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Paragon Vanguard

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Posts posted by Paragon Vanguard

  1. Classic SS/Invul is my main brute. Love all the ones mentioned above, and will be trying some that i dont have (alt-a-holic here), but gimme the classic anytime. I don't need to point out possitives and negatives, they are all well known, but as some mentioned knock downs/ups and such just makes the aesthetics look great. Maxing out Smash/Lethal isn't that difficult, while getting good resist from all except psi, which of course can be mitigated. 

    As I said, not new and flashy, but good ole classic. 🙂

  2. On 9/18/2022 at 10:22 PM, Saikochoro said:

    But I just hate the rage crash. 


    I use to hate it as well but kind of gotten use to it, not that I like it, but I don't really think of it much now. I usually use that time to combine inspirations to what I want, while using light quick damage and taunts to hold mobs (if in group). Rage is ready to reapply as soon as the crash is done. For me it is one of the lesser of the evil crashes....lol. Just my opinion. 

  3. "I know who it is," Dana told Harland, her news editor. 

    "No, you think you know who it is," Harland replied, looking over his glasses at Dana. They were a small newspaper, and quite frankly, newspapers weren't doing well considering everything is now online. Of course they had their website and sponsors but he knew his world was in decline. 

    "If we can break this story Mr. Harland, if you let me break it, it will help......" she began, but Harland waved her off as he reached for a bottle of whiskey. He poured them both just a little more than a sip. It was something he did to calm his reporters down, and always felt it was a nice gesture. 
    "I don't need your whiskey, Harland," she said, the offer obviously not having the effect he wanted. Instead she was insulted, as if he was doing it to shut her up.
    Maybe he was, he thought.

    "You should have seen him, he was hairy, even his hands. While he looked a little different, a little bigger, I am sure it was Mr. Buford. I know it was. It had to be. I watched him come from his house, he turned and locked the door. People just visiting do not turn and lock...."
    "Did you go to the house and knock? Did you see if Mr. Buford was there? Was alive even? What if this man, who you think is dangerous, killed Mr. Buford, took his keys? Maybe he broke in and Mr. Buford was not home. Maybe...." this time Dana waved him off. 
    "I did not, and I know where you are going with this, but I tell you, I spoke to him. I looked in his eyes."
    Harland sighed. 
    "Report what you know, not what you think. We aren't one of those kinds of newspapers. In fact, there was another death last night. A woman was killed."
    "How?" Dana asked, and from the look on her boss' face she knew it had to be the same. The neck torn open, the heart and liver eaten. The body ripped to shreds. 
    "Same," Harland said, this time he poured himself more than a sip of whiskey. "You are not the police Dana, you aren't one of those heroes that flies around in their undies, you are a reporter. You need to be careful. Even IF, and I mean IF, this Mr. Buford is who and what you say, just you sitting with him and talking to him can mean you are in danger."
    Dana sighed, but did not even suggest whether she believed she was in danger or not. In fact, her mind was already on how to get more information on this new killing. 
    "Dana, it could be a serial killer, it could be one of those mutants or even ritual killings from one of those satanic gangs. Be careful," he said, but she was already up and heading out, hardly even acknowledging what he said.

    At least she smiled and waved before she hurried out of the room. What made her a good reporter put her in danger. Harland watched her as she made her way through the "bullpen", her blonde ponytail bouncing as she dodged other reporters and various workers, hardly noticing them. Talos Island was her beat. She gets the gang violence time to time, but these new killings were different. He knew if she could break the case, it would sell the papers, and they would be fine for a little while longer. However, it was not worth losing a good reporter, and a friend. 

    Harland took a sip of his whiskey, then downed it and set the glass down harder than he wanted to. Letting out a sigh, he went back to his own work, but not before offering a little prayer that Dana would be okay. 

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  4. (Warning: may be considered graphic)


    Sally Wells walked through the back alleys of Talos Island. It was quiet, but it was Monday night and the night people were probably nursing their hangovers. Others were sound asleep, building up their energy for the next days work. She was leaving from a place she knew deep down she should not have been. He was a good looking young man, younger than her own 35 years, but he was also married. His wife was visiting her mother in Vermont. 

