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  1. Right! But I don't wanna find out a girl I'm interested in is "arson crazy" after my place is torched. I need that kinda info 007 style.
  2. Second class citizen off a suggestion? It's not that serious, but I do appreciate your feedback. And here I was thinking about a permadeath option for fun!
  3. Perhaps I've misread what the suggestion forum is about. I'm "shooting the shit" and folk are on a high horses. Rude asf, or under the impression the suggestor is looking for a great debate. This isn't the Diddy trial, and you're no lawyer. Meeting folks on the forum shouldn't be taxing.
  4. Nope, I specifically stated the "reckless player who constantly gets defeated" as the quitter. Most decent players communicate that they have to quit the TF. They're vocal about the mishaps up front to their team. I'm not talking about those folks. 9/10 the other players will tell them to stay online if it's feasible to still get credit. It's been a while, so I can't confirm what the outcome was.
  5. Test mode would do wonders!
  6. That's just it. It's not that deep. I'm not looking to see anything "come to fruition" in this post. It's like "shooting the shit" about a movie or comic banter.
  7. I respect that! I must say that I've seen a blaster mop up a fire farm, so anything is possible.
  8. I get it. Thanks!
  9. Ok! That's definitely a no!
  10. It's nothing more then a suggestion. I hear you though.
  11. That is a lot of assumption in all that banter. Snide remarks as well, yet you offer nothing of true value. Your attempt to be impress or "put on" for the forum is where your character falls short. Me!? Upset!? About what exactly? Folks saying "no" to my suggestion? Clearly you've misread. But "this" stopped being about a "fun suggestion" a while back. Folks think they can control the narrative of others. If I said "Gotcha" or "Right". I meant that! No negative energy, or condescending tone needed. Explaining and defending are two different things. Maybe folks should take your advice about voices heard in their head as they read a statement. Don't project the feelings of others onto me, to justify your nothingness. No one is blocked on my end. I've answered every post cordially. Can you say the same? I haven't disrespected a soul here. If you can't do the same, you know what you can do.
  12. You want attention. Ignore!
  13. IDK what that is about. Thar sounds like none of my business.
  14. Nah, none of that is required. You simply saying you disagree is good enough. The end.
  15. I don't need deep rooted feedback on a grain of salt suggestion I made. It has no true value. We either agree or disagree. I try to minimize the "extra" banter. It's not healthy, and leads to disrespectful comments. Feedback isn't a horrible thing. Making out of pocket comments? Well...
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