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  1. I would just like to see both pools get added somehow. Beam/devices/gagetry blaster sounds like a fun concept for a space ranger type character. Utility Belt would be a neat add-on for basically any natural crime-fighter type character, however they add it.
  2. Just recently discovered this server after thinking City of Heroes was gone for good. Donating is the least I can do to express my gratitude. Thank you for keeping the dream alive!
  3. What a shock! 😄 Oh there are more qualifications besides just "ask for a new set"? How convenient that you forgot to mention this when laying out what is OK for us to request.
  4. Asking for an option to change it at Null the Gull is not OK, but asking for new sets is OK? Nope, not buying that for a minute. I may be new to this forum, but I am not new to Planet Earth, and based on the responses here I believe that anyone asking for such a new set would get the exact same pushback.
  5. Could have stopped at "the developers say it can't happen." If that is true, then that is just how it is. The rest is a whole lot of stuff that may or may not be true. You have no idea if everyone who supports this just wants to slot more damage procs into everything, for example. This is feedback people have had for a very long time, long before this server's current meta.
  6. Yeah, this is the weird part. The suggestion is to give other people an option to change the ability, and let people who enjoy KB to keep using it as much as they want. If the reason for saying "no" is a technical one, or a resource one, or something like that, then sure that is totally fine and understandable. It is the "no, because I don't want you to have that option, and you are a loser for asking" responses that are odd.
  7. Homecoming already has other improvements over live CoH. This is one more. If people want other gameplay improvements, they can ask for those too.
  8. It is weird that people are against even having the option to swap KB to KD without adding an enhancement. To me it seems like a no-brainer win for the folks running Homecoming. My very first character back in the ancient days was NRG/NRG blaster. I was one of those noobs knocking everyone's mobs out of alignment because I did not understand how to use the skill. People were actually very patient, maybe because the whole thing was new and we were all still figuring things out together. After enough time I did figure out how to use it to herd mobs, but it still requires the rest of the group to play around you.
  9. This game has existed for 20 years. There have been plenty of controversies in that time, none of which had anything to do with City of Heroes. (Unless Jack Emmert was involved somehow.) There is no reason to permanently change things for a temporary controversy.
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