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Felis Noctu

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Posts posted by Felis Noctu

  1. 1 hour ago, JayboH said:

    When my CPU completes a work unit, is it normal for 0 points earned to stay that way?  or is it only sent when my GPU also completes a unit?


    EDIT:  oh, maybe someone has to manually accept us?  My name isn't showing up in the team member list

    The F@H servers are being hammered right now. Last time there was an update they said they've increased their userbase by more than 10x since before COVID-19. The points will update eventually, it just may take a little while. 😛I had a decent number until I joined the HC team and changed my name to fit, and that was several hours ago.

  2. F@H Registration Issues
    If you're having problems with the web client after installation and you use Windows, you can use the desktop client to register as well:

    1. After installation, go to your tray and right-click on the icon, then click on Advanced Control
    2. Click on Configure in the top left
    3. Select the Identity tab

    Unfortunately I have no experience with Folding@Home on a Mac, but I would assume that they also have their own desktop client in some form.


    Also: When requesting your Passkey the email may take a few minutes to arrive. Don't worry, they'll get it to you!

    TIP: You don't need the passkey to start folding work, just to gain bonus points and sync up multiple computers.






  3. 2 minutes ago, Klipster said:

    I am trying, but I keep getting this error in my logs. 21:41:32:ERROR:Receive error: 10053: An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine.


    Any tips?

    That's normal. It's aborting idle connections that aren't providing a work thread. It may take a bit for it to actually pick work up for your system, because they've had such an increase in the amount of people volunteering their assignment servers are having a hard time keeping up with the demand. Check back on it in like half an hour, it'll probably have snagged something by then.

    • Like 1
  4. On 3/11/2020 at 9:49 PM, hemmingway said:

    Blaster / Atomic Manipulation / Beta Decay

    each stack applies 12.5% +Recharge

    > should be: first stack applies +10%, all stacks apply +2.5%

    Just uploaded a fix for that to the new Github repo.


    On 3/12/2020 at 7:03 PM, hemmingway said:

    Also, found another issue with Blaster/Temporal Manipulation/Chronos power.

    It seems like it just needs the database entry changed under Based/MxD Special Flags/Power is a Click-Buff Unchecked -> Checked.

    On 3/12/2020 at 8:27 PM, Caulderone said:

    There are several powers where that simple fix is convenient to do.

    That one's also already fixed. If you know of any more please let us know!

  5. We've been brainstorming and/or swapping the same DB file back and forth between us for almost a week now, so Zed and I schemed and he started a github repo for the unofficial updates. Reporting errors there in the Issues section would be extremely helpful to us as they're much easier to gather up vs skimming the thread or Discord! We've set up an issue template to make it easy.




    Right now updates are happening once or twice daily, but obviously that can vary depending on the time we have. We have a plan (which I'm setting up the framework for tonight) to add alternate Beta powersets/pools so people can experiment with the beta changes as well.


    As an aside/reminder: what would be considered AT scales in Mids are hard-coded, and editing them involves correcting large tables of numbers and recompiling the program. Tankers and the like may still have some inaccuracies due to this, but that's low priority at the moment.

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 1
  6. 20 hours ago, Troo said:

    Nope. But I'll double check. Didn't even use that many slots and just stuck with single origin enhancements.


    oops, sorry, 44.8% not 44.5% at level 19 not level 20, no maneuvers or weave

    I still stand by my statements that some tightening up of the set would be nice, but I'd be lying if I didn't stay that's really freaking awesome!

    • Like 1
  7. 12 minutes ago, Major_Decoy said:
    46 minutes ago, modest said:

    I will point out that the Sentinel set that you enjoy has two out of three of my suggested changes. The Sentinel version of Super Reflexes combines multiple passives into a single power

    No, it doesn't.


    It does get rid of Lucky, but it does so (somewhat unfortunately) by rolling the passive AoE into Evasion, so you get absolutely no AoE defense from the set until level 35.

    Yeah, Modest, you might want to check those powers again. Agile and Dodge are still there, and the DDR and scaling res from Lucky were dropped into Enduring. Alongside Psionic defense for some reason. I guess it covers the positional hole that Psionic can have, but SR wasn't concepted with mental fortitude in mind.