    Why bother with a man that would bring you into his wife's ....., but she cut that thought off. She really did not want to think about it. She knew this was a relationship going nowhere, and she would be shutting it down soon enough. She didn't know why she was taking this long. 

    Yes, I do, she told herself. I am as bad as he is, because I know this is convenient.

    Sally had made a few turns, almost on autopilot. She parked her car in a garage several blocks away so no one would see it. She had walked this walk many times over, so she knew it well enough. 

    Sally stopped, and listened.

    She heard something. It wasn't really a human voice, but it had some kind of human quality to it. She listened, and shook her head when she did not hear it again. 

    You are just hearing things, she told herself, as she walked on. The only real sound was her footsteps, and that was not even loud. Her flats didn't really make the clatter of heels. 

    She heard it again, but this time it was a little closer. She turned and peered down where she had come from. There wasn't much besides trash cans and boxes set out for the mornings pick up. Still, she knew she heard something. 
    "Is someone there," Sally called, and felt the hair on the back of her neck begin to stand up. 

    She heard the snarl again, but it was coming from a side alley, which was darker than the one she was on. She could barely make out a large shadowy figure. 

    "I have a gun," she lied, and knew in a moment a gun would not help her. 
    The creature bound out of the darkness toward her. It was covered in hair, it's eyes a blazing yellow. It snarled with a wolflike snout, then let out a roar as it leaped towards her. Sally felt the heavy creature land on her, knocking her to the pavement, almost knocking her out as the back of her head struck hard. Looking up in sheer terror she wished she would have passed out. It could only be described as a werewolf, something she wasn't sure, until then, that she believed in. The smell was terrible, it's breath dark and coppery. It stared down at her, it's eyes locking with her's, causing sheer terror to well up from her gut into a loud scream. She closed her eyes and tried to scream again, but something coppery and wet poured out of her mouth instead. Before Sally Wells died, she realized it was her own blood, as the wolf creature tore into her throat. 


    The creature looked around the alley. It could hear voices, but they were far off. It surveyed it's meal a moment. What little bit of human was in the creature felt a twinge of regret, but not in the act as much as that it had to be done. It had to feed. It would not eat the entirety of the woman. There were only parts of it that the creature desired. It wasn't a natural hunger. It was, something else. The full moon peaked from behind the buildings, and the creature howled long and loud in what appeared to be a tribute to the lunar light. 

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  5. Indom was my main since CoH was live, so I agree it is sad to see so few. It doesn't effect me near as much, as I have toons on all servers. I look for people starting teams, so if there are SGs that dont mind non-members please shout out, I would be happy to run with anyone (though not looking to join any). With that said Indom has become one of the servers I go to when I am not looking for a big pop. 

    To me it isn't so much that people do not wish to be on Indom, as much as Homecoming doesn't have the population to fill servers. So people naturally migrate to the heavier servers. 

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  6. I think brawl should be nerfed. It comes up too fast, and costs almost no endurance. Under the right circumstances it can EVEN stun! I don't use brawl, therefor, no one should be able to use it or slot it or even look at it. I mean, why have we allowed this to go on for so long?! Also, do the devs even know it can be a kick, or a shield swat?? Why would they even allow a shield swat? It aesthetically looks great, yet my non-shield toon cannot perform this. Do they even know that?  


    Brawl...the often times overlooked true meta of the game. This is where it ends! 




    • Haha 3
  7. As many have said it depends on if the item is rp or simply and only utilitarian. Let's face it, even if you mainly rp there are things that you have to kind of look past. If I am in trouble and recharge is completely nerfed I have no problem using wand and staff even though that does not show up as costume pieces. 

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  8. No one even mentioned the PvP stuff you can do (and I don't mean actual PvP) when you are lvl 50 if you are bored with other content. I know the rule of thumb is don't do PvE in a PvP zone, but it almost doesn't apply with so few (have never run into anyone) PvPing. I hear it called out for, literally only twice, but have never run into anyone in PvP zones. So I go do some of the content or street sweep to kill time, since everything will be your level no matter which zone you go in, or more you will be at the zone level. Just tossing that out there. 

