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Posts posted by HelenCarnate

  1. Some tweaks for Rad build.  Dropped resists slightly (1.5%) and only +40% to hit instead of 50% but worked in proc for build up onto gloom, still S/L soft capped, more hp, recovery and regen.


    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |


  2. Stealing implies taking something that belongs to someone else.  Sorry but is impossible to steal a kill in this game.  If you burn down 100% of the mobs health, you get 100% of the xp.  If you burn down 10% then someone comes along and 1 shots it, you only did 10% of the work and get 10% of the credit.  You still get badge and mission credit so you still got the kill as far as the game is concerned, you just get lower rewards because your contribution was lower.  Honestly telling people how to behave on an internet forum never changes behavior.  I would suggest this.


  3. This is a terrible idea. Why do you think NCSoft will let you do this? You're already a large server running copyrighted material, and now you're accepting monetary donations? I hope this does work out for you guys though.


    They are a non profit. At most NCSoft would make them stop and sue them for the profits that were made which (assuming they are running the non profit correctly) is 0.

  4. Is perma-Haste still possible? I believe after ED it was possible to get about a 30-45 second gap between recharges.


    It was very difficult and costly (with both money and slots) before incarnate powers.  Agility Paragon got my SS/Fire farming brute to under 110 seconds for haste recharge (single slotted) meaning my rotation was Footstomp, fireball, burn with KO blow thrown in sometimes with bosses.

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