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Posts posted by JusticeBowler

  1. As long as this isn't a complaint and just a strong cautionary word... I'm all behind it.



    I think that, given they have all the magic keys and could have abused them to the ruination of all, we are in a good place mostly right now. I'm a little annoyed about the snipe only because I specifically took devices to gain a small favor from targeting drone and now I feel like devices slid behind on the balance bar.


    This is my point: we have to keep in mind that everyone loses a little when one set or power is raised. There's no give without take. Some sets (I'm looking at you Bio Armor) are going to need a nerf and that's going to be hard for folks to take. Sentinels need some work but it isn't a solution to make them "peers" with blasters or scrappers, they need to be something else which isn't either.


    I was on a PUG in PI last night with a scrapper tanking +4 full team radio missions without her health bar even moving. That's isn't actually fun. I don't know what that is. It means people don't need to make a tank I guess.


    We need things that each AT can do and just as much we need things each AT can't do even with 1B INF invested in grapes.


    But I disagree about Fitness. At the time that was the negotiated solution for a bunch of small QoL issues that couldn't be balanced any other way. There is a big difference between making a small recovery pool (25%) that can be buffed rather than buffing the base of everyone's recovery pool. While it feels like giving everyone stamina was watering things down, it actually avoided a bigger problem.

  2. I'm looking for anyone actually noting the reason the DEVs defended the clamp and the streak-breaker in the first place:


    1. necessary balance of powers at the extreme ends... it might be possible to solve this problem without a clamp and/or streak-breaker but that's the method they chose.


    But far more important to me:


    2. Randomness is important. One of the things I have to get into people's heads when they play RPGs is that while success is presumed to be the goal of any contested action... the real goal is fun and one of the key elements of fun is surprise. Surprise can only happen when success or failure are still meaningfully probable (though rare) no matter how "sure" the result it.


    I get it, you are a demigod on earth and you should be able to smack down any Hellion like he wasn't there... but what about that one guy who "just moves out of the way in time" (maybe he was about to tie his shoe and the universe conspired to have that be the moment you swung at his face)... even the "role-play" here is secondary to the wiring in our brains that are stimulated by surprise.


    MMOs ride dangerously close (because of the mechanics and balance and a thousand other details) of eliminating this surprise and turning the whole thing into monkey-button-pushing. That's so terrible and dangerous a result that all of us must suffer a bit to prevent that from happening at all other costs.


    Repeat with me, randomness is surprise, surprise is fun.


    Move past the OCD moment and awake into a new world where failing (and lets admit it is a very rare failure) is good. If we don't team wipe every once in a while, if even the greatest tank doesn't have a chance of failing... or whatever... if we don't have faceplants and whiffed punches the experience will disappear and we won't even know why.


    Trust the clamp.

  3. You can also do this with binds which is nice. If you have a standard bind file you can load your preferences that way:


    /BIND F12 "show chat$$windowscale status 1.00$$windowscale nav 1.00$$windowscale map 1.00$$windowscale chat 1.10$$windowscale target 1.00$$windowscale tray 1.10$$windowscale insp 1.00$$windowscale enhancements 1.00$$windowscale team 1.10"


    Notice that my chat window and my tray are 1.1 (10% increase), but the rest of the windows are default 1.0. You can get much more control than the slider bar under Options will let you and you can have different windows different scales! Mix and match in the bind until you are happy. Save to a bind file then you can load this on every character exactly the way you like it.


    Also... try these!


    Green windows instead of blue or red:

    /BIND SHIFT+F12 "window_color 0 150 96 192"


    You can fiddle with the numbers yourself to get whatever exact color you want.


    Then there's this... MAP hard to view? No problem flipp in and out of an enlarged map with ease:


    /BIND CTRL+F12 "window_hide chat$$windowscale map 2.0"

    /BIND ALT+F12 "show chat$$windowscale map 1.0"


  4. Oh and since someone brought up BINDS... you know you can use multiple costume slots for all sorts of special effects right?


    I mean, you can change into and out of your secret identity with ease (or even to the SuperSayin... ain't even my final form shtick if you want).


