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Everything posted by Ishikawa

  1. This community is great, thank you to all contributors, I very much appreciate everyone keeping this gem alive. ❤️
  2. War schon am Anfang als die erste Welle war, wieder aktiv, habe einen Charakter auf 50, lvl gerade einen neuen Hoch gerade 30 mit dem. Bin aber ein unsozialer Solo genießer, war ich auf Live damals auch schon. Aber schön zu sehen wie das Spiel noch immer einfach läuft. So viele Sachen sind nie wirklich anderswo besser gemacht worden. Einzige MMO was ich länger spielte in meinem Leben. Schön euch alle dabei zu haben.
  3. For people who don't want to ask others for a Ouroboros Portal. Redside: Vincent Ross (Sharkhead Isle) 20-29: A mission during his story arc unlocks Ouroboros. Blueside: Holsten Armitage (Brickstown) 30-40: Has a mission that unlocks Ouroboros as well.
  4. Off-Topic but relevant to the question. For the record: It is not the only way to Orobous. 1) Villains: The Path to Knowledge from Vincent Ross will earn the Entrusted with the Secret badge regardless of the player's choices during the mission. (Lvl 20-29) 2) Heroes: Complete Holsten Armitage's mission: Rescue Senator Dybalski (Lvl 30-40) 3) Have anyone else open a portal to Orobous and get the Exploration Badge (Pocket D is a good spot for quick help here)
  5. 1) Whip (Melee Weapon) Based on the Attacks from Demon Summoning, range around titan weapons, hits less hard and is faster, also -res(lethal) and lethal dmg roughly. You could also make a mechanic similar to momentum increasing animation speed slightly on follow up attacks. 2) Pet Customization for all including incarnate powers Limited customization options for pets keeping them a) in theme but b) unique!
  6. I guess the low supply high demand lead to unreasonable high prices. They seeded to counteract that faster then it would have happened naturally (month down the line). Furthermore they prevented the occurence of hyper-inflation through 24/7 farmers being the only ones supplying and buying on the market.
  7. So i wanted to start a topic on people's favorite faces and look alikes for our characters. Me personally i only make female chars so i'm only commenting on those faces. 1) Face 28: Does anyone else think that one looks almost exactly like Cara Delevingne? 2) Face 21: Looks familiar too any ideas? What other faces remind you of famous people?
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