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  1. Oh, wow! Thank you both very much for the advice and the builds, it's given me a lot to consider I'll study them both closely! I really do appreciate the help I was quite lost before this thread.
  2. Thanks Warshades! I really appreciate the advice, that's about as concise an answer as I could ask for. I'll stop worrying and try out invuln now!
  3. Hello there! I'm a new player that's been around for about a week now, I'm trying to build a hero that suits the roleplaying theme but I can't decide between these two powers. From what I gathered it seems like late game Invuln is sturdier and Willpower is generally well rounded but falls off at later levels in higher tier content, the tl;dr is that I'm rerolling from Brute and right now (at 14) it feels energy starved as SJ/invuln. If I take invuln will be struggling until I get very expensive end game IOs? Apologies if this seems like a silly question to veterans I'd just really appreciate some advice! As a note I've already googled this, looked at different threads, found quite a few different builds (even some from 08 on gamefaqs) for each variant but I'd really appreciate some guidance from veterans!
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