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  1. Team - Before Break Free, there was an inspiration called Strength of Will. I see none available in the Marketplace, and nearly 300 people bidding for them. Does that mean they're still available somewhere in game? Cheers thanks a lot.
  2. Ok so if I'm playing a Warshade, I get Dark Sustenance inherently, which boosts my powers depending on the make-up of my team. I am led to believe those numbers are as follows: For every Tank, Mastermind, Corrupter, Defender present on my team, my Damage Resistance increases by 10% For every Scrapper, Bruter, Stalker, Blaster, Sentinel on my team, my Damage output increases by 20% For every Controller or Dominator, I add a 1 Magnitude Resist to being mesmerized For every Spider, Widow, Peacebringer or fellow Warshade on the team, I gain a 10% slow resist. Question 1: are those numbers accurate and applicable on Homecoming? Question 2: is that per individual, or is the bonus only gained once, regardless of how many are on the team? Meaning if I'm a Warshade on a team with two Defenders, does my Damage Resistance increase by 20% now (10% per Defender)? Thanks!
  3. Hi Hivemind - I'm trying to do a Shivan arc, and am running into issues. It appears as if the Neo-Shivans cap at level 25, but when I add a Shivan Obliterator AV, it lists level 15-40. Can I make the surrounding bad guys level 40 as well? I'm a little unclear how to make the minions match the AV level. The goal here is the highest level Shivans possible. If that can't be done, I would want to make custom Shivans that can function at higher levels, but there doesn't appear to be an option for a Shivan in the custom characters. Is there any possible way to make a Shivan mission with villians higher than level 25? Cheers, thanks a lot.
  4. AE was working yesterday in Beta, but now it's parked on 'searching'. i can find AE's that i have created, but nothing else. Nothing comes up when i initiate a search, either. AE works fine on the live servers. Thanks .
  5. Please PLEASE tell me you’re going to do this! I’d love to see your build and get your thoughts on what it does well. I’m looking at a SS/Regen brute myself, using foot stomp and hand clap for some breathing room if I need to heal. Cheers!
  6. Right. So after leveling all manner of tanks, i've decided to give my first brute a go to 50. In reviewing brute possibilities, something occurred to me as i clicked 'energy/energy': not only was there not an energy aura tank, but that apparently there was some commentary about how 'overpowered' it might be to port it over to tank. i was astonished. I then began to study the other archetypes that have access to energy aura, and found that the stalker variety has a great power in it - disrupt - that other energy aura versions don't have! So my question/suggestion is: couldn't a way be found to effectively create a new tank set to level, port disrupt over (as that seems to be a great mob mitigation power for a tank), and address any question about comparable power levels? we seem to do that part with some frequency, adjusting things like regen and titan weapon as we go along. I ask because there are currently 11 tanker primaries. If i've gone through 10, and bio armour is my last to get to 50, i'd love another go at trying something new, something that wouldn't have to be built from the ground-up. Cheers, thanks a lot!
  7. It's wonder woman, during her Emma Peel phase in the early 1970s. My main is a homage.
  8. Thanks for the quick reply! I guess I was under the impressing that I could crit if I was hidden by ANY power, not just my own.
  9. Okay. So Issue 27, part deux is out, and Stealth & Invisibility are now one power. I may be late to this party, but I've just made my first Widow: Since you can now attack with Invisible on, and you don't have to buy Stealth to get to Invisible (thus only using one power choice now instead of two), is this the way to go vs. buying Mask Presence for a Widow, since the former is a stronger power? I'd be interested to hear your thoughts. Cheers.
  10. I would never have known this was an option without your post. Thanks so much!
  11. Agreed. I'm not aware of how involved a change like would be to make. Since there are already things like server transfers and emailing things to others of your characters, I didn't know if it was a simple thing that could be based on existing code, or required a bunch of new code, etc.
  12. Its already there and you spent more time thinking about a new idea that's already implemented. I'm not sure if this post was addressed specifically to me or not, but the basic point of my original post was that I - and I'm sure others - have earned respecs just kind of sitting about that another of our characters could likely use. I really didn't spend a whole lot of time thinking about it: it just popped into my head when I logged in today, and thought I'd mention it. If transferring respecs has already been implemented, I guess I just don't know how. Thanks.
  13. Hello team! I had an idea. A couple of my level 50's have half a dozen respecs lyin' about that they'll never use, as those heroes are built exactly the way I want them. I also have a couple that are in desperate need of a rebuild. It seems a shame that I have earned respecs that I will never, ever use, so I thought, why not suggest a way to transfer a respec between characters? Has anyone else run into this issue? Cheers.
  14. My heartfelt condolences to family and friends. /holdtorch
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