    /bind [key] "cce [slot] [effect]"


    If you want to throw some confetti and change into your first costume slot:

    /bind j "cce 0 ccConfettiThrow"


    If you want to cast a mystic spell to turn into your second slot:

    /bind k "cce 1 ccCast"


    There are a bunch of them, some quite crazy and extreme... test them all for fun!


    ccBackFlip Do a backflip and land in your new costume.

    ccCast Make a Dr. Strange/Constantine spell cast to change.

    ccConfettiThrow Throw a giant burst of confetti from your pocket and change.

    ccDimensionShift Spread into multiple dimensions and reassemble changed.

    ccDrinkFormula Drink a flask of formula to effect the change.

    ccEnergyMorph Crouch and fire off an energy burst to change.

    ccEvilLaugh Evil laugh and burst into flame to change.

    ccFeatherBurst Change in a spray of feathers.

    ccFireworks Change in a burst of fireworks.

    ccFurBurst Change in a spray of fur.

    ccGiftBurst Gift falls on you and explodes open to reveal change.

    ccHowl Howl and change.

    ccIceBlock Disappear into an ice block and emerge in your new costume.

    ccInnerWill Focused energy in your chest triggers the change.

    ccLightMagic Glowing ground sigil and vertical effects make the change.

    ccLightning Change in a furious burst of lightning.

    ccMurderOfCrows Change by bird … sort of an evil Cinderella thing.

    ccNinjaLeap Leap high into the air and land changed.

    ccNuke Impressive nuclear blast changes your looks.

    ccOilStrike Giant gusher of oil changes you.

    ccPressureRelease Stomp ground to release geyser that changes you.

    ccPrestoChango Change with a dramatic magical gesture.

    ccPureEnergy Change in an energy burst.

    ccRainbow Change in a magical haze at the end of a rainbow.

    ccRapidBoil Go to a bubbling boil of green sewer ick and emerge changed.

    ccSalute Give a full salute and change to your new costume.

    ccSmokeBomb Throw down a smoke bomb and emerge changed.

    ccSpin Spin rapidly and stop in your new costume.

    ccStoneBlock Disappear into a stone block and emerge in your new costume.

    ccSuperSerum Inject super serum, beat chest and emerge changed.

    ccVanguardSigil Vanguard ground sigil and green haze leave you changed.



    • Like 1
  5. Travel powers are optional. You can out pace most travel powers in most circumstances with sprint+ninja/beast run+jump pack.


    There are a bunch of flight packs in P2W vendor that are trivially inexpensive unless you spend your days and nights doing patrols in the Shadow Shard. When I realized this, I just stopped taking travel powers except on my two toons where I want SS and the Stealth that goes with it.

  6. Thanks for the replies everyone! What was mentioned here is that hasten is not necessary to play the game, which is 100% true. That said, I still feel it is overall incredibly good for what it is and it's why so, so many builds have it. When building for performance, it's almost unheard of not to grab hasten which makes me think that the base recharge times of powers could benefit from a slight boost.


    Hasten will still be great, but then it may also not be as sought after or polarizing.


    Besides in every big team there seems to be at least on Kin or Rad or someone who can speed everyone up enough that things fire off as fast as you can monkey button mash... so I just don't need to bring all that to the table myself. I have one character I use Hasten on. It is one slotted. I just use it when all my powers are debuffed by mobs (especially council). Since my Sentinel is in the middle of it a lot, I see that happen a lot. Otherwise I forget it is even there.

  7. You do good damage, not much DoT (END wasters if you ask me) and there are some good AoEs once you have everything if you care about that. Generally though, I scrap from a distance, taking down bosses and LTs targeting through the tank or just picking my own. I contribute hard numbers, but don't worry so much about nuke-melting...


    Beam sounds fun! However, what do you mean by DoT powers? There are very few I can think of, but the ones that jump out are usually pretty good?

    Apart from crazy things like Rain of Fire most DoT powers in big teams kill to slowly and solo or in small teams you end up shooting them again because you never know if the DoT will be enough to finish them off. It is like the DoT never happened because it never gets a chance to maximize its potential.


    That's just my experience.

  8. "Confusion steals XP" is the opposite of the truth: YOU are stealing XP when a confused enemy attacks. When you're beating down +4 bosses you can either get 100% of their xp and have it take 60 seconds to kill them or you can get 80% of the xp and have it take 30 seconds to kill them. This adds up to a non-trivial increase in the rate at which you can gain XP and gather resources.

    ^^ THIS ^^

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    • Thanks 1
  9. Sure, I remade one of my mains ... I had several on the old shards. Svengjuk is there, but he's just hanging out at around lvl 19. I'm sure I'll get to him eventually. I really wanted to start fresh and I'm glad I did. Deliberately trying things out of my wheelhouse has given me some fresh perspective on the game (though I still can't manage Dominators or Stalkers).

