This is still a problem. I tried this arc as a flashback twice last night and both times had to abandon the flashback because there was no way to enter the mission. I tried logging out and logging back in but that didn't solve it.
When using the Snowball temp power from holiday gifts there are no animations. The power seems to be working but it doesn't show the character throwing it or the target getting hit. They both just stand there as if not doing anything.
Thanks for this, I should have suspected it was wine. I've been using wine so long without any issues to speak of I sometimes forget to check that when it's an issue with only one program.
Okay, after more testing I think it's the Mouse Look that's the issue. Camera rotate works if I hold the mouse or keyboard button down and a movement key to change the direction. I just can't move the camera around with the mouse.
Not sure I can help as mine are saving to the screenshots folder in the install directory like they're supposed to. Do you have another copy of the game installed to a different folder that might be confusing it?
I have no 3rd party keybinding apps on my computer and have not installed anything new since the last time it worked. I only noticed a problem after the last update to the game.
No settings were changed between when it worked last and when it stopped working.
Camera rotate does not work with either the mouse or the keyboard.
Things I tried before posting. (not necessarily in this order)
Game was restarted after each attempt with no change.
1: Reset all keybinds to original and renamed the keybinds.txt file
2: Renamed the options.txt file
3: Disabled then re-enabled mouse look in options
4: Changed the key camera rotate is bound to
5: Changed toons to make sure it wasn't just an issue with the one
6: Created a new toon
7: Rebooted the computer
8: Re-validated the game files
9: Checked to make sure keyboard and mouse are functioning properly. The only thing that does not work in game, or out, is the camera rotate.
I tried it with both the right and middle mouse buttons and different keys on the keyboard with the same result. No rotation.
I've got a weird bug. The camera no longer rotates around the character. I've tried the mouse, the keyboard, changing the defaults to other keys, none of it has worked. I can still move the camera up and down and zoom in and out but I cannot rotate the camera around the character.
Yeah, I didn't think .Net was needed but I already had it and the Visual C++ installed in Wine for other programs that do require them so I was erring on the side of caution.
I use Linux Mint 20 and just installed the new launcher a few days ago. I did not need Lutris or do anything beyond having the newest version of wine from WineHQ. I did add dotnet 4.8 and the 2017 visual C++ libraries through winetricks for other apps before I installed the HC Launcher so one or both may be needed. If I get a chance I will try install it to a fresh wine container and see if it works without those. Prior to installing the HC Launcher I was using Tequilla with no issues with the same set up.
That must have been it, I just tried a new toon and didn't have any trouble. I don't usually run with double XP if I'm soloing so that didn't even occur to me. After you suggested it and I tried it I remembered I got double XP to catch up to a friend. Now I feel stupid 🙂
Thanks for the help.
I've noticed low level missions (I think between 1st-10th) are not dropping any influence. I'm not sure when this started happening as I usually email new toons influence to start with but I had one I wanted to work up from nothing just for the challenge.