him pretend to be Clark because they figure it keeps him happy and not destroying everything/everyone. It’s the dumbest disguise in the history of disguises, but why poke the bear.
  2. Opinions are opinions; the rationale behind how people arrive at them is fair game. My post wasn't addressing your comment that you don't see Pascal as Reed Richards; that's valid (I don't either, but it's not because "he doesn't look like the world's smartest man"). My post was about people feeling like Being Very Smart means Looks Like This. Every time someone writes something in this sub that even sort of contradicts a previous post, there's a reply along the lines of "I'm sorry different opinions aren't OK with you". We really gotta move past it.
  3. Being bummed that the world's smartest man doesn't look the way you might expect them to says more about the beholder than the beheld.
  4. I ran an Ice/KM/Soul and can confirm, does a bang up job keeping friendlies up. Works best with some -Res frens.
  5. What an arc. Guess this turd got polished enough.
  6. Julia Garner (“Ozarks”, mostly) is playing Shalla Bal, who is part of Norrin Radd’s original backstory (she was the empress of their planet and they were banging). She was also the Silver Surfer in Earth X.
  7. Sorry, I was referring to the “Ross wouldn’t want non-American tech” or whatever it was.
  8. Since /Earth wasn't mentioned, I'll forward it. Blasters are one of my least represented ATs at 50, but my Elec/Earth Blapper is my main. Keeping mobs on their backs with Fault + Tremor while your rains do things and the Freeze Ray + Seismic Smash combo sound like good times.
  9. It wasn't an American who invented the Super Solider serum...
  10. lol, what a wild thread. "I called the Devs idiots, they told me that was rude, so I'm leaving"? That's what all this is about?
  11. FYI, Lynch hated the final cut of this movie so much he took his name off the credits.
  12. Personally, I am 100% over the “here’s this solo superhero, yes other superheroes exist but this movie won’t reference or involve them at all, except at the very end where someone makes a cameo to show you how this world is interconnected”. Just, no. We have 0 idea how much screen time the non-Superman heroes are going to have. I know “wait and see” is anathema to a lot of people, but what if we tried it just one time.
  13. Krypto doesn't belong in a Superman movie?
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