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Wavicle last won the day on September 13 2024

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  1. Can't really help with your specific question, but I wonder if you can get that tip from the sg base Mission Computer if you need it?
  2. Stick a fork in this thread GMs, it's done.
  3. I absolutely agree that ALL pet ai in the game could use improvements, Illusion included. I am firmly against ANY improvements exclusive to Illusion because it's already borderline op.
  4. It's more likely a bug with a keybind or macro that you used to activate the power. Those "powexeclocation" binds don't always play well with the games geometry (they were not in the game at release, they were added years later, during the SCORE years if I'm not mistaken).
  5. Just to circle back a little, "gatekeeping" means excluding someone. No one is doing that in any way shape or form. Informing someone that the devs have already said they aren't taking away KB from Phantasm is not gatekeeping. It just isn't.
  6. The Phantasm is actually TOUGHER than the Imps against Lethal and Energy, and the same against other things besides Negative Energy and Fire. So this logic really does not hold.
  7. Phantasms issue is going into melee and dying. I assure you the Imps have the exact same issue.
  8. She needs to type /hide and then UNCLICK the options on that character that hide from global friends.
  9. Oh sorry, I got confused. It's in the LRTP Checklist dropdown that it's in the wrong place.
  10. I agree some reorganization would be nice. For example, Midnighters Club should be listed next to Pocket D, not in the Paragon City list, as it can be accessed from both sides.
  11. On the Shrouded/Shady badge map, a section of Kings Row I believe, you cannot exit the mission by entering the Red glowing area. This has been the case in all of HC, possibly in the past as well.
  12. You have a misapprehension of the meaning of the word gatekeeping. We are explaining to you what was previously explained to us when we made the same suggestion!
  13. Yes, we. Maybe you don't live on these forums the way some of us do. Knockback is not a new topic of conversation. The devs have repeatedly indicated (to "us") that they have no intention of removing Knockback aside from those tools they've already given us (and possibly adding more "gather them up", "hold them in place", and "close the gap" abilities). Asking for it again and again is just a waste of everyone's time.
  14. I think I already said I believe the Phantasm should hang back a bit more? The issue isn't really a disagreement over that, it's what you just said. Illusions is already top of the heap even with the bad pet AI.
  15. You understand that Illusion Controllers have solod Giant Monsters? So while I definitely agree that Energy Torrent is problematic for this pet, I certainly wouldn't call the pet "broken", and to say that it's "holding the set back" seems like a real stretch. More like (and more LIKELY), if the pet was made much more effective some OTHER aspect of the set would need to be nerfed in order to keep Illusions from being head and shoulders above every other Control set. Really, if your Phantasm is dying too much, you should be a little more on it with controlling the mobs to protect him.
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