  10. I love both sets, so I don't think you can go wrong with either one. Cold will be a little more useful in teams because "ice bubbles" but dark gets you my favorite pet in the game. Technically, if you are looking for high end performance ice hits those special places folks think only /rad and /kin deliver. But I think dark is more fun.

  11. The only reason Hasted used to be required was that you used to have to build DPS monsters to crank up the difficulty enough to make the game fun in terms of XP/INF gained per hour of play. They've smoothed out the XP gain and left open plenty of options for people that hit the doldrums at any level range to burn through a few levels (or if you "just a few dots short of the next level and you really want it before you log off").


    There's no attack chain problems in any set anywhere and none of the fun time pets need perma-hasten just to exist. Yes, you can "big boom" more often and as I've said over and over, finally get perma-tar patch... but right now only 1 of my characters has Hasten and he never uses it except when things go terribly wrong (he's a Warshade I use mostly to tank and if I get in a tight spot Hasten brightens my day, but it is so rare I don't even have it slotted).


    If anything the devs should look at all the powers, reviewing their mechanics in light of the role they play in the sets, and adjust their recharge times based on real world (non-purple set perma hasten) slotting. I suspect there won't be many, perhaps less than 10, but I know they are out there. They are "irritants" though, not game breaking problems to fix.


    And no, we don't need all the recharge times universally buffed. That would likely mean a lot more "throw away" powers in various sets. And with the Fitness Power Pool universal, endurance shouldn't be a problem unless your spamming those high end AoE powers.

  12. I often wonder about Stone as I never see it anymore. Before IOs it was the "only tank that could do X" for a number of things in the game. Now it seems almost anyone can, with enough INF trick out a nearly unkillable tank with any set. Just takes time and money to work it out. Seems to have left Stone behind, so to speak.

  13. Honestly, I love my BeamRifle / Devices (wrote about it in a previous thread). The animations are crisp and I never feel "slow" which has a surprising effect on the experience of play with something like devices which doesn't offer a lot of clicking in team play except throwing smoke grenades. It looks thematically right too (much like AR would)... but it isn't AR which means you can tech-faux-futurism yourself out in your costume design rather than be "yet another super soldier".


    You do good damage, not much DoT (END wasters if you ask me) and there are some good AoEs once you have everything if you care about that. Generally though, I scrap from a distance, taking down bosses and LTs targeting through the tank or just picking my own. I contribute hard numbers, but don't worry so much about nuke-melting...

  14. The lowest listed price is the first bought. So someone had theirs listed cheaper than yours. They got more than you're listing because the person who bought it wanted it now and so just checked purchase history and bid the 2m rather than bid creeping.

    So I'm certain they listed for 999,999 or less but got lucky when a big buyer walked in the door. Got it.


    So patience is not much of a virtue in selling. I'll be waiting forever as long as there's one person undercutting me in price no matter how big the big bucks are because they'll get the booty.


    But it IS a virtue in buying because you can post a large number of low value bids and leave them for weeks, if you want,  when someone somewhere "dumps" something on the market fast or by mistake, you get the binky.

  15. The rule is three levels below, so you'd only lose one of those bonuses at level 30. But with the market having attuned ios at the same price as un- now there's no reason to lose bonuses when exemped unless you're 3 levels below the lowest level the set is available in, or it's a set you preferred using boosters on.

    File under "I could have just read PWiki again..."



    search PW before posting on the forum... search PW before posting on the forum...

  16. You don't have to pay 600k+ or 800k+ for rare's to craft them goodies...is all I will say.

    I don't have Merits to buy them that way either. I'm not farming, I'm playing, and I don't have a toon above 40 yet (alt-itis).


    The market is way screwy! So I've had a lvl 30 Unspeakable Terror: Fear/Range on the market for 1m for 3 days now. It is probably the lesser son of an OK set, but he had a history that included selling for as much as 2m. Two of them have sold in the last two days for 2m... how is that possible? How are people selling "first" when their price is more than my offer?


    You have 11 sellers and 11 buyers. If none of the transactions have gone through that's because all the sellers want more than 1m and all the buyers are offering less that 1m. How can someone sell for more than I'm selling? I suppose we could all be selling for exactly 1m and his post was older than mine... is that how it works?


    Because of the "bucket" system of IO sales am I seeing sales of lvl 50 UT:F/R mixed in with lvl 30s?

