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  1. I agree that Kinetics is the best defender set in the game, but on live Force Fields made me a believer. The J-Force and I ran a contest to see which of the known defenders on Freedom could keep us alive. We would run a task force and compare the deaths in the end. We had a rad, an empath, an kinetics. We would frustrate them to no end by running off and getting them killed. it was a great time. Then a force field stepped up. No one in the J-Force played a FF. We lawled and lawled at the n00b thinking they could keep us alive. Then the mission started ... and we couldn't die. I had no idea the bubbles were so powerful. We tried. I TRIED everything I could to get killed and I couldn't. The force field defender won the contest handily. I became a believer that day. While Force Fields isn't the most sexy of the defender powers I think it is the strongest defender primary in the game.
  2. I am sad. First, it is a cool thing that you have a link to the old forums. There is a lot of good on there. I am sad because I went to the Freedom Forums to find the old J-Force thread, and its only 1 page. I don't remember how many pages that thread was, but there was more than one. JFS -The Legendary J-Man
  3. OK. Now it makes sense. I asked every which way about if it was level gated and everyone told me know. It being level gated is the only thing that makes sense. No. I was like level 18.
  4. The invasion is long over, we are a month later, but I wanted to update to let everyone know ... it never worked. No matter what I did the zombies never spawned for me. A little upsetting, but nothing to be done except wait for next year.
  5. I feel like I am doing something wrong, but I don't know what. I have spent an hour trying to fight zombies in a zombie apocalypse. I am level 23. The event is announced in event chat. "zombies are attacking x zone." i stand around not near police drones, and nothing happens. I have been to Boomtown, Perez Park, First Ward, Founders Falls, Skyway City, Nova Pretoria, I can't get them to come get me. So far this event the only time I have gotten to fight zombies in the apocalypse is in Talos Island when there was a group of masterminds standing on the hill near the train. They weren't spawning for me, they were spawning for the masterminds. The wiki does not give me any information on what I am supposed to be doing. According to everything I read, and everyone I have asked in Help chat it is supposed to just work, but my experience is that it does not. Do I need a minimum group number? Is it level gated like trick or treat where I can only do it in a zone in my level range? Do the costume temporary powers keep me hidden? I don't get it. I don't remember it being his difficult to participate in the original game.
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