  9. So part of the problem I THINK is that so many want the game to reflect how they feel the game should be. It's natural. 
    Take Brutes for an example. I love my Brutes, dont see a need for a change, and make sure people know "I am a Brute, not a Tank". Yes, I tank with Brutes, but they aren't true tanks. There are some Brutes who would rather tank with a Brute than a Tank. It seems those that do not like where Brutes are at feel the tank is the meta. Then play the tank. I am an alt-aholic and play every set imaginable (and I wont lose ONE name because I actually play them all!), and at a certain point I can solo content with anyone of them. Some are slower than others, but the slower ones are usually the safer ones (lockdowns...etc). 

    If you don't like some content, then don't play that content. I like difficult content, I do not like super difficult for most occassions. I do not begrudge anyone that likes super difficult. I do not begrudge anyone that likes easy. Play the content you wish play. 

    I made my opinion known about emp merits, but the change happened and so be it. The devs are the ones that do the work, not me, and they do not owe me anything. In fact, we owe the devs for doing what they do, in my opinion. 

    None of this is to say people should not state their opinion, however, our opinion is just our opinions. In the process of stating opinion it is always good to also show appreciation. 99 great things, but we all (including me) seem to complain when there is 1 thing we don't like. Again, not saying we should keep our opinions to ourselves. We have boards for a reason. 🙂 

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  10. Hah....my many pages of toon names will remain MINE!!! 

    I check toons on autopilot at times, and sometimes find myself playing some lower level ones that I forgot about but suddenly seemed like alot of fun. With that said, the names of most my toons are not names people will think of....you know, like Crime Fighter! LOL...kidding, I mean, I do have one named that but....I have some that are actually just names, like Hughe or Luke Minhere, others like Sedulous that others more than likely would not even think of. However, no name will become available, I actually, to some degree, play them all. if I don't, they are deleted. I have curved my alt-a-holism.  

  11. 11 hours ago, Uun said:

    Invulnerability is a hybrid set, not a resistance set. You're vastly underestimating the amount of defense the set provides. On a tank, fully slotted Invincibility with 10 foes in range would provide 23.4% defense to S/L/F/C/E/N. Tough Hide adds another 7.8% for a total of 31.2%. Also, both RPD and Tough Hide have 25% defense debuff resistance (50% total).

    Yeah, so that is what I am missing on it. Did some checking after you and some others replied, and thank you for the clarification. Still have a little left to do on this build, but that shoots me in the right direction. 

  12. 3 hours ago, Major_Decoy said:

    Back before Issue Four, there was a sizable contingent that used to ask to get rid of all defensive powers in Invulnerability, they wanted it to be a pure resistance set. And one of the test builds that made Unyielding Stance Unyielding had something like -50% defense instead of the intended -5%. And I don't recall anyone asking for Invulnerability to be a pure resistance set after that.

    Yeah, I tested it after reading this. The defense isn't bad. With it fully slotted I am getting 17.33% defense with 6 mobs around me. 10 can contribute so it would be a little higher. I am guessing 20% added. Which is good if the build was aimed towards defense, and maybe its still great all things considered, as I pointed out, I am a novice on tricking out my builds to maximize them. Just seems I am lacking in some resistance that a small boost would help. Again...could be wrong. 

  13. 7 hours ago, Luminara said:

    Is Invincibility the only source of Defense available to Invuln/* and */Invuln characters?  Do Defense buffs from other players fail to work on them?  Are they locked out of powers like Combat Jumping, Stealth and Weave?  Permanently laboring under the burden of Luck inspirations being disabled?

    No tank is locked out of that, nor any other set, so this is a moot point, and kind of cheeky and self amusing. No one makes a build based off of other's ability to add to (add whatever). I would not BASE a tanker build on whether a teammate can add to my defense, or how many purples I have to take. I was enquiring for actual discussion and meaningful input. My apologies if you were trying to help and simply failed, but I didn't ask any of those questions so not sure where that came from. 

  14. Probably a low level Psych, nothing pushing it to cap but something. Small fire and cold even. Triggers the same with the defense, when in melee range? It does not have a damage resistance debuff resistance, however, I would not apply that, as it's resistance is pretty high already. It could be something to discuss, but with lethal and smashing easily capped, it would make for a difficult sell. 