  17. So, at one time, in olden days, when you did Posi in your 30s or helped someone out in the Hollows, your character reverted to the powers they had at that level (in the order you got them) which made the exact level you picked up a travel power and others rather important and respecs had to be carefully maneuvered because of how slots fell. You got to keep all your slots however you had distributed them, but if you were 21 your SOs acted like DOs and if you were 11 they acted like Training.


    Now things are more complicated. First, you can dump slots in any order during respec. But I also noticed when exemplared that I get a mess of powers I shouldn't have at a level (though I can't quite tell the logic of the cut off, I'm not complaining). At first I thought it was any power you could possibly have accessed at that level, but I enjoyed Field Operative when running Synapse which shouldn't be possible.


    Then there is the question of IOs. If I have level 35 IOs and I'm running at 25 do they run full or just at level 25 strength?


    I've noticed that some folks like to get lower level IO sets and I've heard that's because the bonuses are lost if you drop below their level. Is that actually the case? I mean, if I have a Posi Blast set all different levels 35/33/31/29/27 and I'm level 30 on a team are only two of those IOs actually giving me bonuses?  Or are people only talking about unique IOs that specifically give a flat benefit like LotG?


    Sorry if this sounds elementary, it doesn't feel that way to me after being gone for so long (and I'm not sure I understood it all before I left).

  18. You could look at it as "sort of broken," or you could look at it as more accessible to players who don't have the wherewithal to save up hundreds of millions of Inf for just one recipe. I like it better how it is now.


    The thing is, the way you did it on live years ago won't work, because the I25 market is an entirely different ballgame. Sorry, old dog, but I'm afraid you're going to have to learn some new tricks. :)


    Actually, no, converters can be bought on the Auction House for 100 to 150K each, depending on time of day. You can buy more with the profits you make from using the other ones, easily.


    At the moment, the salvage market is seeded by the devs, so common, uncommon, and even rare salvage are effectively infinite. And recipes drop often enough that there will usually be plenty of those to go around in any case—and if not, specific uncommon recipes only cost 20 merits each from the merit vendor, so they can easily be had by anyone who really wants them.


    I think I like it better now too, but I can like something better and still recognize all the bizarre externalities of the exchange. There are so many odd ways that the Devs have provided to take another stab at keeping enough salvage and recipes going around. You'd think it would have been easier to just increase the rate of drops compared to the rate of influence folks were earning. That would force deflation. But of course, each change in the system gets locked in so every time the Devs came up with something new (Vanguard Merits) they had to figure out how it could be fungible ultimately with things people actually want to buy.


    In that sense, I am committed to my "new trick" learning. I frankly wasn't very good at the old way either. I had a number of uncommon or rare sets on my level 50s but never had any of them maxed out and I don't think I ever had a full purple set of anything. My toons were playable, strong, and fun. So I suspect I can do that all over again... but in a new way. This is just my first attempt. When I've been at it a few months I'm certain I'll have a different tale to tell about what I've been able to accomplish.


    For example, I didn't know you could buy converters on the market for Influence. So that's another important piece of the puzzle. At some point I need to write it all down on a piece of paper... how all the different "tweaks" interact with each other. It wouldn't be a big chart, but it would make my brain happy to make it all visually clear. Ultimately profit is made only two ways, play the game at a good-to-better pace absorbing a cross section of the more lucrative rewards, or provide arbitrage for all the people that don't do that.


    "At the moment" is interesting. I wonder how long and for what rate those seeds will hold out? It doesn't really matter though. I'm sure they will continue to keep the community reasonably supplied. But it does seem so much faster now doesn't it? And one wonders how many lvl 50s tricked out with purples and how many billions of influence some players will have until they reach the finish line and move on. It'll be different for each of them I suppose. But there is still the problem that Statesman couldn't solve so long ago... some people are just way more powerful, way more into it, way more ... more and keeping the spectrum interested and involved is a real trick.


    In my opinion CoH was the only place to do that, though folks still playing Everquest or EVE or any of the very old titles might disagree. CoH certainly seemed the most newbie / casual friendly place and I hope the Homecoming continues to be.

  19. Targeting Drone is great, but you can get "close enough" with Tactics.  Tactical Arrow has a +ACC effect similar to Targeting Drone, while Dark has a version of Build Up that can be made permanent (but requires enemies in range).


    Well, I'm a little bummed that they changed Snipe to be instasnipe "when in combat"... so Targetting Drone isn't the bump for the set that it was. And given what you've all said about everyone getting a major source of Recovery at 20, I'm wishing I might have chosen Mental Manipulation instead (that was the other choice I was considering).