    I do feel like that demonstrates the "health" of SR though. To adapt it for a different AT style they decided to implement a mutual power choice pair, merge some key aspects onto another power that was created to cover a deficit (though despite my support of the proposed SR changes I'm not sure I like Enduring, it just is what it is), and as you said, it now gets NO AoE defense until 35. Can I get a Roblox "oof!" in here? Again, that doesn't mean the set is terrible, but looking at it from a design perspective it's obtuse, and from a leveling perspective it's awkward.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 9 hours ago, Leo_G said:

    One thing I learned from reading people making suggestions and just in general really, is that tastes differ. What you might see as bland and restrictive is right down the alley of someone else. SR is the normal natural set that doesn't have a bunch of bells and whistles and some prefer it that way.

    7 hours ago, aethereal said:

    Lots of people want armor sets that have little or nothing in the way of clicks.  It's thematic to at least a certain conception of how superhero defenses work, and there's some utility when dealing with sets that have redraw or busy combos.


    Willpower is extremely popular despite having zero clicks.

    I wanted to quote that first one again, and add the second because they're absolutely 100% accurate and I agree with them completely. Like I mentioned in one of the earlier posts, I ended up tweaking a concept to fit with Invul instead of SR because I was afraid I'd get frustrated with SR and give up. Every time I've tried it before, that's been the result. This character doesn't WANT anything flashy, so Shield and Ninjitsu are out, as is Energy Aura. The focus is more on the attack abilities, the defense is meant to be as passive and behind the scenes as possible. Willpower, while also subtle, didn't fit due to the healing aspect, and for the same reason Regeneration is eliminated. They aren't healing, they're just fast, combat efficient, and somewhat resilient. That left me with Invul as the only set other than SR that could be justified given the concept.


    "Avoiding a powerset that fits a concept because you're afraid it'll make you lose interest in playing the character is a bad sign of the powerset's health among its peers."


    While some people may and do like it, it could be adjusted to appeal to a wider audience without dramatically affecting the current users. Bio Armor is popular and loved among a certain audience as well, but the above statement applies to it as well in a different sense. Some people avoid it because of the ugly visual effects. If everything played nice with MinimalFX then it wouldn't be as much of an issue, but there's still some remainder of it left on at least one power that throws appearances off. Others avoid it due to how complex it can get. That's also fair, but also a part of its personality: Adaptability.


    No set can be made to appeal to everyone, that's never going to happen. However, some sets could still see some adjustments to make them stand out more to a larger crowd without harming their niche or the diehards that already love them. I believe SR is one of those.

  9. 22 minutes ago, SwitchFade said:

    There's a whole list of what makes SR so desirable, and I have SR Sentinels, scraps, assassin's and tanks. The set is among my favorites because of exactly what it is. SR is incredibly powerful late game and needs no changing, save a possible reorder of lucky and evasion.

    And that's fine if it's one of your favorites. However, the last sentence there is where a major issue lies. Everybody's incredibly powerful late game. What we need is some early game appeal, as well as some more personality.


    - Yes, the DDR is great, but it's situational (granted, a more common situation, but still). Other sets have their ways of dealing with sudden debuff cascade. Shield has resistances and an enemy -dmg debuff. Ninjitsu, depending on the variation, has smoke bombs, blinding powder, a heal...

    - SR has the recharge bonus, yes, but it's so small that it really only has impact in some edge cases where you're really trying to minmax your cooldowns. It's a nice benefit, don't get me wrong, but next to enhancements and set bonuses it's a drop in the bucket.

    - The scaling DR only starts making a significant appearance at low levels of HP. You're running into the danger zone to stack it up, and DR's strength is Effective HP. The lower you are, the less impact that DR has. As a member of the Discord discussion put it:

    Sorry, when I hear "Look how high my resists are when my HP is at 15%" I am immediately: "Oh no baby what is you doin?!?"

    - If the +End you're talking about is the +Recovery on Elude, what's painful about that is Elude is generally considered to be skippable. Its main benefits are a massive amount of defense and DDR, but both of those are already very high from everything else. Other than certain specialized builds that revolve around Elude specifically it has no significant benefit to SR. It can help your end recovery during extended fights, sure, but better hope that fight is over before the crash hits.

    • Like 1
  10. 7 hours ago, Leo_G said:

    One thing I learned from reading people making suggestions and just in general really, is that tastes differ. What you might see as bland and restrictive is right down the alley of someone else. SR is the normal natural set that doesn't have a bunch of bells and whistles and some prefer it that way.

    That's fair, I'll give you that one. It's simple and straightforward, and that might be all someone needs. In the defense of the changes suggested to that end, at least in terms of merging the passives, it would continue to be simple while opening up a little more room for personalization. I'd still dislike Bio for how complex and fiddly it can be, even if it wasn't ugly.



