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Everything posted by Glubba

  1. Yeah, I kind of feel the same way. I also love the animations for StJ. They just feel so quick and efficient. So now I’ve been reading this Ice/bio thread and there are just so many choices!! I want to play them all!
  2. Thank you everyone for your replies and suggestions. I think I’m going to make a psionic/invuln stalker. that being said however, I have a couple builds I want to try. I’ve been seeing a lot on the forums about DB/EA, and the. I also want to try EITHER StJ/bio or SM/bio. Does anyone have any opinions on these? I know I might be biting off more than I can chew, but I have a really hard time sticking with one character for a great length of time and I like to rotate through alts. So these three or four should be able to hold my interest for a while haha.
  3. Thanks for the suggestions! I am looking at them as we speak. I do have a question. I notice in the psi/invuln build, GPB is slotted with 4 procs. Now, I'm new to endgame, and way new to mids and all these builds, but I know procs aren't affected by crits, and I know the "controlled crits" are a big part of the stalker playstyle. Is it efficient to slot procs in stalker abilities?? I ask because I have no idea lol. And thanks @Croax for all of your forum stuff. I've read a lot of it here and it's really shaping how I view and play the stalker.
  4. So, as the title says, I have a newfound love for stalkers. I don't remember liking them on live, though I've been told there have been quite a few changes. I recently followed a build from the forums and leveled an elec/sd stalker to 50, almost fully IOd and up to T3 on each incarnate. AND I LOVE IT! The lightning rod shield charge combo is such a blast. The soft capped positionals and and max S/L resist make life so easy as I can easily tank +4/8 solo missions and in groups I just jump ahead, slam down my aoes, crit the boss mob and cycle through my rotation as the group catches up. I have even done a little S/L farming, albeit that's quite a bit slower than my fire/spines brute lol, but doing it with a group is super nice too. I love the “controllable” crits and of course, hide, for me, greatly improves the quality of life as I can skip whatever I want. So, I'm going to make another one. I know that I want Psi primary, however, I am undecided on secondary. I really love SD for the positionals and Shield Charge. That lightning rod shield charge combo is hard to beat. However, I think I want to try something different. I know that ninja is a popular secondary (also easily cap-able positional defenses), so I was considering that, or perhaps DA. So I came here. Does anyone have suggestions for a secondary? Or perhaps could point out things that I, an inexperienced player, might like to know about other secondaries that could possibly peak my interest? Thank you all!!
  5. Glubba


    Oh no, in trouble Have to placate and run now Will return to stab.
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