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GM Miss

Retired Lead Game Master
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Everything posted by GM Miss

  1. Weekly discussion 37 Week 2/09/20-2/15/20: βš”οΈ YOU VOTED: It's time for Epic Power Pools! βš”οΈ Please note we are not talking about Patron Pools - that will be a later discussion ❓ Things to think about: >What AT's Epic pools are lacking? >Which AT's Epic Pools do you look forward to the most when leveling a character? >Are there any specific pools or powers that are underpowered/overpowered at the moment? >What powers would you like to see tweaked and how? >What pools would you add if you could? (If its well thought out - i'll add it to the recap post at the end of the week with your name attached. *Don't just use these questions, comment with more! πŸ˜„ Let's get talking!
  2. The topic is now locked, look for the update in the suggestions and feedback thread! Come see me in just a few for the new weekly discussion!
  3. I often update on Mondays due to weekend/real life stuff. No worries, new discussion stuff is incoming. πŸ™‚
  4. Hey guys, Our team is hard at work investigating this issue. Please post as much info as you can to this tread in order for us to better diagnose the problem. Thank you!
  5. Feel free to post some screens of your widow! πŸ˜„
  6. Weekly discussion 36 Week 2/02/20-2/08/20: βš”οΈ YOU VOTED: It's time for Veats: Arachnos Widow! βš”οΈ ❓ Things to think about: >How do they compare with other damaging ATs? With Dmg / with survivability? >What is your favorite build for them - Night vs Fortunata >Are they underpowered/overpowered/okay at the moment? >What would you like to see changed? >What do you love about them? *Don't just use these questions, comment with more! πŸ˜„ Let's get talking!
  7. Topic is now locked - suggestions will be posted on the thread pinned in suggestions and feedback. Thanks everyone!
  8. Discussion on this topic closes tonight - get those last minute suggestions in! πŸ˜„
  9. Allow me to quote myself. All feedback and discussion is welcome here, even feedback you don't like. If you don't like it - you are allowed to move on and not discuss that particular feedback. If you can't remain respectful and cordial - these discussions will stay on discord where they have been respectful for 34 weeks.
  10. Its only tuesday and you guys have has some really great suggestions so far!
  11. You need to reply via the ticket system - not emails. Click support on the forums. πŸ™‚
  12. These are awesome suggestions so far πŸ˜„
  13. Hey guys - this weekly discussion thing is new to the forums. Let me give a little reminder that the only kind of discussion i'll allow here is constructive. We have done these discussions for 34 weeks in a row and it has always been constructive. I love when players want to talk - that's why i decided these would be a great idea - and they really have been. However, you can discuss and be kind - you can agree and disagree but you will always be considerate and respectful. This is the only time I will give this warning. Now....let's talk about what could make pvp better in the future - I look forward to some awesome responses - much like a few we have already gotten. Thanks πŸ™‚
  14. @Alouu - That was incredibly well thought out.
  15. Hey guys! It is that time again! Fancy Dress/Party Outfit Theme! Come on out to Kallisti Wharf on February 22nd and party with us! This months theme is fancy dress - that could be black tie or just a great party outfit! Keep in mind that creativity makes you stand out. When? Februrary 22nd @ 10pm UTC 10pm UTC is: 10pm UK time 5pm Eastern time 2pm Pacific time 11pm Central European time Click here to see 10pm UTC in your timezone Where? Statesman Plaza in the center of Kallisti Wharf on all five shards (Torchbearer, Excelsior, Reunion, Indomitable and Everlasting) Heroes can reach Kallisti Wharf via the tram Villains can reach Kallisti Wharf via the Smuggler’s Submarine in Sharkhead Isle and Grandville Prizes? The 4 runner-up costumes on each shard will win: A permanent golden title: Fancy Costume Contest Runner-Up The Fashion Victim Badge 100 reward merits The best costume on each shard will win: A permanent golden title: Fancy Costume Contest Finalist The Fashion Victim Badge 250 reward merits The single best overall costume will win: A permanent golden title: Fancy Costume Contest Winner The Fashion Victim Badge 1000 reward merits
  16. How can you join? #weekly-discussion on our official HC discord! (https://discord.gg/cityofheroes) or Here on the forums!
  17. Here is a link to the new weekly discussion - Come talk about pvp with me!
  18. Hey everyone - last week I posted in the suggestion and feedback section where I compiled a list of cliffnotes from some of the weekly discussion from discord. You can find the link here. You guys wanted to be part of the discussion - so here it is! As long as these discussions are active, I will keep doing them on the forums. Here is the format! Weekly discussion 35 Week 1/26/20-2/01/20: βš”οΈ YOU VOTED: It's time for PVP! βš”οΈ ❓ Things to think about: >What do you want to see in future open world content? >What do you want to see in future arena content? >What sets are over powered? Under powered? >What needs to be adjusted? >What do you enjoy about current pvp? After the week is up - the notes are compiled and put onto the thread linked above and we move on to a new week. Topics are voted on every few months - some of the upcoming topics are Epic pool powers, Incarnate abilities, and the rest of the Archetypes we haven't discussed yet. Let's get talking!
  19. Not specific threads for these, but there are posts already made for certain topics present here - if there aren't - you are welcome to create them. This just isnt the place for discussion since the thread will get long and it covers a HUGE variety of topics.
  20. Just as a note - this thread won't be a place to discuss the suggestions posted. There are already threads created for most of them - you are welcome to link them here for discussion to be moved there within reason. Thank you!
  21. Hey guys, I understand your concerns but just a note that the discord (The official HC Discord) is an official outlet for us as well. It is ran by us - all gm, devs, and admins are present there and a lot of in game discussion goes on there real time. Some people just prefer that to the forums (Just as some people prefer the forums to discord). The weekly discussions were a thing I started to get people active and talking about things, I apologize if you feel left out. From now on I will post our weekly topic on the forums as well (most likely on general - as its not always suggestion based. Note every week isn't in this post - sometimes its favorite IO sets, story arcs, or villain groups). It will still be on discord first - as we have a community there who gets involved with these every week as well and grew it to what it is today. This week we are currently voting on new topics to talk about in the coming weeks, so posts will start next week. Usually Sunday or Monday. (If the interest is strong enough for the first few weeks - I will keep posting here). Let me know if you have any other questions. πŸ™‚
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