  15. On Invuln we have defense debuff resistance on resist physical damage. Unless I am missing something, which is highly possible, that is kind of useless on a resistance build. The only power that has defense is based on how many in mele range and it isn't really a big factor in my experience (again, if I am wrong I don't mind someone politely pointing out why). Since it is "invulnerable" wouldn't that be better served in boosting another resistance? I know this is mostly a smashing and lethal resistance builds (which with new patch has become less and less useful) but adding a little bit more resistance to something else would be nice. Anyway, just some feedback to maybe consider.  🙂

    • Thumbs Down 2
  16. Just feels like we are all being pushed to farming....and yes, doing trials over and over and over and over again for rewards makes you just as much a farmer. Effecting so many non-abusers to target people you feel are abusing something is a good way to cause a slow decline, or at the least, sets a standard for decline. I am NOT hoping for that. I am very appreciative of what Homecoming has done, and the time the devs and others have put into this game. I am just  in hopes they are careful of where they are going with this.

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  17. On 8/15/2022 at 3:59 PM, Neiska said:

    For mainly solo players, EMPs are much harder to get than merits or INF.


    It supplements, and fills the hole left from not doing trials actually. I don't do trials often because all you are doing is running with a group, little interaction, and they all know exactly where they need to go and what they need to do, because it is done......over and over and over and over and over again. This is what we will ALL now have to do. If you play a villain that does not wish to interact with heroes, good luck. 

    Get your daily reward....because you will doing them daily.

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  18. As someone said on another thread, why not just make it to where you get all merits from PvP? It needs a boost, since no one PvP's. Isn't that the same as forcing someone to do Trials they really do not wish to do? AND...people love Trials, so they will do them anyway, I am sure no one "farms" the trials. Surely. 

    I don't mean this to be antagonistic, it just spotlights how absurd this solution is to some of us, and I hope you guys consider it from another angle. I do not farm, wince when I see someone begging for a farm, but this shotgun approach hits more than just the AE farmers. Running a server like this is not an easy thing to do, and I appreciate all of the work you guys do. It's just I really hate this solution, as it seems to only benefit one group, albeit, maybe a large group. 

  19. 36 minutes ago, battlewraith said:


    Yeah I don't see where you're getting cognitive dissonance from this. There have been pages and pages of people explaining this--there's nothing inconsistent about it. People are objecting to their preferred playstyle getting devalued. The fact that similar rewards are available through other methods is absolutely not the point.


    Let's look at an extreme hypothetical example: All merit rewards are removed from pve and shifted to pvp. You get a daily quota from killing a certain number of players in each zone and the arena. Now, given the nature of this community, imagine the rage from players whose incentives are being shifted over to an activity that they vehemently oppose. Then you look at them as if they are confused because they explicitly say that they don't want to pvp even though they are clearly assuming that the merit rewards they want would be most manifest there. So what if they would be most manifest there?

    Nail on head. Telling me I can get the same amount of merits from other sources, that I don't particularly wish to play, is exactly like this. If I can get the same amount from other sources, then why bother changing sources? Maybe curve the behavior that is deemed poor behavior or damaging behavior. Find a fix for it, as it isn't really intentional bad behavior. This fix is not just hitting one group, it blankets many different play styles and rewards one. I don't farm, yet I know good players who do simply so they can meet the play they want and enjoy the game, which is what the game is meant for. I do not do trials, because people really dont do trials, they simply.....farm them. Yet getting those Emp Merits every so often and change them to reward merits really helps with building my sets, even if it is slower than others. 
    I am cool with PvP for Emp or just merits, not allowing either from any other source. Hey, its slow in PvP zones and this would get more people PvP'ing, apparently solving 2 problems, right? I use to PvP all the time when this was live, so yeah, let's solve the PvP problem. I am sure those in favor of dissolving other's play style would be okay with that. 

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  20. Paragon Vanguard's theme would have to be "Hero" by Nickleback. I know, so on the nose there, and probably plenty enough with the same theme, but it's still true. The song isn't really about a hero, it's about someone who isn't waiting on a hero. Michael Summers, professor at the Paragon University, is not an alter ego, it is who he is, while Paragon Vanguard is what Michael Summers considers a responsibility. "Hero" just makes me think of him. 

