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Posts posted by Rockfall

  1. Could you leave in some form of emailsendattachment for people who need to transfer off buckets of cash? Aka the pvp warriors of the market board.


    I use a bind of


    alt+m "emailsendattachment @global_goes_here 100m 100000000 nop nop $"

    to be able to dump cash when I'm getting near my cap -- well I used to I haven't been marketeering much recently. But it is a lot nicer and quicker to hit alt+m than typing in my global, making sure I got it correct, filling in all the fields, etc, etc.


    A simplified "emailsendcash @global_goes_here 100000000" that auto fills in the subject (with amount) and a body of $ would be superb.


    I'm having trouble imagining how the sends can leave the mailbox in a corrupted state, modulo if they don't do proper checking of the fields I have "nop" in. That's not a problem in a simplified "sendcash" variant.


    Cash in the 'ol inbox is super for spinning up new alts. Take 100k and that's enough to outfit you most of the way to 50 with SOs from the vendors, plus picking up all the handy pay2win powers.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  2. The reason to do broadsword is because you want something with +def to go with shield. In that regard it isn't bad. War mace hits a lot harder though and works with shield. Without a shield katana is clearly superior.


    I loved my bs/sd on live, early on near when sd was released, but...

  3. If your chromebook has an intel/amd processor, you can get a linux shell (/container) on it (my impression is most-to-all can these days), that linux system can install graphical apps, eg, vscode, etc. If you can do that, you can also install playonlinux or wine. If you can do that, you can in theory launch city of via that. I see wine in the repos, so there's a chance. That said the wine in the repos is 2.something, and wine is up to 4.something so it probably is going to be more complicated than loading up linux and apt installing wine.


    If your chromebook is arm, you'd have to emulate the x86 processor via qemu or similar. If you could even get that to launch it isn't going to be playable.


    Back in the day when CoH was new, windows PCs weren't really rocking more than 2-3 gigs anyway, so there's a chance.

  4. 14 hours ago, Leandro said:


    • The game no longer uses DirectInput due to incompatibility with Mac OS Catalina, and now uses standard Windows messages for input. For the most part you should not notice any difference, although players with international keyboard distributions may have issues entering non-English and special symbols.

    I do see a difference -- I had to un-reverse my mouse buttons, because suddenly CoH played nice with my leftie mouse on linux using synergy to control windows running CoH. GG A++++ would run a modernized program again.


    It makes me wonder (and maybe I'll test tomorrow) if scroll would work for me (over synergy), without having to have a scroll wheel device plugged directly into the windows box.

  5. I prefer rad/fire to spines/fire because of the pbaoe vs the cone. Otherwise they are highly comparable. But positioning for the cone is annoying in a group of mobs. They jump around. Them move to your landing zone and push you around and the client thinks you aren't on the ground so you can't cast burn... or you leave the spawn on the ground to get the cone right and your aura is not hitting them.


    That said at a very base level pretty much any brute is going to be able to farm. Spend 500mil-1bil on them and I'd be surprised if you can come up with a combo so bad it couldn't run an appropriate farm at +4x8. Now it may not run it *fast* but I can't imagine it can't run it.


    I'd tried to build a no-cost-barred ss/fire build to farm with in mids, but I couldn't get past the 10 sec rage crash with high recharge looking ugly. I'm a lazy farmer -- I want to convert to reds only and not monitor def. I did that before mine were kitted out and I don't want to go back.

  6. 10 hours ago, Werner said:

    With the prices last I checked them, I'd put a Gladiator's Armor and Steadfast Protection in every lowbie while leveling. Or I would if I wasn't so lazy and if leveling didn't happen so fast. Hell, some friends and I were running easy lowbie content, and all of our enhancements went red from leveling, and we were too lazy to go buy replacements. I mean, every five levels you have to waste time going to the store? Lame! We only gave in when we hit level 22. Admittedly, we got a huge boost to damage and survivability once we were slotted up with SOs. 😉

    With how few slots you likely had per power (unless you're dumping all the slots in one or two powers), it isn't like you're really going to notice DOs helping all that much.


    @cejmp -- The purple insp note is a good one too. I like the uniques because then I don't have to remember to eat (or have) a purple. 6% won't likely do it for you by itself if you have a 15% hill to climb, but if you can find another 3-4%, I bet that will.


    The other thing you should check for is get your defs on the monitor window so that you can see if you are suffering cascading defense failure. Slotting some of your powers (I think its the mez prot?) with res can help that, but of course you want the mez prot more, so it may have to wait until you have enough slots to go around.

  7. Honest question from someone looking at an ill/time controller -- if chrono shift's heal isn't a big deal (which it shouldn't be, you want to pre-buff with this for the rech/end so at best its a bit of HoT as you go into a fight post buff) then why waste so many slots on it?

