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  1. I had this happen last night. Certain slash commands started erroring out with a message akin to Format Syntax Error. Try the same command" I tried on several characters. Not all...but specifically "/ac" which worked fine the day before. I tried the /arena & the Particle count one and they all errored..yet /emotes worked. I even went out and verified the install. I asked in General and no one seemed to have it. I am unsure as to how to proceed. Any suggestions?
  2. To risk being labelled a bit of a Heretic...wrongfully as I went because a good friend from Live was a Dev and invited me. There is an Elemental Pet set out there...with 4 of the first tiers instead of 3...using the Same gremlins used my Electrical affinity as the forms. As for tier 2 and 3 I never got into much....but iirc tier 2 were Light and Dark akin to Peacebringer & Warshade power type....mainly for damage type and visuals. Never got to tier 3 as the High Mucky there decided took offense at not being the authority on things. (Though more like my not liking to have my buttons pressed...but no matter. It was his server and he can have it.) What little I played it..it was entertaining...as their was much about the "Lore" to make it both magic and tech themed.
  3. I always wanted to see the MM pet customization. I would love Clockwork or Nemesis Pets for robts...etc. As for a new threat....I Know several of the PK on Virtue always thought the Giant Nemesis robot in the mountain on Striga...would make another GM attack. Have it launch and say attack AP...would have been great fun In our opinion. Another could be some sort of interdimensional type. Perhaps some of Mot's pals, coming to play...or to go with the Elder Gods....despite them being over done. A Demonic Invasion....akin to Planet Apocalypse.... I think wee could use a Magic themed one....bu tthat is me 🙂
  4. UGH my typos sorry delete this copy
  5. Been long enough for me to not recall if it were here or the actual live forum. Veat Costume options. I can understand that they get only one outfit with the VEAT costuming available...other than the Crab Backpack...but I found a strong desire to have at least one more slot that could be the Arachnos costume...at least. I often customize my guys ALOT....and do well with them...but would have a second outfit that could be the Arachnos stuff...especially for my Widows. I have used temps for standard fortunata color and helms to allow me to have the "regulation" look then my own variation. Not sure how hard it would be to do this...but it would be great.
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  6. Been long enough for me to not recall if it were here or the actual live forum. Veat Costume options. I can understand that they get only one outfit with the VEAT costuming available...other than the Crab Backpack...but I found a strong desire to have at least one more slot that could be the Arachnos costume...at least. I often customize my guys ALOT....and do well with them...but would have a second outfit that could be the Arachnos stuff...especially for my Widows. I have used temps for standard fortunata color and helms to allow me to have the "regulation" look then my own variation. Not sure how hard it would be to do this...but it would be great.
  7. Having been the only Senior Knight Captain Emeritus of the Paragonian Knights...I stepped up and started the Excelsior version a few years back. After the announcement I am overjoyed seing people come back. Any old Knights who are recent returns...I am still at @ThePendragon & Sword-Wraith is the new Lord Knight Commander of the Paragonian Knights and Nyghtmare is the Knight Lord of the Rogue Knights
  8. Looking for the old Concrete Gurus off Guardian. I am wondering if any of you gave returned to the game. I am still @ThePendragon on global and on Excelsior. I have taken the DIE WACHT AM RHEIN and ran with it there. If you are about..drop me a global.
  9. I am happy this continues to go forward. I was never happier to find Homecoming...and am quite thankful for the work done by the leadership team. CHEERS!
  10. I have had a recurring issue with this power. Though not every time...but a signifigant ammount the ending animation of the rocks impact and sound is delayed for approx 5 seconds. While damage and KB..if any...is working....the animation and sound delay is quite annoying...though game play is possible.
  11. I am glad things are going well. I was surprised that NC would drag their feet on this. There exists an established client list...and even if tge grrr ame is 10 years old plus...it still has a draw. Also almost all of the legwork has been done...and al needs to be done is to sign off in the license and sit back and collect your royalties. Here's hopinv things continue going well. I would also love to see some of the "possessed" costume make appearances. I have repeatedly tried to make a Dark Soultaken...domeone whose possession was permanent.
  12. I got this last night when my net went out...so suspected it was failing to connect..but it now persists..so that is nearly 21 hours since the error transpired. I hope it is just lengthy delays on the transfer
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