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  21. "I am not Lawrence Buford," the handsome man said, pulling the long sleeves of his white button down shirt down closer to his hands. His nails were perfectly manicured, albeit somewhat long. His hair perfect, and his smile infectious. The waitress in the diner couldn't help but look at him every time she passed. offering a flirtatious smile of her own. His eyes would meet hers time to time, as if they knew each other, or at the least, what each other wanted.  
    "I am not trying to out you," the reporter said, almost in a whisper, which was ironic, considering she was a reporter. Even in a City of Heroes a member of a team of well known archeologists being a werewolf is news, albeit maybe only second page news. 
    "My name is Adam Allens, I don't have any connections to this Buford fellow," he said, and his handsome smile began to fade, as agitation began to set in.

    His attention was now fully on her, and it made her uncomfortable now. There was something about him, she could not quite place it, but it was definitely an animalistic quality. 

    "Mr. Bu....Allens, I don't mean any disrespect," she said, offering a pretty smile. "I would keep you anonymous, but I simply wish to do a study on what has happened."
    "I told you, nothing has happened to me. You are confused or received some bad information, or saw something you aint seen lady, but I tell you now, you are starting to really get under my skin. You don't want to get under my skin," the man said, pulling his sunglasses down only a bit so she could see the seriousness in his eyes, as they settled on her for a moment. 

    She now understood, despite his handsome smile and his overcharged sexuality, Mr. Allens was dangerous. Far more dangerous than Mr. Buford could ever be. 
    "Are you ready to order," the waitress asked, breaking the tense connection between the two. 
    Mr. Allens smiled at the waitress again, taking his sunglasses off and casually setting them on the table. His eyes were a bright, stunning green, and they seemed to capture the waitress completely. 
    "I will have the beef chow mien, and whatever my lovely friend here wishes."
    "I will just have some coffee for now," Dana Blanchard said, offering her own weak smile. The waitress did not pick up on the tension, in fact she barely even acknowledged Dana. Dana would not have been surprised if she completely forgot to bring her the simple order of coffee.

    Besides, who just drank coffee in a Chinese restaurant. 

    Mr. Allens watched the waitress walk away, unabashed, and not caring that his intent for the waitress was evident. 

    "I meant no disrespect Mr. Allens," Dana said, her voice lacking any strength in it. 
    "I feel none," Mr. Allens said, smiling again. "I simply wish you to stop snooping into my life. I am not saying that I have nothing to hide, I am saying I am not some werewolf, if those things even exist, and that I am definitely not Mr. Buford, whoever he is."
    Dana understood, and believed him completely now. Mr. Allens was not Mr. Buford. She met Mr. Buford, and he was kind, and considerate, and very much not dangerous. She also had to admit she could be wrong about the whole werewolf thing. In Paragon City, stranger things lurked about. 

    Much like the waitress Dana felt some kind of animal attraction to him, on some deep level. It was very sexual, and very base. However, unlike the waitress, she also felt repulsed by him, but on an intellectual level. He was a killer, of some sort, she knew that. Surely that was what he meant by 'I am not saying I have nothing to hide'. 

    "Well then, let us change the subject and just enjoy the lunch," Dana offered, and he smile, relaxed, and agreed. He was charming when he wished to be, and at times she lost herself in his good looks, forgetting the tension of earlier. She also knew he had no qualms with letting her accusation go as long as he felt he had a chance at, at......at what? 
    Sex? Maybe, but she was not sure.   

    Dana left the restaurant in her Volkswagen Bug, and found herself shaking as she got to the stop light. She has always loved Talos Island, but she suddenly felt trapped and wished to be off the island. She did get her coffee from the waitress, and now she wished she had not drank it all, as the caffeine was not helping her nerves. Some of her distress was over taking the risk and actually talking to Mr. Allen. There was something else, though. Something deeper she felt as she looked in her side mirror. He was standing outside of the restaurant, fixing his tie. She saw the Asian waitress come out for a moment and hand him something, before hurrying back in. 
    She knew what that was about, and felt a sense of jealousy suddenly. A feeling she did not like. A feeling she would not pursue. 

