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Everything posted by Hugbert

  1. *Scibbles a little more* This crayon is BROKEN!
  2. *rolls out construction paper and begins drawing intricate, detailed plans, with crayon* Yes... this will do nicely.
  3. *Sets about fixing the table* You behave! Other folks might want to have some too Puppeh! And dry off, don't drip on the floor.
  4. GAH! Puppeh! *Drags the Puppeh off to the auto wash!*
  5. *Sets out a giant fudge platter, a fifty gallon drum of rootbeer and biscuits smothered in sausage gravy* I think that is it...
  6. You want the catnip? Strange... OH the bacons! *Puts the bucket of candied bacon on the floor* Here ya go!
  7. *Sets out a bundle of fresh cut catnip* Let me see... what else is in mah suitscases
  8. *Digs into his bag* Ummm, no moonshine. Honey candied bacon... not sure who that is for..
  9. Appappappalachain mountains, long road trip. Went down the Blue Ridge Parkway (picture above)
  10. *Tumbles out of the ceiling* I back
  11. *Rushes out from the edge of the stage and wraps the kitteh in a warm towel*
  12. *Noms his secondary, emergency back up donut* Didn't you tell the Puppeh we installed that screen door Becky?
  13. *Resorts to his back up supply* I miss that old Pogo
  14. *Stamps the form* And notarized!
  15. *Looks over Becky's shoulder.* She is correct, it's right there in fully legal crayon!
  16. *Wanders through the fort in his jammies* Anything out there kitteh?
  17. Hallo VioLight, care for a donut? *Offers a chocolate donut, no sprinkles because those are evil*
  18. Umm yes... apparently third prize is bacons. *Noms donut*
  19. *Shoots the Puppeh's balloon with a cork! Runs to the finish line and waves the checker flag* Force wins! He was using a dirigible!
  20. Is saturday, zombeh movie day! *Puts out popcorn, turns down the lights and starts the feature, Night of the Living Kitteh!*
  21. Of course you not driving! We didn't want to crash!
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