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About Nuc

  • Birthday 01/01/1004

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  1. Volunteer is not the same thing as "not professional". Plenty of professionals volunteer their time and skills with charities for example, the fact that they're volunteers makes their work no less professional. Try finding your nearest volunteer fireman and tell him he's not doing a professional job, let me know how you get on. I also never said they can't take on larger(r) projects: Bolded the bit you seem to be having trouble with. Unless they have enough resources to fully resource every single change they want to make simultaneously then yes, allocating resources to a difficult/tricky (your words, not mine) change like character names mean that other projects have less to work with. It's basic logic/maths. Feel free to disagree.
  2. I never said anything about the merits of changing how character names work (for the record I'd much prefer the CO naming system) I was originally replying to a comment along the lines of "they said it's difficult, not impossible" by pointing out that just because it's technically possible it doesn't necessarily follow that it's feasible given the available resources.
  3. Been a while since I took a new character through but I remember some missions being a pain on some of them. As mentioned, some of the ambushes were way longer than the three waves of blueside (I seem to remember a ghoul one that felt excessively long) and there's a lot more psychic damage but all in all it's not a massive increase in difficulty. I still wouldn't recommend it for a new player until they'd reached the mid to late levels on at least one other character. Us old crusties tend to have a lot more latent knowledge about the game than we realise 😉
  4. By all means, please point out where I said they weren't professional. What's that, you can't?? 🤥 Or perhaps you were trying to misrepresent where I said they don't have the resources of a professional development studio? Maybe I'm not the one who needs the increased font size after all. And since you seem to have forgotten my first reply to you, I'll blow that one up on the off chance it penetrates the re-entry shield that appears to surround your skull.
  5. Yes, Cryptic did solve this issue a long time ago. But we have no idea a) how difficult it was and b) how long it took. And they had the full resources of a professional game development studio at their disposal. As for "nonsense" like the Team Diversity Bonus, I'd imagine that was pretty low-hanging fruit (if I had to guess I'd say the Kheldian inherent could have provided the framework for it) and recycling existing powers is much easier than creating new stuff entirely from scratch. And as has been pointed out, these are volunteers, we take what we get and are thankful that the game even exists at all. Alternatively, the source code is freely available, knock yourself out if you're not happy.
  6. And Pain Domination was red empathy 😉
  7. I'd also recommend The Holy Trinity Isn't for someone coming from other MMOs as support in CoH is much more than just heals.
  8. /bind numpad1 "team select 1$$powexecname clear mind" That should work if you double-tap the key quickly from what I remember. The only other way I can think of would be using multiple bind files but that seems unnecessarily complicated for what you want.
  9. So the way contacts work in this game (generally anyway, there are probably some exceptions) is that they have a pool of random missions that you can be given in any order, as long as you're within the appropriate level range, as well things called Story Arcs. You'll know you're on one of these if you see a green book symbol by the contact's portrait in the contact list. These are a series of missions that are given out in a specific order and the contact will keep giving you missions in the arc even if you outlevel it. So if both you and your friend can both get on the same story arc you can do those missions together (you'll get a prompt at the end of the mission if you're not the mission owner asking if you want to autocomplete yours as well) Afraid I can't help you with the quest arrows problem. I assume you mean Azuria? https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Azuria You can use the wiki to check what missions are available from what contact to make it easier to sync up with your friend.
  10. No it wasn't and no it didn't. YOUR build couldn't do that because YOU refused to change it after burn was nerfed, that's on YOU. Anyway, I'm done here since you clearly just want to keep pushing this fantasy narrative you've concocted in your head that every build was awful and everyone left the game along with you and there were 3 of us left keeping the servers alive for another eight years...
  11. Which is why I said to you in my second reply that it could be a build issue. You can't come back to a character in an actively developed MMO several years later and expect it to play the same. You hyper-specialised your character into a particular niche, herding everything up and killing them all with a single power, Burn. And when that playstyle was nerfed you flat out refused to adapt to the changes and instead compalin about how you can't kill grey mobs in a reasonable time frame without even trying to make any changes? Are you really having trouble figuring out why some of the responses might be a bit on the snarky side? Like, I get it, I was here from EU launch (I3) to shutdown and I went through ED, GDN, Controller nerfs (the quadruple nerfing of mass controls pisses me off to this day) and probably way more than I can remember. But it's an MMO, shit changes and you adapt. Edit: I think part of the problem might be to do with expectations. To some people the idea of a superhero MMO will conjure up images of wading through hordes of canon fodder like an old Dynasty Warriors game or something where you send dozens of mobs flying with a single punch. But Cryptic decided to make a game that more of an evolution of the EverQuest formula, either due to technical limitations or design choices (yes I remember Jack and his 1 hero = 3 minions thing, a lot of his bullshit got corrected after he left to make the Marvel MMO which ended up being Champions Online). But the early game had ways to break the intended design and skew it more towards the Dynasty Warriors end of the spectrum. That playstyle appealed to a particular type of player and those players were left without a way to achieve their chosen playstyle once all the nerfs/fixes (yes, some of them were fixes) went through. The good news is, as others have pointed out, you can have a lot of that feeling back thanks to Inventions and Incarnate powers, but you are going to have to adapt to how the game is NOW in order to achieve that, rather than hearkening back to the good old days.
  12. Was you Tank called Walter Mitty by any chance?
  13. No, you absolutely shouldn't play Edit: OK, that was probably a bit harsh. But honestly, if you're expecting the game to be anything like what you described then you're going to disappointed. Seriously, being able to herd up an entire zone of mobs 20 levels above you and burn them all down with 1 button is only probably OP to you? By all means, try the game out again but you really, really need to temper your expectations. You can absolutely make builds capable of doing outrageous things, you just can't completely break the game any more.
  14. That's either massive hyperbole or a skill/build issue. Either way, they're on you and not the game. A competently built character of ANY archetype has never needed that long to kill a grey mob.
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