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  1. Darn it. Haven't played for a good 4-6 weeks and happen to want to right now. 🙂 From the UK.. that is.
  2. Hi guys. Thanks Frostweaver and Hjarki for the "heated" debate in here. But keep it cool guys. A quick question about the reason I came here, if I may, I was looking for aAFK farmer/build ideas. I do have one very good fire farmer build based one of your excellent guides Frostweaver - and want to try an AFK tank build too (as I like team-friendly tanking too) BUT I've noticed not a single line/comment made on Masterminds for AFK farming - and I've seen one in action (and should have written the toon's name down, but didn't) - the toon/technique in question was using group flight and robots (although I didn't even clock what the secondary was, although Forcefield might be great for farm protection) and it worked great but is clearly not remotely comparable to active fire brutes/tanks for farming - but it was still effective for proper set-and-leave alone AFK farming. So the question for you guys is if you've tried it too (for AFK farming)? The big AFK advantage is clearly that you can have a whole pack of ranged robots firing (literally) at the massed mobs below but in terms of AFK DPS there must be some interesting stats going on there as you're not talking about a just 2-3 damage auras + Burn (on auto) but the constant firing/healing of a pack of well-trained robots! Any thoughts (or stats if anyone has them)? Would love to see them. Thanks for the thread meantime.
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