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  1. Give scrappers SS and tanks Regen. As is. Not because I think this is okay but because it would be funny.
  2. I noticed. It gives the set a very weird feel so far. That said, I feel like just about anything would be fine on sents? Because the AT is sensibly built for the game's conditions. Unlike others I could name. As much as I love something like Controller.
  3. The sentinel version of SR certainly looks, uh, weird?
  4. I'm leveling a Fire/SR Sent right now with only ranged defense. I'll just try not to get in melee instead! Enjoying it a lot so far. Blasters on live never had enough damage to justify their design point. Granted it's a lot of damage, and necessary in a scant few conditions. I never could get one very far due to having to cross the hump once you're not in baby levels but before you can really deal damage. Just felt so bad. If I'm going to be team reliant, I massively preferred my controller Space Cat anyway. I guess I could have had someone power level me, but I always felt bad about resorting to that. Maybe I'll figure out a blaster I actually want to play. One day.
  5. FFTMime

    SS Brute Advice

    Thank you, that makes a lot more sense of what I've been reading around here. Interesting concept. Global recharge bonuses particularly. Oh boy. I can see why builds on this forum look a bit strange now.
  6. FFTMime

    SS Brute Advice

    Okay so I've seen the term hanging around, but I don't know what 'procbombing' is in context. It's a bit hard to pick up just from reading the forum. I take it something to do with new enhancements to slot? That's a bit after I stopped playing originally.
  7. FFTMime

    SS Brute Advice

    Just want some general information on Super Strength Brutes. I'll save CharOPs for when I can actually get something to a decent level. Haven't played COH since COV was first released (played at release and just burnt out). Always wanted Super Strength to be on scrapper so I could be a SS/Regen brute. Though now that I see it, SS/Shield is my alternative idea. Just eyeballing it on a quick low-level run, stamina feels like it would be an issue. Still, anything people have to say would be helpful. My lack of knowing how things work now makes me hesitate. There's too many things I don't know to really know what I'm getting in to. My general plan is BANG ZOOM STRAIGHT TO THE MOON regardless.
  8. Remember when Regen got nerfed 3 times in the span of less than a year in COH's first year as an MMO? Remember Statesman being caught faking evidence against regen to justify his hate against the set with a replay so obviously tampered with that it was embarassing? Remember him deleting the post and never posting on the forum again after he was caught? Anyway, I have never seen a MMO where chasing this phantom entity of 'balance' has worked out. Nor have I ever seen a MMO praised for it's balance. Nor played for it. Granted, yes, to a point things must be attended to. Sets can't really be doing something it's archetype isn't supposed to be, but the larger issue is one simple question. How many people are playing it? That should tell you a lot about what needs to change than taking out your microscope to see if sets are completing missions 30 seconds too fast. Also tidge is right. Diminishing returns on effort spent on balancing is worth minding. This is a MMO. Most of the way there is fine. If this were a proper PVP game, you'd be more bothered.
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