    3 hours ago, Troo said:

    Again, I'm not saying the suggestions are awful or amazing. I'm interested enough to read, respond and explain how the suggestions are more than minor tweaks.

    Super Reflexes is what it is. If someone feels it is 'bland and restrictive'.. don't play it.

    While I can see where you're coming from with that, I would argue that it's poor game design to make an aspect of a game boring enough that someone doesn't want to play it. Yes, everyone has different ideals about what is and isn't interesting, and where their preferences lie, but this is also a superhero game. Just from personal experience alone I can't even remember the number of concepts I've had where SR would fit in perfectly, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it because SR feels so meh. My most recent concept was actually in that category. I ended up tweaking the concept a bit so I could justify Invul, since both Shield and Ninjitsu didn't fit thematically, and Willpower was out because the focus on healing wasn't appropriate either.


    Avoiding a powerset that fits a concept because you're afraid it'll make you lose interest in playing the character is a bad sign of the powerset's health among its peers. You're right that these aren't just minor tweaks, and anyone suggesting as much is definitely off-base. However, doing something like merging the passives, bringing the AoE toggle more in-line with other sets, and proliferating some SR-themed powers like Burst of Speed and Reaction Time (those are by far my preferred changes and additions if it were to happen) would keep the benefits and personality the same, the leveling experience would improve, and it'd add a little more spark to the set. It wouldn't dramatically affect the people who don't want those additions, but it would add to the appeal from people who aren't as into it.



    5 hours ago, Obus Form said:

    The game COH of course released with /SR because it has to fit thematically with super heroes.  /SR design meant hitting soft cap easily but dying if you got hit.  Before IOs, reaching soft cap was a good selling point.  After IOs allowed everyone and their grand ma ma to hit soft cap, /SR lost its main sex appeal. 

    This in particular is what I get stuck on. Before enhancement power creep, SR WAS appealing because it could easily hit soft-cap and STAY there due to its DDR. It was the poster child of Defense-based survival. Now the only thing that really sets it apart is how much DDR it gets. That's not a bad thing, but considering the throne it sat on has kind of tarnished and fallen apart, it could use some TLC.

  11. 2 hours ago, Troo said:

    Sure, minor tweaks might be appropriate to power sets on an individual basis.

    Troo, I'm curious. While obviously you're not that interested in the proposed changes, do you agree at all that, in comparison to other defensive sets, SR is kinda bland and restrictive?


    Those are my biggest issues with it I think. To bring it up to par with other defensive sets in terms of core survival, you basically need to take 8 of the powers, whereas many sets get away with somewhere between 3-5 or so. Of those, three are nearly identical passives. Super Reflexes contains design decisions that weren't repeated (the nearly identical passives come to mind again: every other set has a unique "style" for each, but SR's just changing a single modifier), as well as a power progression that was "corrected" everywhere else. SR also doesn't really have any tricks that make it a particularly intriguing choice. Sure, what it does, it does fairly well, but its "personality" consists of dodging things and DDR to make sure it can keep dodging things. It feels shallow.


    And my intent isn't just picking on SR specifically. I feel the same way about Invul. It's a FANTASTIC set from a numbers perspective, but beyond "I'm Superman", it doesn't have much personality either. It just sort of exists. But at least Invul's clicky interactive is a heal with a max health boost. SR's clicky interactive is its mez protection. That's just... eh?


    To me, SR represents early Issue 0 design where they were just tossing out the staple "hero" concepts but still hadn't gotten into a groove of creative power design. Axe/Broadsword/Mace are another example of that. Other than secondary effects they're practically interchangeable, basically the same set with a different paint job.

  12. 1 hour ago, Bentley Berkeley said:

    But the underlying issue is that any kind of DR is really not something that should be part of a set called super reflexes, and meant more to reflect comic book icons like the Flash, and other hyper agility types that if they do get hit usually are hurt bad enough they need to fall back at least for a few minutes while their fast healing helps them to recover. And come on now, espeically when at top end def, its so rare for an alpha to land its something almost to look forward to just for the oh shit moment it can create. For flash thats the time to phase througha  wall etc. Which is why my speedster concept that uses SR, also has phase shift.

