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Posts posted by ToxinFox

  1. Before replying, she took a sip of the cocktail the friendly barkeeper had handed her, and melted happily a little bit in her chair. "Ahhhh yeah. That hits the spot." Another sip, then she turned her attention to answering. 


    "I left about three years ago. At the time, I was a well-known hero. Max-level clearance, traveling to other dimensions, fighting bigshot villains... you know." She waved a hand as if to indicate all the rest of the lifestyle that went with it. "And then... I won't go into details, but my life kind of fell apart. And... I had to leave for a while to put myself back together. Get my head back on straight, as it were." 


    Her fingers fidgeted with the condensation on the cocktail glass for a moment, then she added, "...but I couldn't stay away. Being a hero feels right. So after I cleaned everything up, I came back to Paragon, renewed my license... and I'm starting over, I guess." She sipped again at her drink to partially hide the grin. "Joke's on the Skulls in my neighborhood, though. Just because I'm security clearance level one... doesn't mean I'm power level one."


    Setting her drink down again, she offered a hand to the barkeep. "I'm Nikeiva, by the way. 'Nyx' when the cape's on."


    (OOC: For the curious, her name is pronounced 'nih-KEEV-ah'.)

  2. The newcomer slid onto a bar stool a polite couple of spaces away from Libra, returning the smile. Then, thinking about Paul's question for a moment, she answered, "I'd like an Old Fashioned, please."



    (OOC question: What area of Kings Row is the pub in? Nyx lives in Kings Row, and I'm wondering how far it is from her apartment.)

  3. The creak  of the door again indicated that someone else had wandered into the pub, but the lack of a heavy 'thud' said that they hadn't closed the door behind them. The newcomer, a woman with brown hair, green eyes, and surprisingly pointy ears, stood just inside the doorway, looking puzzled. For a moment, she leaned back to look outside, turning her head left and right, then looked back inside again, and spotted Paul behind the bar. 


    "... Didn't this building used to be a pawn shop? I mean, I'm not saying I *wanted* it to still be a pawn shop, just that..." Sighing, she paused and apologized. "Sorry. I've been gone a few years, and just moved back and... stuff's different."


    She stepped fully inside, finally, letting the heavy wooden door close behind her and headed for the bar as if puzzled curiosity had turned to acceptance... and thirst. 

  4. Coming back to Paragon may feel like coming home again, but Nyx still misses the people she once considered family. How many of them are still around?

    (And no, she's not praying in panel 5. Although, who she IS talking to is a bit... complicated. You'll see.)




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  5. *shrug* Man, I dunno. I had assumed that at least some of them were, based on the amount of city support and infrastructure created for them, and the fact that certain things are off-limits if your security level is too low for something. Even if it's not strictly necessary, Nikeiva's past, before she moved to Paragon, would have qualified her as a villain a lot more than a hero. After a 'wake-up call' moment where she realized that wasn't what she wanted to be, she decided to go hero, and being officially registered as such probably helps keep her honest about it. 

  6. I am working on more pages to this comic! I have four more pages planned out so far, and the first of the four drawn and inked. I'm debating whether to draw, color, and post each page as I create them, or do a batch of them at a time and post them all at once. 

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  7. I had the unfair advantage of working at an art store for six years, where they gave me a 40% discount. So I have a... collection, you might say. A collection to which I've been slowly adding/maintaining, when I can afford to. Plus, people tend to give me markers that they bought and used once or twice, and then gave up on. That adds up over time. 





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  8. Hey folks! It's been a while since I've had a forum presence for this game. I did a short comic to celebrate being back, and it felt appropriate to make it the first thing I posted here. I'll drop plenty of other art here as it occurs (or maybe some of my old stuff), but for now, enjoy! 




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