    Mr. Allen put the phone number in his pocket, as he looked to the green Volkswagen sitting just a little bit too long at the green light, before hurrying off. She was safe, he had no desire to harm her. His desire was elsewhere, he thought, as he made his way down the street. The questions about a Mr. Buford was odd, and asking him about being a werewolf was just simply ridiculous. He was Adam Allen, and he was an independent contractor for The Family, or any other group that would pay.  He was dangerous, sure, but not like she thought. He liked staying under the radar, which is why he took very few contracts, and most of those involved the removal of street gang leaders. The Skulls or The Outcasts may have to fear him, but the pretty reporter did not. 
    Mr. Allen looked up at the afternoon sky. It would be dark in a few hours, and he would enjoy an almost full moon. It seemed to invigorate him, though he did not know why. He did not know why, with the moon not even out yet, he knew exactly what phase it was in. He did not know why, nor did he question it. It was natural, not unnatural.  
    Mr. Allen felt great. 

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  22. Now



    "I want to be with him," she admitted, and turned her eyes quickly to Karel, the woman known as Sedulous. 
    The coffee shop sat along Platinum Lake, near Hotel Geneva. It wasn't much of one, a mom and pop shop, but it served the best pie, or so Karel would tell you. It was near empty now, and the two heroines felt okay to talk freely. 

    Not that Karel ever felt not okay to speak freely. 
    "Well, sugar, maybe you just have a crush on him, and it will pass," Karel said, before taking a sip of her latte. She was not having the pie. Well, as Hana knew the odds, not having the pie yet. 

    "No," Hana said, looking back out of the window. "I have known him too long for this to be a crush. We were something of a couple, for a little bit, but it got a little complicated."
    "Oh, those things never get complicated sweety, no, they just end."
    Hana looked at Karel, knowing that she was being a friend, and not just being cruel, but it still hurt some. 

    "I am sorry darling," Karel said, and patted her hand from across the table. "I didn't mean to sound so uncaring. I do want this to be better for you, you are my friend. Hell sugar, we are family. I just, I don't get what you see in him to begin with. He isn't Clint Eastwood or that guy that plays wolverine."
    "Clint Eastwood?" Hana let out a little laugh, and this was one of the reasons she loved talking to Karel. No matter how serious the conversation, whether Karel intended it or not, she lightened the mood. 
    "Well I know he is old, sugar, but he is all man, not like those whiney guys our age," she said, and sipped her coffee again, a smile on her on face. 
    "You mean like Marshal," she asked sternly, but Hana was not insulted. She still could not keep the smile from her face. 
    "Well, you said it, not me," was all she said, before getting a pack of sugar tossed at her. 
    The two laughed a bit, joked a bit more, before Hana's thoughts and mood went back to Marshal. 
    "He loved me, I know he did," she said. "I know what I did was wrong, or at least I think it may have been, but I also know he loved me, and I would never use this spell and the attachment it causes against him."

    Karel's hand shot up for the waitress to come by, and Hana knew exactly why. Pie. For Karel, it was always about finding the best pie.
    "How would you know," Karel said, motioning to the waitress with a smile of anticipation. 
    "How would I know what," she asked. 
    "How would you know if you were using it against him," she said. Hana grew quiet a moment as Karel ordered her apple pie, the delight on her face as she did so. The waitress even smiled at how happy the thought of their pie was making her. 
    "I don't know, but, maybe that is why Charles was so mad about it."
    "Sugar, Charles is always mad, or have you not noticed? I think it's his blood pressure but his body rejects anything foreign so blood pressure meds can't work on him."

    "You get along really well with him," Hana said, suddenly wanting to change the subject. Karel had made a good point, one that Hana had actually considered before. It didn't work though. 
    "I don't know magic, but I know you don't have ill intent for, well, anybody. Darling, you are a good person."
    "I cast a very evil spell, while it seemed right, what it has done, well....." she let the thought fall away. 
    "An evil spell? It's only evil if you intended it to be, and I don't think you did. You were being selfish, that is true, when you brought him back, but are you evil?"

    Karel apparently intended that as a rhetorical question, as she did not wait for an answer, and instead began diving into apple pie as if it was some long lost lover of hers. Still, the question was reasonable, even if rhetorical in intent. 
    Am I evil, she asked herself. 

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