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Xion80 last won the day on February 26

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  1. It might be an issue for whatever reason to give players access to his iconic cape style, so can we get a "variant" like the "Zeus" helm? Maybe a cape that sits low on both arms of the player, like the left arm of this image.
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  2. If that's the tunnel where you constantly take damage over time. I'd love to get my hands on that for AE!
  3. Thanks for the heads up, I'll definitely be running it solo. Been a huge spike in disgruntled "WoW wackos" showing up on Excelsior. Had one as a Stone/Stone Tanker teleporting around a Carnie mission pulling as many Dark Ring Mistresses in an attempt to destroy the team before he left mid mission. We survived, but trolling has certanly spiked as of late.
  4. A common occurrence in most subjects, but don't worry. You've flawlessly played your part.
  5. Actually, I've gotten everything that I needed from this topic. "Devolution" was just the catalyst. Just missing one more, but I'm sure they will post once they catch wind.
  6. What? Now that's just victim blaming. How dare you! I rest my case.
  7. And what "considerations" do I need to allow others to add to my idea? The snark? The insults? The off topic conjecture? Or maybe the dismissive statements? How about more broad generalizations about me personally? It's all here, yet you didn't say a thing about any of that to anyone posting. Spare me your dissertation about "concerning this forum" rhetoric. Me and you have nothing to talk about. If you wish to contact me, speak to me privately.
  8. Is this the part where I'm supposed to lose my marbles at your attempts to appease your buds!? Its embarrassing really. More off topic nonsense. Anyhow... You posted about your experience here. No problems. You disagreed, I kept it pushing.
  9. Noted, but you're decision is just that. The method "YOU"decided isn't the standard. I read your advice and disagreed with it. That was the end of that for me. You don't like green tea!? No problem! And who shows up thinking every post they disagree with is debate worthy? No one is obligated to respond to any statements made here. No of you set the standard on what is what around here. A million players could be in agreement that WP is better then Regen by a thousand miles. I'm "that guy" that begs to differ, no matter what stats are posted. Doesn't mean I show up on every post trashing Regen, because of my views on the set. I keeps it moving! Didn't change my view not one iota! No sir! Be specific! Go back and read all my responses to you. You weren't "told off" in any sense of the word. Only hit dawgs holla! Your assertation has no legs to stand on. You said your piece on the first page. How you percieved my disagreeing with it, as "telling you off" is a manifestation all your own.
  10. This statement is false. Ever seen the "tank" turn into a monkey on that PuG group you joined running +4 PI missions, or SBB TF? I promise It will rapidly becomes an everybody problem.
  11. Right! Because using it in combat is quite common just like the other two options. It used to bother me when folks cast Mystic Fortune on me during the heat of battle. (Regen here, like I don't have enough decision making clicks already) At least we have an instant option to decline. Devolution give "those who use it" no way out.
  12. This part! It stopped being "fun" ages ago!
  13. I see the harbinger of decorum has entered the building!
  14. Maybe Inner Inspiration should get a negative that clears out all inspiration in a players tray? Call that bad boy Oops! Maybe Mystic Fortune should recieve a random AoE that effects all teammates in a negative manner? Call it Misfortune. 16.7% chance the whole team become Rikti Monkeys? We'll be fine. We can hold hands as we die together in the Malta fumes.
  15. When it comes to receiving the Tower debuff we sure will. When it comes to Devolution...Nah.
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