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  1. I don't normally post on the forums but I wanted to follow up on this. Prismatic Aether Particles are pretty consistently selling for 2.6 million inf on Wentworths, so the 250 particle costume powers clock in at 650 million. I can't help but wonder who these are aimed at? I've been playing since Homecoming started and I could afford -one- of these costumes if I wanted to bankrupt myself. I've been saving particles since they started dropping and I have about 70. I play a -lot-, but I don't farm and I like to roll new alts all the time and play mostly at lower levels. I care a lot about my characters and put a lot of effort into their themes, backstories and how they look so it feels like these cosmetic aura powers should be aimed at people like me, but I don't think I have a hope of ever getting one, let alone cosmetic powers for my hundreds of alts. Is there a lot of crossover between RPers/Costume Freaks and the uber-rich farmer types?
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