  8. This is a "conversion" of my WM/SD scrapper:


    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |


    +5% to both melee/ranged, -5% to aoe defs. Better rech, to-hit, acc, etc. Its more expensive and not optimized (I literally flipped wm->bs in the builder and fixed things that unslotted). You may want more or less recharge/-res procs or to rearrange them. It is expensive though, with ATOs, a purple set, and a winter set. I probably would look at pulling slots out of parry -- with enough defense parry isn't adding a lot. If you keep it, it can be a set mule or you can drop it for something else. This is a team-friendly build -- thus the leadership pool (plus maneuvers is handy for getting up to softcap). YMMV of course.

  9. | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |


    Here's a very different take. Substantially stronger defense, lower resistance. Its actually over softcap to types (minus psi) for foes in RTTC, because of the enhanced -tohit on the enemy. On paper this is lower regeneration, but that's on substantially more HP so its probably overall a wash or a win for this build. End use is under control. I left less "safety net" there but not a ton less.


    I left FA. I don't think its needed. I'd swap in conserve power. I'd probably also flip physical perfection for hasten and steal the -res debuff slot out of LBE for 2 rech in hasten. With that and one of the FF:+rech procs active you're at perma-hasten. I don't know if you can stack the FF:+rech. If not, it might be worth slotting something else in jawbreaker/crowd control (like a damage proc). Actually its probably worth losing the acc/kb IO for a damage proc in jawbreaker as it is.


    Here's some of those changes and tweaks around how I slotted some of the resist powers


    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |

  10. Which additional enhancement -Res Proc, Recharge Proc, Damage Proc are you suggesting? as I am not as familiar with Melee.  Thanks


    As for my endurance what I am running is in my posted build. I also have 4 endurance procs shown.


    TWO of my many pet peeves are; Running out of Endurance, Missing with my attacks. So I always like to make sure I mitigate the chances of either when fighting +3/4 content. This drives me to have high accuracy, +to hit buff's & Endurance. 


    Thanks for the suggestion on Buildup for Clobber at 8!


    It takes maybe 30 seconds to look through what you can slot in powers for +recharge/-res procs. You can figure that out yourself with the builder.


    FA is mostly boosting your acc, not your to-hit, and to-hit is really what you need more of most likely, not acc. You can get +10% to-hit out of FA, but you and your team get +50% out of a well enhanced tactics. Plus if you can find the slots, +2.5% def to all positions, and chance for build-up for you (6-slot Guassian's).


    Your end use doesn't vary vs the content you play, other than if you're fighting end draining mobs. Similar to the 2-slot hasten thing, you can probably 2-slot with end mod and enhancment boosters at least one of your two end recovery powers.


    Since you have "free picks" that are poorly enhanced, use one to get conserve power with a single recharge IO in it. That's better because its a huge discount when-needed rather than minor (usually unused -- thus worthless) gains all the time, and will free up slots elsewhere to do other things.

  11. You should push clobber back to 8. Flip it with build up. If you ever do exemplar down you want that early not at 16.


    Sub assault for tactics. With one slot tactics isn't doing much. One endredux in assault is perfect.


    You're overenhancing dmg/rech on the 6-slot scrapper set powers (and maybe acc/dam on avalanche too, but you need the 6-set bonus def there...). Drop the dmg/rech piece (acc/dam in avalanche) and slot in a FF:+recharge proc, -res proc, or damage proc as appropriate. May require you to shuffle sets around some to do that efficiently.


    I have no idea how your endurance per second use is 2.42. What are you running in those slots? On a WM/SD I run, if I take Focused Accuracy (I don't; have 6-slot tactics though) I can get up to 2.0 eps use. Without Focused, with maneuvers, assault, and tactics I show 1.84 eps used. It feels like you're way overbuilding for endurance. My planned recovery is 3.21/s with that 1.84/s use and I expect that should be fine (my attacks generally hover around 1.5 eps burn if they're constantly on recharge, but there's always repositioning, next group of mobs, etc).

  12. I don't think you have the recharge you think you do. Pines gives you a lot for slotting ff:+rech, but that's a proc and I think not a global one. You need to use the attack it is in. Do you plan on using cross punch? It isn't otherwise slotted like it.


    But I don't have pines on my chromebook so I can't tell.

  13. Copy and edit should be fine. The wiki is a versioning system, so it meets (2) by default. Add a single page that says "version 0s copied from paragonwiki under the gnu fdl". Add the fdl page. Go. If you want to be thorough, put a ink in the new wiki's page to the paragonwiki original as a footnote.


    Note: IANAL, but IAAFSA (I am a free software advocate, and thus have more than passing familiarity with many of the licenses).

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