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Derek Icelord

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Posts posted by Derek Icelord

  1. According to the archive Paragon Wiki, the rate was 1,000,000 inf for 2,000 prestige. I don't remember how much 2,000 prestige got you, though.

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  2. I remember seeing this, mostly on the forums. Only ever watched from the sidelines, but the salt they generated was hilarious.


    On 2/27/2024 at 12:42 PM, Ironblade said:


    Because, let me guess, buying prestige wasn't "the right way to do it" or "it shouldn't count" or some such drivel?   🙂


    I think it was part that, and part utter jealousy at the amount of Influence the group had. You could buy Prestige back on Live (as opposed to earning it by playing in SG Mode), and I recall the Inf -> Prestige conversion rate was just atrocious. So it was not just a flex, but a pretty big one to boot.

  3. OK, this isn't in the notes.


    What's with all levels of the Council having this FREEM! effect on what seems like all powers, which comes with a high magnitude knockback? I know it's at least Mag 4.1 because it punches through the Karma: KB Protection IO. I've been encountering it since level 12 on Council mobs.


    The notes only mention high level Council getting a rework/tweak.

  4. 4 hours ago, EmperorSteele said:


    One caveat here: ID's mez protection is NOT AoE, only the damage resistance portion.


    Unless that got changed, but the OG devs were pretty stingy about aoe mez protection until they introduced Clarion.


    Fair enough. I still think all such powers should be an AoE, however. Applying it to every team mate is tedious, and even worse for leagues.

    • Banjo 1
  5. Having mulled over this some more, I really like @ShinMagmus's proposal with the following tweaks:

    • Make Clear Mind an AoE like Kinetics has for Increased Density (and proliferate this change to all other Mez protection Support powersets that don't have it already).
    • Make Absorb Pain grant a large amount of Absorb instead of being a heal (and if it retains the -HP -Heal on caster, give it +Res or +Absorb to the caster).
    • Make the T8 a +RES(All but Psi), which helps Empathy stand out in being the only set that can grant both +DEF and +RES to allies. I'm dropping the +DEF from my previous suggestion as it would be both overpowered and Fortitude already has a +DEF component. I'm also excluding Psi since that's proposed to be added to Clear Mind.

    Thus the set would look something like this (again, all suggested numbers are for Defender scale):

    T1 - Healing Aura
    Decrease animation time (also apply to AoE heals in other sets)


    T2 - Heal Other
    No change


    T3 - Absorb Pain
    Changed to large +Absorb, grants caster either +RES(All, 22.5%) or +Absorb


    T4 - Resurrect
    Decrease recharge to 120s


    T5 - Clear Mind
    Made AoE with 30ft radius, grants +RES(Psi, 10%)


    T6 - Fortitude
    No change


    T7 - Revitalizing Aura
    PBAoE(25ft radius), +Recovery(100%), +Regen(250%), 90s duration, 360s recharge, resistance to debuffs


    T8 - Steadfast Resolve (New power, better name if someone has one)
    PBAoE(25ft radius), +RES(All but Psi, 25%), 90s duration, 240s recharge


    T9 - Adrenaline Boost
    No change

    • Thanks 2
    • Banjo 1
  6. I really like this idea.


    On Live, I mained an Empathy/Psi Defender and have recreated the character on Homecoming as well. Empathy definitely needs some love.


    I have two critiques of your proposals:
    First, as FupDup said, Merciful Cry "feels off" for the set. I think it would be interesting to make it a Fortitude-esque power, but grant +RES(All) or all but Psi since you've proposed having that in Clear Mind, making Empathy the only set that can grant allies both +DEF(All) and +RES(All). Name it something like Stalwart Resolve. I don't think Empathy needs a -RES power to be useful, and having a power that targets foes feels against the set's theme.

    Second, I think it'd be a little more in keeping with Empathy's theme for Resurrect to retain its no buff status, but instead have a shorter cooldown than other rez powers. Something like going from base 180s to 120s recharge.



    • Banjo 1
  7. 35 minutes ago, Neopatch said:


    @America's Angel Thanks a lot for reassuring me and for the non-AFK build !


    This build did make me ponder a couple of powers in my and your build :

    1) +Phoenix Rising : Do we plan to still die so much that a self rez is important ? (I must admit that the rate at which I die at the moment is skyrocketing)

    2) +Vengeance : errr ?

    3) -Consume : Right now, even using Consume whenever it's up, I spend my time out of End. I just hit 50 with this first character, so I'm quite far from all the high level incarnate slots / powers and I'll need to use this unslotted character to farm the inf to actualy purchase all these IO. Do you think that the Stamina / Health buff/procs wil be enough to pull this off?






    Slot/set mules.

    1.) Phoenix Rising is a slot mule for the Preventative Medicine proc. If you're dying, something has gone wrong.

    2.) Vengeance is a slot mule for another Luck of the Gambler +7.5% recharge.

    3.) Do you have the 4 accolade powers? Increasing Max END will also increase recovery. Did you toggle Tough on? As this is a fire build, Tough is only there to mule set bonuses and get access to Weave.

  8. Yes, technically all of them.*


    You can combine the Blaster inherent of having access to your first 2 blast powers even while mezzed with the Defiant Barrage Chance for Status Protection proc in one of those first 2 powers. Get mezzed, keep blasting, and the proc will eventually trigger and free you. Most critter powers are low magnitude, so just one stack of the proc is enough to free you. And since you should be spamming your blasts anyway, there's a decent chance you'll have a stack or two before a critter casts a control power on you as well.


    It also helps a lot to build for 45% DEF to S/L, as that will keep the majority of attacks from landing in the first place.

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  9. Does anyone have (and is willing to share) a Spines/Fiery Aura Brute build?


    I know Spines/Fiery Aura is kinda old and fallen out of favor in the wake of Page 5's changes, but I still have 2 of them and I'm disinclined to abandon them and start entirely from scratch. I've attached build I've been running. What can I do within the constraints of the Spine/Fiery Aura combo to optimize it for current farming? Ideally I'd like to have both an AFK build and an active build. Cost isn't a concern.

    _Brute (Spines-Fiery Aura).mbd

    • Thumbs Up 1
  10. I know Spines/Fiery Aura is kinda old and fallen out of favor, but I still have 2 of them and I'm disinclined to abandon them and start entirely from scratch. I've attached the current build. What can I do within the constraints of the Spine/Fiery Aura combo to optimize it for current farming? Ideally I'd like to have both an AFK build and an active build. Cost isn't a concern.

    _Brute (Spines-Fiery Aura).mbd

  11. 12 hours ago, Gunnarr said:

    My wife:


    -develops an immediate dislike for other players with vision blocking and noisy pets/effects who join her at a vendor, and is apparently griefed by a Demons MM player who follows her around standing next to her each time. Eventually he goes away, but she wrote his name down for later revenge (she's from Chicago, and holds a grudge like a Sicilian Elephant)



    So, CoH has a player notes system that allows you to add a note to a player and a 1-5 star rating. This is tied to their global name...


    Also, "holds a grudge like a Sicilian Elephant" had me rolling. Thanks for that!

    • Thumbs Up 2
  12. I logged in to a character I haven't played in a while who uses Ninja Run. I swear last time I played, Ninja Run was mostly silent (particularly no footsteps). Playing tonight, I notice it has footsteps, albeit slightly softer than the default, and some very annoying "swoosh" sounds whenever the character jumps or changes direction. Is this new, or is my memory just that bad?


    Either way, can we please have an option to disable these at the tailor?

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