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  1. Could I possibly trouble you for a rad/kin corruptor build for grouping with AE fire farm folks?
  2. I was talking about AE farming, so fire, always fire.
  3. I am looking for the strongest /Kin to make for farm teams, it does not necessarily need to do high damage, but I need it to be crazy survivable. If you have built something like this I would love to look at your build. Thanks!
  4. Well then, that would be a good reason its not so awesome.... back to the drawing board, I want to make ?/Rad sentinel that can take advantage of Rad's fast recharge, but not sure what would be the best for this... How are DPs on Sents? I always found them weak on blasters.
  5. flash in the TV show, hurls lightning, that would seem to be electric blast or something similar
  6. I have been trying to find builds for Ice/Rad and they are very few and far between, I wonder if its just considered a gimped build?
  7. Somebody on one of the forums mentioned ice/rad could almost perma blizzard, is that true? (or close?) Edit: maybe its Ice Storm? Maybe I am on drugs... (right JJ ?)
  8. I did some searching looking for an Ice/Fire blaster but the one I found seemed outdated, not the current "style" of JJs builds, do you have an updated one? I also noticed its nearly impossible to find a Ice/Rad Sentinel posted, are they just bad?
  9. I have started doing some working from home, so what would be the best AFK-Farmer and what would be a good build ?
  10. So I just pulled my Storm/Water Defender out of mothballs, and I wondered to myself... What would JJ do? 😃
  11. So I loaded up COH after a couple years down time. Glad to see its still here. Anyway, the last few weeks I have been goofing around with all my toons, figuring out what I want to play, and man I don't remember making most of these things.... I happened upon a defender with Lightning Storm.... okay that is too much fun, how do I build a defender to maximize the storm primary? What 2nd ? What builds... wow it is fun... (did not remember any of this) thanks in advance, I want to have one of each, so its time to build a 'fender. (No Les Paul jokes plz)
  12. I found the build posted for Rad/SS, but Beta Decay is empty... what do you put there? (or did I get the wrong one?)
  13. I understand where he is coming from though, he spends hours figuring all this complicated stuff out, and a n00b (me) posts "I don't get it" and it annoyed him. I get it and that was MY bad. I admit, I don't know much other than pushing buttons, so my response was worded poorly.
  14. Once again I apologize, thanks for the build.
  15. I know JJ is mad at me right now, but does anybody have a dark/fire defender build that is not to complicated to play? Cost is not a consideration, it can be expensive.
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