    You need a balance of concept vs game mechanics. Dodging attacks is a flaky and unreliable defense type regardless of the situation. Powerful when it works, awful when it doesn't. There's also ways of justifying something like scaling DR in the set. Consider that if someone who focuses on dodging attacks can't actually get fully out of the way, they're still going to do what they can to mitigate what does hit them. Grazing strikes are a key part of defense, and the more injured you are, the more you're going to focus on mitigation of anything you can't avoid. Take a punch to the chest, use its momentum to slide backwards so the hit is less severe, etc.

    • Like 1
  13. 3 hours ago, aethereal said:

    No, they can't.  The only useful meaning of "QOL" changes is, "Benefits that do not affect or only negligibly affect main combat balance."


    Going from click mez protection to toggle mez protection?  At least arguably QOL.


    Moving AoE defense earlier in the set purely by rearranging powers?  At least arguably QOL.


    Introducing a new power with new significant combat functionality?  The very definition of "not QOL."


    It'd be nice if people could stop trying to sneak balance changes into proposals for QOL just in terms of usefully labeling threads so people can know how to map their interests to which threads they read.

    Agree to disagree on the first two.


    Quality of Life means improving the player's experience., and neither of those dramatically affect the set's functionality. Moving the AoE earlier just means getting it earlier, which doesn't affect anyone towards late game but improves early play. Switching the clicky to a toggle removes unnecessary complexity, as the mez click is kept up in the same situations you'd turn on a mez toggle.


    I never said new powers were QoL, you're assuming as much. I said balance changes CAN be. If a set functions better by adjusting certain factors (for instance, Elude's crash could be changed to something like Strength of Will, being less severe), then it's both a balance change and a QoL improvement. While I agree that the title of the thread is a bit misleading, the thread content itself is about a rework of the set to modernize it.

    • Like 1
  14. 19 hours ago, Pine said:

    I've been working on changing the damage scalars.... It was not something that was anticipated to be changed easily or often so it is kinda obfuscated.... But, once completed should correct all numbers instead of changed all the damage numbers of all the powers. 

    Out of curiosity, do you know if Mids is parsing power effect expressions correctly? I've spent the majority today basically just toying with getting proper scale and magnitude values working for the scaling resists of SR passives and Widow Foresight. Looking in the DB files here, the expression looks to be correct when compared to the game files, but Mids doesn't use it as far as I can tell. I had to manually handle the calculations with AttribType Magnitude, then testing on the beta server to make sure it's at least close. I've got the margin of error for rounding down to 0.04% (Stalker Agile, 25% HP & 0% HP ) but the actual expression would still be better. 😛 Even just for display reasons for the slider.

    • Like 1
  15. 13 minutes ago, kryptochan said:

    I would love Master Brawler for all. And give the AOE toggle soon, swap out with one of the passives. That and I'm a happy camper! But those idea's suggest would be sweeeett as well 🙂

    Honestly, the possibility of doing the same thing for the other classes that Sentinels got is a possibility, if they wanted to. Allow you to choose between Master or Practiced. Though I can't imagine brutes or tankers would want to go without their mez res. 😛 Scrappers on the fence. Stalkers though, I could see them taking advantage of that in some instances.

  16. 23 minutes ago, ShinMagmus2 said:

    Replace Practiced Brawler not with Master Brawler, but with the Blaster-made Reaction Time Toggle.  Giving SR a huge slow aura fits THEMATICALLY with Quickness too, and makes the CONCEPT of you dodging enemies with your speed make sense because they look (to you) like they are moving in Slow Motion.  Just add regular melee scale Mez Protection to all to Reaction Time, and give it the standard 0.21 per sec end cost.  Maybe less because now SR has to run 4 toggles, but honestly I think this is fine.  End won't be that bad.  Now your SR character really WILL FEEL faster than every enemy around them.  Naturally this should be a Taunt aura, so we can remove the ham-fisted taunt from a Defense toggle and let Scrappers get some taunt in their SR.  Stalkers would naturally not get the Taunt component.


    Add minor un-enhanceable +max HP to all 3 passives.  When all 3 passives are taken you should have a boost similar in total value to a power like "High Pain Tolerance".  This boost should be big enough that hitting the HP cap with set bonuses + accolades is a distant yet achievable goal.  I also don't want to see SR become a slot-hungry mess where everyone has to 5-6 slot passives to get the most max HP out of them.  Keeping the value in each passive both small and unenhanceable is the key.  That's it.

    Oh nice! I snagged the Burst of Speed attack but I completely forgot about Reaction Time. That's a great idea. Maybe in place of the "Metabolistic Burst" concept I threw in mine. I edited my post above to include that.


