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Posts posted by Charistoph

  1. Ummm, there is a Plant Affinity Primary for Defenders that's also a Secondary for MM and Corruptors.  It looks interesting, and I'm just debating on which set to use with it.  It starts with a cone poison and a PBAoE heal, and runs through a few buffs, debuffs, and heals with a heal/rez.  It's probably part of the unreleased or released-at-the-last-moment sets.

  2. Started around launch.  Only 2 characters past 20, 1 Hero and 1 Villain, and only the Hero went past 30, never got to 40 (I think, may have reached it before shut down).  Several past 10.  Quite literally hundreds of characters who were created, tested, remade, and/or destroyed before reaching any definable level.


    I have reached max level with a character in Dark Age of Camelot (admittedly, only one).  I only reached max characters with SWtOR because I focused on story, and then the bonuses rolled out making it easier to get through some of the less desirable classes (there's a game that rewards altholism, literally).    I have a good collection of characters above 109 on World of Warcraft (thank you Invasion events, LFD, and loosing a job).  Yet, I have spent as much time on CoX as any of those (short of WoW), but I never got as far.  Creating characters is just too dang fun!

  3. Soooo many memories, but most of them involve just creating new characters.  For an altoholic, CoX is the absolute WORST game to getting a character up to the highest level since inspiration keeps hitting and cause one to spend hours in development and low levels, just to delete the character to try and rebuild them in a new style.


    The biggest victim of this was Emerald Shillelagh, a St Patrick's Day inspired Tanker (weapon name acquired from the Hibernians of Dark Age of Chamelot) who has had a LOT of various incarnations of powersets and costume variations over the time frame of the game.  He's used Super Strength, War Mace (especially when weapon customization came in), Street Justice, Invulnerability, and Willpower, and many times repeated.  When I recreated him here, he ended up being a Rad/Rad Brute Praetorian (mostly to try out the powerset).


    I kept recreating him because I liked the theme and when I told my sister, she laughed in enjoyment of the name, so he keeps sticking, right after my Handle, Bludd Quartz (who has only seen one alternate recreation here, and I may switch him back).


    City of Heroes

    World of Warcraft

    Star Wars: the Old Republic

    Tabula Rasa

    Star Trek Online

    Secret World


    Those and Star Wars Galaxies, Vanguard Saga of Heroes, and I think there were a couple more whose names I can't remember.


    Ah, yes, Vanguard.  Wasn't able to get too far in to it, but I wanted to.

  5. @Jeromus, I probably had at least 2 of everything. I'll be lurking in PinnBadges, just like old times.


    I remember PinnBadges.  I'm pretty sure I was on that group whenever I was on.  @Bludd Quartz.  Didn't even know it was the drunk server till lately.

  6. First MMORPG: Earth and Beyond (may EA die in a cursed fire)

    Then in order:

    Dark Age of Camelot

    City of Heroes

    World of Warcraft

    Star Wars: the Old Republic

    Tabula Rasa

    Star Trek Online

    Secret World


    Those are the only ones I have spent any significant time in.  I've spent some time in Champions Online and DCUO, but found them lacking.  Have tried both Everquests and numerous other MMORPGs that were all lacking.

  7. I see all these people calling out to their main servers from the old times, but I can't seem to remember mine.  I blame it partly on the depression that came with the loss of the servers.


    My handle was @Bludd Quartz.  I think I was on Pinnacle, but I just can't remember.  I wasn't always on, as my time was split between heroes, jedi, and bullish druids.


    Aside from my handle, I had a villain named Napthun, and those were the only ones I had above 20.


    Does anyone remember me?

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