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Wild Claw

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Posts posted by Wild Claw

  1. Well, I don't know if we *all* agree, but I know *I* find being pushed all over the place annoying.  :)


    Now I'm curious as to why it was introduced, if it wasn't there from the beginning? An accidental side-effect from something else, maybe?

  2. Here's something I wanted to see way back when. The ability to change where a Symbol shows up on the costume.


    Locations like:

      The regular front-and-center

      On the back (especially for jackets and trenchcoats)

      A small version on the left breast pocket (I vaguely remember some costume items have this happen automatically, but I'd like to make that decision rather than have it automatic)




  3. This reminds me of some other games, where you can set the character's general stance or idle animations as part of character creation.


    I remember the various Flight poses that could be set, but there was something about needing to use key bindings to get them to work as they were nominally part of the emote system which didn't play nice with the normal movement animations.


    I wonder if the movement animations could be set up as an extension of the Power Customization feature? Possibly set them us as customizations of Sprint/Flight/etc.


    It wouldn't surprise me if there was a half-baked version of this sitting in the codebase somewhere, as I have vague memories of BABs mentioning a project to add Power Pools, Epic/Patrol Powers, and others to the Power Customization screen, but it getting shelved as there were higher-priority stuff being worked on.

  4. When i originally built my first CoH character, 'Wild Claw', he was a Claws/Regen Scrapper (This was before CoV existed, let alone Going Rogue), and I kept rerolling him over and over again through various powersets and archetypes because nothing really clicked for him. Independent to each other Martial Arts felt right, Dark Armor felt right, and Brute felt right... but all the way to shutdown this combination didn't exist. So he kinda got put in the 'alts I RP with, but I don't actually play' bin.


    With Homecoming a MA/DA Brute is a possibility!


    So are there any good rule-of-thumb stuff that would apply to building one of these? Anything I need to watch out for so I don't get stuck in some dead-end scenarios and the like?


    If it matters, I primarily solo as at the moment I have abysmal ping (no cable to my house, so I'm on satellite internet) and i don't want to frustrate a team with my constant rubber-banding and slow response time.


    If I'm in a team and my targeting keybind selects a cyst crystal, I hit another keymind to say in team chat "CYST CRYSTAL! Target through me, we need to kill it FAST!"


    I mostly solo due to my abysmal network ping (I don't want to drag teams down with my bad performance), so I've never had a chance to learn a lot of the tricks in teaming. However, I'm curious... how do you target *through* someone else?

  6. So...  I get the need for some kind of ToS, but is there a reason we need to accept them on every single login?


    I'd like to see an answer to this as well.  I've seen other MMOs which required you to re-accept the EULA whenever they pushed a client update or when the text of the EULA changed, but never one which required you to re-accept it every single time you start the client, even if nothing has changed since the last time you accepted it.


    I literally just re-enabled the EULA handling code that COH had for years. ShouldShowEULA() in uiLogin.c if you want to check the source at OuroDev.


    Is it possible that tequila is interfering with saving or retrieving the flag that indicates that the EULA has been accepted?


    I will say however that Whythalie is correct.  For reasons I can't fathom, Homecoming Servers LLC was NOT setup as a non-profit, which is typically done at the same time that you incorporate.  Part of the incorporation process is defining the type of corporation you are, and Homecoming Servers LLC is setup as a general type, which is specifically, not a non-profit.


    Could be that someone made a mistake in the paperwork, but nonetheless, it is odd.


    Now what does take time (I've done it twice, and it sucked) is getting tax-exempt status for a non-profit.  But they can't even start on that, because they are not a non-profit to begin with.


    I'm not crying foul play, but just saying that it is odd, and more-so, since Homecoming has told us they are going in direction that is not reflected in the state where they incorporated.


    Some transparency would be nice, especially if people are donating their money.


    Having been on the 'board' of a fan-based org that formed a non-profit in Canada, I might be able to shed some light. But since I'm not in this particular group, take it with a large grain of salt.


    Forming a non-profit isn't straightforward, as different countries/provinces/states all have different rules, many of which are internally contradictory and seemingly deliberately confusing. If you are not of a legal bent, it's easy to get lost and misled on how to go about setting one up as often the directing agency involved will have multiple locations for the rules and those different locations will have different versions. There are sites that will automatically generate the documentation you need to file for LLC and non-profit status, but what they generate is often reams of non-helpful gobbledegook that doesn't actually apply to your specific situation. And getting ahold of actual lawyer with experience in non-profit incorporation that is willing to work on-the-cheap for this kind of operation is going to be... tricky. :)


    If you're the obsessive type (and let's be honest here, the only people who would go through this amount of effort to set up a public rogue server farm for a 10+year old obsolete MMORG are going to be obsessive types), there are dozens of bizarre rat-holes that you can get caught up in and get lost on.


    And, of course, once you've done it wrong, it's often very costly to undo.


    I'm somewhat surprised that they didn't set up the company in Canada, given the majority of the servers are now there, but they probably didn't plan on that move until after they had decided where to incorporate. They wouldn't have needed to worry about COPPA then as well. Of course, the rules I'm familiar with are that the board of directors (or whatever they will be called), has to have at least one person with Canadian residency, and I have no idea where any of the Homecoming people live. Setting up corporations in foreign countries involves a whole lot of additional insane rules.


  8. There are probably many other NPC-only outfits that would be nice-to-haves, but the one that I have wanted to see in the costume creator is the Zig prison jumpsuit. :)


    Just because having a villain escape from the Zig in the Tutorial, having the jumpsuit there for use tickles me.

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  9. Probably a stupid question, but I could have sworn Brutes didn't have MA when the game shut down, and I can't find anything saying it was part of the proliferation in i25, but there it is in the options in-game. Was it just left off the documentation somewhere?


    I have vague memories of Brutes not getting MA originally for 'reasons', and Street Justice being put into play as a thematic substitute. But again, it's all vague memories.

  10. Yeah, I rubber-band all the time. I wrote it off as my stupidly high ping, though. There's no cable or the like out to my place as the power and phone lines are buried (no poles to easily string stuff off of). So I'm on satellite internet, which means my ping runs around 800ms on average. Until someone gets those extra-low-orbit satellites up, or a company decides to run the missing 2 miles of cable from the closest junction box to my house, I'm kinda stuck with that.

  11. Trying to remember the rules... it's been too long.


    Okay, as I remember it back in Issue 6 they put in place something called 'Enhancement Diversification'. It basically means there's diminishing returns as you slot more of the same enhancement into one power. I don't know the exact math behind it, but the rule of thumb I remember was any more than three of the same enhancement is a waste.


    So, three Damage Resists in your Stone Skin is fine. Add a fourth and that last one just isn't doing enough to be worth it. You can slot something other than a Damage Resist in there, or put that slot somewhere else.



  12. This is a terrible idea. Why do you think NCSoft will let you do this? You're already a large server running copyrighted material, and now you're accepting monetary donations? I hope this does work out for you guys though.


    They are a non profit. At most NCSoft would make them stop and sue them for the profits that were made which (assuming they are running the non profit correctly) is 0.

    They, NCSoft, could add in their losses. Also 0.


    But I'm not even an amatuer about legal stuff. Just a guess.

    if the guy from titans network succeds with his negotiations and they have to pay a monthly fee for there licensed fan server, NCSoft could even claim losses


    If I remember correctly (and I'm easily wrong) the guys from Titan have been trying to negotiate with NCSoft since before the original shutdown, hitting a brick wall every time. I would be surprised if they managed to break the impasse after all this time. Unless these (and the others) fan-funded servers can be used as leverage by the Titan people to pry something loose.

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