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  1. Realistically, you can spend $200-$300 and have a computer that wont struggle at all with coh. My pc cost me $300 and i can run 2 instances of coh with ease. Im seeing like $600.....for coh? Nah
  2. -Huge rework of hero epic ATs (PB & WS) -Maybe simply some new animations for certain powers (a lot use the exact same animations) and/or reworks of powersets that are almost carbon copies of each other with a different flavor -More challenging PvE for regular team play. Possibly something a bit more dynamic -Balancing or rework of procs in general
  3. Yeah, i hope people who rolled in indom actually have intentions of pvping. To me that was a big highlight back in the day and is what my VG was known for. Can be a ton of fun
  4. G-Reborn here calling out for my virtual family. Where my people at? I'm talking to you Matt & Dave, Fexus, Pepsi, Broken, Glass, Val! No way you guys would miss this.
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