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Posts posted by Tath99

  1. 2 hours ago, Xiddo said:

    I saw a couple of the costumes by @Troo and @Yellowjacket using the new shrink + bobble head costume hologram... And it made me wonder if - in the pipeline - there's a size/shapeshift set in works. I appreciate YJ's toon might've reminded me of the Marvel toon. But it's been talked about before, I think another server has something to do with size... It might be like a temp EMBIGGEN power for a costume contest or something. But I'd love an Ant-Man/ Giant-man set: +Def +Acc +global KB +Rec +Rech when small, +Res +global KD +Dam +Regen -Rech when big.


    Absolutely.  I completely agree!  Something like this would be an inventive and fun addition to the server.


    Lore Opportunity: (Someone recovers DNA from the dead Hero Atlas making these powers possible.)  😉



  2. Break up the Drug Convention in Brickstown at level 32.  It was the mission of my duo partner who is 32.  My Mastermind Hero is 24.


    The enemies were Crey, level appropriate, but no evidence of being debuffed.  The bad rolls just happened, as if the randomness of dice rolls had catastrophically failed.




    Further Testing:  This bug is reproducible on this mission even when difficulty is set to -1.  ALL Mercenary attacks miss.


    Went to another mission map (one of my own) and the issue went away until we re-ran this mission.


    Reunion Server / Brickstown -- in case that is relevant.


  3. I just suffered a catastrophic bug for my Mercs / Traps Mastermind.  Exemping up to join another Hero on a +0, x1 mission.


    Soldiers & Spec Ops are both double slotted for Accuracy (x1.76 Acc).  On joining mission, and attempting to fight foes, all pet attacks suffered floored accuracy (approx 10% chance to hit -- despite being x1.76 Acc and +0, x1.)


    Very strangely ALL random rolls to hit -- were failures, as if the random number generation had completely failed.  NOTHING was hitting except the separate caltrops power.


    Odd.  Very odd.


    (The other player was still hitting, but my hero could not.)



  4. 3 minutes ago, Wavicle said:

    it is not flawed. just because I didn’t use the word directly. There is no requirement for sets to be identical, there is a requirement for Support sets to Directly increase killing speed.


    Really?  Care to quote your source?


    You can't.  There isn't one. 


    There is no requirement for support sets to "directly increase killing speed."



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  5. 1 hour ago, Wavicle said:


    The problem it fixes is FF was the ONLY Support set with no way to increase team damage. The amount of -Res is not anywhere near as strong as Sleet. These changes bring FF in line with other sets.


    This argument is flawed.  Force Field increases survivability - and therefore increases team damage indirectly.  Having additional defence empowers team-mates not to be dead in the next ten seconds.  The next ten seconds will see team-mates, in all likelihood, pushing offensive power buttons as opposed to defensive ones of their own.  Dead team-mates are a DPS loss.  


    There is no requirement for sets to be identical.   Unless someone is lazily pushing a PvP balance requirement onto a PvE rebalancing...

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  6. Let me clarify what I think the scenario could be.  Akin to Peacebringers & Warshades:


    • A costume change allows the creation & deployment of new power trays.
    • New powersets could be created which exemplify a new alien race, a werewolf, etc.

    Let us say you decided to make a Werewolf shapeshifter set.  Your character at creation is a skinny normal Joe in human form.  Activate the set and skinny Joe becomes a different model / size / costume.  All Shapeshifter sets might be a Secondary set, representing their physical / mystical / natural / scientific qualities.  eg.  Toughness, Resistance to Immobilize, Regeneration, etc.  The option might be to leave the opposite set open for powers from another archetype.


    Thereafter you have a template for introducing new alien races and concepts.

  7. Currently, these summoned 'assistants' appear and follow their creator lagging behind them, occasionally in a manner which is counter-productive.  i.e.  You need to target the Galvanic Sentinel to cast Rejuvenating Circuit, and the sentinel is behind and out of view requiring a 180 turn...


    Would it be possible to add code that allowed (as appropriate):

    • Automation:  Changing the follow code:  to allow The Sentinel to automatically follow and then advance beyond its creator.
    • Quality of Life Macro on Power creation to tray: to allow player control of Advancing Sentinel position (relative to own position & facing).
    • Limited access to pet controls (move only) for these sentinels.


    I am aware that a resummon is available but add the suggestion in the hope any solution might have wider suitability for other powersets and future fine-grain control of sentinel like pets.



  8. Hi All,


    The introduction of Aether Particles and the return of Halloween costumes, to me, have sparked my curiosity into the possibilities of shapeshifting heroes.  How far away is Homecoming from making shapeshifters a playable reality?  How would it work?


    • Could / should shapeshifters see the introduction of new origins?
    • Could / should a story (lore) be created to explain their appearance?
    • What powersets do you imagine?
    • What concepts spring to mind, when you think shapeshifter?


    Werewolves, Aliens, Magic-word transformations, Power-stealing, all spring to my mind.  Is this something the community at large would like to see?