    Still, this is fun to play and when I go solo back through Ours to play old story arcs for badges I'll still be glad I have it. No regrets.

  20. So the "rare" market is sort of broken? I mean unless you have a large pile of your own rare salvage lying around. In which case, the money runs out when the salvage does. If the crafting and listing costs weren't so high, a "crafter" could service the market by buying recipes and salvage and selling the IO result,  but the key to that right now is "jumping the list" by turning out a bunch of uncommon IOs and converting them.


    I did read the guide, but I felt like I needed to get into the market the way I remember doing it on live years ago to pay for my alt-habit. I don't even have a lvl 50 toon yet (because so many alts so little time). So farming and the usual "high end rewards" aren't really available to me yet.


    But converters only come from merits right? so when I run out of merits, I run out of converters and I'm back to being unsustainable. But at least in the meantime I could make some dough. Looks like I'll be zone badge hunting to get a few more to start this.


    Of course, you know what this is doing. It is driving up the price of uncommons because fewer people will be selling them but more people will be buying the salvage needed to make them (so it is more expensive to buy or craft them for your toons) but driving down the price of rares. It seems like the difference between the two in the mechanics of the game drop system is far too great.

  21. So far I've only popped on the market to ditch some rare salvage so I could buy SOs for my various alts (I have 10 in the 22-26 range now) and I did craft IOs for my first character that could slot 30s so I bought some salvage back for that. But I haven't tried to make myself useful or work for any real profit.


    So at first I thought I'd be helpful. I simply took all the recipes I didn't want (most of them common IOs but a couple of lower end set items) and I crafted them all up and sold them. It cost me 2million more in salvage and fees than I got back. So much for being altruistic. I am not really all that upset about it as all the pieces sold so I figure someone's level 15 wanted that thing and I didn't. Though I wonder about driving up prices for common salvage making junk that probably isn't worth slotting even if someone thinks they want to use it. From now on I think I'll just drump the recipes and let someone else decide if the mess is worth it to them.


    Then I tried something more serious. I mailed myself from all my toons all their set-IOs. There's too many common IO to do that of course (and my experiment was a bust on that), but I figured that was a good start. And I mailed myself my collective fortune of 10million. It looked like most of the low end stuff could be made for trivial salvage investment and sold for anywhere between 50-250,000 fair enough. The good stuff always required a big buy of a salvage piece costing between 650,000-850,000 and sold either for 1million or 2million (occasionally there was a price spike or drop). So I poured the 10million in salvage and fees to craft and post the lot.


    Sure, it isn't the crazy merit-enhancement convert dice rolling, but it seemed both helpful and potentially profitable. I suppose I won't know for sure until sometime tomorrow whether those sales will go through. All my prices were reasonable, not even "edgy" but they didn't pop within 20mins, so I suspect most of the bidders are casting in a mess of low bids being patient and hoping to hit it lucky.


    Still, if I sell the whole lot it looks like I'll almost double my money, somewhere around 18million. It was a lot of work and there were plenty of risks involved. Not sure if 8million is a worthy profit considering that's all the set drops all my toons have gotten so far in the game. Feels like it should have been more profitable than that. I couldn't turn around again and do it tomorrow as I don't have recipes anymore. So this won't work beyond the immediate windfall (if you can call it that).


    So that's a bust. I mean, I hope I'll still clear my original investment at least and some progress toward badges and I'm glad some folks will slot of some things they are looking for. But I can't do it again so I've hit a dead end.

  22. I'm glad to donate what I can, but hope you all see that with sufficient support from the community, you can continue to have the best tools to do what you've set out to do.


    I can't help but think that, if you are serious about to continuing develop the project you'll need graphic design software and other more "individual" expenses for the folks contributing to the project.


    You should also look into something like pre-paid legal services (subscription based relationships) and other necessary business essentials like perhaps an ongoing relationship with an accountant/tax guy and so forth. Don't be afriad to move beyond the iron-and-electrons side of this.


    It will do the community good to know what the full enterprise will cost in the long-but-sustainable term, so we can all budget our contributions.

  23. I'm glad you like it. Personally I tried a Beam Rifle/Devices blaster back when it first went live and couldn't stand it. Part of the problem for me is that my main blaster was (and is) an Assault Rifle/Devices and I hated the lack of AoE that BR has compared to AR.


    I actually grabbed it initially because I detest Damage over time, but it so happened that losing the aoe was part of that. I'm fine. I don't need it solo and someone else always has plenty in teams.

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