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Everything posted by mrultimate

  1. Any suggestions on how to find Jack? I never see him. Thanks so much.
  2. New computer with Homecoming launcher. For the life of me I can't seem to get vidiotmaps to work.
  3. I am trying to make a key bind for targeting mitochondria electrolyte during hami raids but can't get anything to work. For example I have tried /bind b target_ custom_ next enemy alive mitochondria electrolyte Doesn't work. I'm probably missing the simple answer but I'd appreciate any help.
  4. Let's just let it go,.....let it go........ Homecoming is Jimmy and his crew's world and they are going to do whatever they want. Here is a little isolation humor for everyone Copied.... I just saw a news report about the stresses and strains of self-isolation. It reported that people are going crazy from being in lockdown! It was strange, actually, because I had just been talking about this with the microwave and toaster and all of us agreed that things are getting worse. I didn't mention anything to the washing machine as she always has to put a different spin on everything, and certainly not to the fridge as he is acting cold and distant. In the end, the iron calmed me down. She said everything will be fine, which surprised me because she’s usually the first one to apply unnecessary pressure and get steamed up over nothing !!! I think she might have been sneaking off to the medicine cabinet.
  5. I'm not saying I am going to do it. Although I have almost 100 in storage of Winter and Archetype ATO's. I'm amused that it just dawned on me how it was done.
  6. Sometimes there is a lightning bolt for us slow old folks. 1. A toon with open slots at least lvl 10 2. Winter ATO's 3. Enhancement Catalysts 4. Enhancement Unslotters 5. Sell Jeez I feel dumb now.
  7. Yep I get this and agree. I do it for my wife as well.
  8. I didn't and I'm not. I'm just saying there could easily be someone in this thread who is suffering in real life. Now I would agree that this nerf or exploit fix whatever we call isn't causing any real life suffering.
  9. "At least none of us are suffering in real life" That my friend is a rather large assumption.
  10. Can we just lock this topic and move on. No one that disliked the change is going to be convinced to like it. Jimmy has already said They are going to run the server the way They see fit. There is nothing to be gained here.
  11. Yeah I've had enough of this. I'll tune back in when Guy Perfect or Powerhouse have something fun to talk about.
  12. It may well be inefficient to gaining influence vs playing the market. I'd rather gain it by burning up enemies but thats me. It relieves stress from my daily life and I don't have to team up when I don't want to. The only change I can see this making for me as I craft / convert most of my drops and almost have a full 18 tables of IO's 1 being Purples and 2 being IO's from Super and Winter Packs. Is I'll start a second SG for more storage and be less likely to drop influence when I see some lowbie with a cool costume. I played on live for 8 years and only farmed the Demon map for the last 6 months so I played the game. I have nerve damage in my hands that makes teaming harder than it used to be so farming is my fun. The rewards for me were garnering influence and seeing purples drop simple as that. I barely have to spend anything to kit out a toon and that will continue. The bottom line is I'm glad the game is back and I'm thankful to the Dev's for that. I backed CoT and to be honest so far I just don't see myself ever really playing it instead of CoH. I think this was an outstanding update with the exception of this nerf. I don't have to like it and I don't.
  13. Next thing on their farming nerf to do list I'm sure.
  14. You can't polish a turd and call it a diamond Jimmy. You could have addressed the exploit alone. Instead you went for the Nuclear option.
  15. Once again the little crybabies get their wish. It wasn't hurting anyone. Feels like "YOU WILL PLAY THE WAY WE WANT YOU TO OR ELSE"
  16. Yay! Finally got one in! Cannot thank you guys and gals enough for giving us our City back!
  17. @Mr. Ultimate and @Mr. Ultimate2
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