  9. Force Field Bubble:


    "I'm not locked in here with you.  You're locked in here with me!"


    -- Rorschach.


    Force Bubble becomes two powers.  The first power remains as original and represents the ability of force fields to keep foes at bay.  The second  represents the ability of a Force Field stopping foes from escaping.  Let us call it Force Bubble Entrapment.


    Force Bubble is a toggle power.  

    Force Bubble Entrapment is a clickable power.


    Force Bubble Entrapment:


    Enemies enclosed within this Force Field trap are trapped within and specifically targeted:

    • All targets within are auto-hit with a +special [Force-Bolt] tag.
    • Force Bolt cast at an enemy within the Force Bubble Entrapment becomes a chain attack.
    • The Force Bolt gains a damage buff per enemy count within the field (those tagged with +special.)*
    • The Force Bolt knockback is converted to knock-down.
    • For added visual effect, the Force-Bolt is 'faster' within the trap field.


    * Note:  A damage buff bonus rewards team-play and the concept of capturing as many enemies as possible within the trap.  This offers an alternative playstyle to Detention Field: which remains an emergency button for the big hard-hitting foe you or your team need a break from.


    This idea is proposed to reinforce the idea of a Force Field representing a hard barrier: an inside and out: a domain of mastery for the Force Field wielder.  It also represents the idea of a synergy between the lowly Force-Bolt and the later Force Bubble -- with the Force-Bolt becoming more potent as the capstone power is taken.









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  10. Further Repulsion Field / Force Bubble Comment:


    To further restate the current Live design of the Repulsion Field / Force Bubble synergy.  Repulsion Field especially & Force Bubble are absolute aggro magnets.  This allows a cunning Force Fielder to /use/ this to lure enemies close and Field / Bubble 'tank'.  For the benefit of themselves and their team (albeit at risk if you try this with a Defender's HP). 


    Making wholesale changes to the powerset must be done carefully so as not to remove or damage this playstyle (Repulse & Push) for the benefit of the team.  You Repulse enemies rushing at your hero and when the threat or hits get too much Force Bubble or Personal Force Field can be deployed, with really persistent threats targeted with Force Bolt.


    Please:  Any changes should not damage this quick and reactive playstyle!



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  11. Bug Report:  Detention Field


    From Test Server -- Detention Field is applied.  Detention Field flying text appears twice.  Detention Field graphic is missing.  Enemy can still be attacked but no damage is inflicted confirming Detention Field did successfully apply.


    Feedback:  Repulsion Bolt


    Fighting two Council robot minions in Bricks mission at default difficulty at level 32.  Using SO's.  No inspires.  Went through attack chain, including Repulsion Bolt.  Minions proceeded to knockdown my Defender Hero, who lacking sufficient recharge (in attacks or Repulsion Bolt) was defeated in short order.


    The 10s base recharge potentially (in worst case scenario) damages or prevents Repulsion Bolt from fulfilling its purpose as a defensive power, whereas previously it could (by a second cast).



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  12. Point for Consideration / IO Sets:


    Do the proposed changes / should the proposed changes allow Force Fielders to take a wider selection of IO sets?


    One of the previous issues with Force Field -- there was not a real incentive to invest slots into the powers to make heavy slotting of IO sets worthwhile.


    Point for Consideration / New IO Sets:


    Is there scope for creating new IO sets which strengthens the roles / playstyles of Force Field characters?


    Point for Consideration / Skippable Powers:


    Does each Force Field power stand tall as a power worth taking in its own right?  If powers are to be skippable, do the other powers offer an alternative play style?



    Forgive me for raising these issues here, but I feel part of the issue of making FF great, is that the solution for making the powerset standout is more than a mere question of numbers alone.  It has always played a little different and the solution is looking at the set as a whole and from different angles.  Otherwise its flavour may be lost in an attempt to improve it.




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  13. Force Bolt Comment:


    The /fun/ of this power, for me, was always in its quick recharge / availability.  Even if you missed, it would come around again.  The knockback was its reward.




    Keep the power on a quick recharge.  Have the -resistance debuff stackable X times.  (Divide the intended total resist debuff by stack size.)


    Allow the power to be used quickly.  Make a fun gameplay loop out of multiple applications of the Force Bolt.


    (Define Force Field as a debuff capable set, but it has to work harder at it, than purer sets.)


    Force Bubble to Dampening Bubble Comment:


    I can understand the intention of 'hardening' the defences.  A good change.  Well done!  I have a harder time accepting the desire to dampen (apply strong debuffs) to enemies.  Was there really a call / desire for this?  What I mean to say is, many other sets apply strong debuffs,  does Force Field HAVE to join the same club?


    Why not say, apply a +special [Impact] effect (like Gravity Control) as enemies hit within are assumed to collide with each other and the interior walls of the Bubble?  Or as an extra +special on Force Bolt striking enemies within the field?