    The HP I don't agree with as much. The damage resistance it has now makes sense, as someone with extremely fast reflexes is going to start focusing even more on reducing collateral damage from hits they can't avoid entirely. That makes logical sense. So does regen/recovery to an extent due to the metabolism side of things. Agile people tend to not be the most durable, just fast and tricky.

  17. Copied (and with minor edits) from the #at-build-general channel in the Homecoming discord:



    Usual pattern for traditional defense sets is having your defensive toggles by at LEAST tier 7 (level 18/28). More commonly they get them by tier 4 or 5, unless they're the hybrids like Willpower, Bio, or Invul. So, if we considered SR to be a single strategy defensive set, it should have its toggles fairly early.

    1/1    -  Focused Fighting
    1/2    -  Focused Senses
    2/4    -  Uncanny Reactions? / Avoidance? (old Agile/Dodge/Lucky)
    6/10   -  Practiced Brawler
    8/16   -  Evasion
    12/20  -  Quickness
    18/28  -  Reaction Time (thank you to ShinMagmus2, totally missed that)
           -  Alternatively: Metabolistic Burst (combo small regen and recovery bonus power, 60 seconds like Practiced Brawler?)
    26/35  -  Burst of Speed
    32/38  -  Elude

    That leveling pattern puts it behind Ninjitsu (main defense by T3), and on par with Energy Aura and Ice Armor (main defense by T5), as well as being roughly equal with the hybrids (Shield, Invul). Willpower's a bit of an outlier, but it has its own thing going on. Ninjitsu is perfectly fair to be that early since its overall weaker than most but has utility to make up for it.



    44 minutes ago, aethereal said:

    These aren't quality of life changes, they're balance changes.


    I agree that SR needs some mild buffs, but I'm unconvinced that these are the right buffs, they feel like they just push for greater armor set conformity.  I'd rather that SR got some weirdo buff that wasn't a heal, absorb, or end tool.  If you want a defense set with heals and end tools, Ninjutsu exists.  So does Energy Aura.  If you want a minimal-fx, good armor set that can be themed to natural characters, willpower exists, and honestly invul isn't terrible for this.  I'd rather we combined two passives and gave SR, like, a targeted telecharge attack that, I don't know, did minimal damage and gave a short-term recharge buff or something.  5 second duration 1 second cast, 30 second timer crashless god-mode?  I don't know, something weird.

    Balance changes can still be QOL. SR's an old bag that's barely been touched since the game came out, holding onto a lot of weird design choices and clunky operation. It can easily be refined and brought into the modern age to make it more appealing, without sacrificing concept or functionality.



    SR's theme:
    - King of defense, both building and maintaining it

    - High speed everything, high energy

    Non-defining Mechanical Clunks:

    - Three nearly-identical passives each doing its own tiny defense boost to a different value. These are extraneous power choices that could easily be combined to open up build freedom. EA has two and they're more specialized. Same goes for FA and IA (1 specialized), Invul (3 specialized), and Willpower (1 specialized). Shield has 2: one for res and one for def, and the def one is a combination of all 3 positionals. Hell, even Regen has a single all-res passive. SR shouldn't need to suffer arbitrarily splitting its components up just to fill power choice spaces.

    - Poor dice roll vulnerability. Most sets have some built-in way to recover from a bad run on luck. SR only has its defense, even if the debuff res helps immensely. Collapsing those three passives into one and placing it earlier also means it gets the full benefit of the scaling DR right from the start, making the early game more enjoyable, because remember, not everybody is playing at 50+ incarnate content. A balance change here could be to reduce the overall amount of resistances provided if a 45% res at 15% of max HP is too much for a single power choice. Alternatively, start the scaling at a lower HP value.


    Missing theme-defining traits:

    - Displaying the associated speed. Something like Martial Combat's Burst of Speed or something similar to it gives the set a clearly visible representation of how fast you are. Obviously SR doesn't have to be super speed, but giving it something to set itself apart and show off is definitely an improvement. Several armor secondaries have attacks, this isn't out of place.

    - Side-effects of the ability. Whether you're actually super powered or just extremely agile and at the peak of human condition, something that the common concepts of SR share is a high metabolism. Adding something like a regen/recovery boost to it won't outshine other sets that focus specifically on that, but also synergize with things like Quickness to demonstrate the type of person (or thing) the user is.

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