    A Dampening Field, doesn't feel Force Field unique, nor punchy to me.  It feels like the Force Field set matching numbers with other sets.  



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  14. 13 hours ago, Ston said:

    I'm curious about your justification for these points. If a target has been debuffed, I wouldn't expect them to be cured of those debuffs just because they've been confused. Now.. if you want to be able to buff a confused target after the fact, I think that would be a different point (and maybe something I would sign up for). 



    This I support 100%.


    I think we have a slight misunderstanding.  🙂


    My suggestion to add an outright accuracy or to hit buff to Confused foes, is to address their actual combat effectiveness.  As you may be aware minions, lieutenants and bosses have a small number of attack powers.  They have a limited attack chain.  Confused foes have a habit of struggling to perceive a foe, hitting a foe with a ranged attack, running to deliver a melee attack, changing direction to attack another enemy and so on.  This is poor and inconsistent behaviour caused by threat response.  I am not seeking to overpower confused foes but suggesting it is worth considering buffing their effectiveness when they use their meagre attack chain. i.e. make their attacks have a little more upfront 'punch'.


    A minion facing another minion has lousy accuracy.  A lieutenant vs a minion is somewhat improved, a boss is greater still.  Innate improvements to +hit or +accuracy and +perception to overcome the AI and threat obstacles of confused foes meandering about the battlefield might be beneficial.



  15. Premise:  The deployment of Confuse powers in City of Heroes is a mixed bag.  Comparatively speaking, Confuse powers underperform compared to damage-dealing alternatives.  Why Confuse a foe when you can outright defeat them?  This is especially painful for the Mind Control set which feels old-school and unloved.  The game therefore might benefit from a careful examination of where Confuses (and Controllers?) could or should be, given changes to other archetypes.




    • Examine the game with an open mind - with the intent to shine a spotlight on Controllers & Confuses.
    • Do not categorize Confuses as [psychic / non-psychic] by default.  Remove the concept of 'machine-resistance' to Confusion, as a concept.
    • Examine the faction groups within COH / COV and consider the role Confuses are to play against them.
    • Design and alter individual minions / lieutenants and Bosses so they bring a fun potency to the Confuse-caster (and team).
    • Design and alter game-world assets turrets / bombs / mines / drones to be correctly controllable by Confuse powers.
    • Alter the Confuse powers to grant an Accuracy or To hit buff to a confused foe equal or proportional to its (base) duration.
    • Address perception issues for controlled enemies.  Controlled enemies with incorrect facing / back to other NPCs stand still.
    • Alter the purple confuse effect to make it colour-customizable according the power cast.


    Additional Thoughts:


    Mind control, the idea of people and society being manipulated behind the scenes makes for a great plot-hook.  Some fun might be had in designing plot-lines, villains and events originating from the rise and fall of heroes and villains with Confuse powers... 



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    • The ground turrets are not targetable by [Corrosive Vial] from the Experiment pool.  The power requires(?) a ground target and the turrets are not designated / tagged as such?
    • The ground turrets can be attacked with Confuse powers but appear to be immune or highly resistant.  Argument: As an end-game mission in the morality arc it would be fun (yes you read that right, fun!) if these turrets could be re-programmed (confused) to shoot at one another.


    -- A slightly disappointed Mind / Rad Controller. 

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  16. Hi.


    I am considering as a future project a Ninja Mastermind.  For RP purposes I will be considering the Tsoo faction as this characters nemesis.  Does anyone have any RP / gameplay suggestions as to what secondary would make a good pairing? (Natural or Magic will be the origin).  Anything other than /Time which I have played to death recently.


    * Must be capable of counteracting Tsoo Sorcerers, Bosses and their incarnate uhm ...incarnations from 12-50+.

    * Any interesting power pool suggestions to make Hero and minions more potent?


    Thoughts and suggestions welcome!




  17. Feedback:


    Orbiting Death, Dark Detonation and Sunless Mire all share the same power icon appearance.


    In an ideal world these powers would each have their own icon.


    Orbiting Death -- a dot on circle edge orbiting? (hydrogen symbol / Dr. Manhattan style).

    Dark Detonation -- Keep current.

    Sunless Mire -- ??


    Might make for a fun competition or three to look for weak power icons and invite folks to submit designs.  Or invite talented player-designers to get involved?



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  18. Warshade -- Gravimetric Snare & Gravity Well:




    Neither of these powers has a -fly element despite Gravity being the theme and in the name.  Thematically it might be appropriate to consider adding this.  Especially for the Hold.


    Neither of these powers has a % knockdown element.  Adding a (small) chance to knockdown would give junior Warshades a chance to counter Quantum Gunners in the same way that the guns themselves work (the knockdown of the gun being the major threat).


    If the junior Warshade were given early access to a knockdown counter Quantum enemies could become more 'interesting'.




    Expand the nature of the Quantum threat through new enemy types, encounters and arcs, showcasing the creativity of the team. 



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