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Posts posted by Fade

  1. I really appreciate this change. It solves a number of the pain points I brought up in the last thread:

    • Being a one-time badge, instead of a daily repeatable bonus, does not incentivize repeating the same short TFs over and over every day to maximize rewards
    • While it doesn't solve the issue of roles not matching up with how archetypes actually play, it notably lessens the problem. Now any given character might experience the problem only once in their career, instead of potentially every day.

    Perhaps a one-time bonus of aethers can be associated with the badges (or is it just a single badge for doing either team? I'd assume its two badges, but a bit unclear), like there are aethers awarded with the newest halloween badges. That would be a small, but still meaningful, injection of aethers into the economy accessible by lower level characters and newer players.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Doc_Scorpion said:

    It's entirely possible to build a playable and effective toon using nothing but the information available in game.  That's the entire point of this subthread, that we don't need to push players towards MIDS.


    I totally agree with you there. MIDS is a nice program to use, I enjoy it, but it isn't (and shouldn't be) a necessity. And providing the most accurate information in an easy-to-understand manner is why that's the case.



    Something I completely forgot to mention in my first post there is that providing numbers in the power descriptions doesn't have to be at the expense of descriptive language (or dots, if that's something people like better). A block that looks like this:

    Damage: High (1.64)

    Attack speed: Medium (1.33 seconds)

    Recharge: Medium (8 seconds)

    would be helpful and flavorful in equal measure. But if they're going to stay, the "Light"s, "Medium"s, "High"s, etc. should at least be re-evaluated to be consistent across copies of the powersets, and IMO across powersets in general, to be as truthful and accurate as possible.

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  3. 3 hours ago, Doc_Scorpion said:

    Or, to make it plain, I absolutely agree with the other posters.  We absolutely do not want to flood new players with information they lack the necessary background and experience to properly interpret.  And we absolutely do not want to give the impression that min maxing and/or build planning is a prerequisite for being able to play (or enjoy) the game.  The kinds of folks who enjoy that kind of stuff will almost invariably either encounter it through osmosis or deliberately seek it out.  We don't need to force it on everyone else.


    Presenting too much information at once can definitely be a problem. But I don't think the "descriptive language" system of describing powers is any less overwhelming than directly presenting the damage scale, and it's less useful to boot. Any player, new or old, can see that 1.4 is higher than 1.2 and decide whether they care about that or not. But to this day I can never remember whether "Light" damage is supposed to be more than "Minor", or whether "Superior" is more than "Extreme". And in some sets, like Archery for Blasters*, you're presented with two options that are both labeled as "Light" (although the description of the power says one does more than another).


    Personally, for power information, I'd like to see animation time be a described in that same block of text. Using Hack as an example again, I'd format it like this:

    Damage: 1.64

    Attack speed: 1.33 seconds

    Recharge: 8 seconds

    Giving players an idea of "this attack hits harder, but this one is faster" gives them the information to make a meaningful choice right off the bat, or they'll continue to ignore that description and pick based on the power icon like I often do.


    *side note: Looking at the first two powers for Archery across multiple archetypes shows inconsistencies. For Blasters, both Snap Shot and Aimed Shot are labeled "Light". For Corruptors, they are "Moderate" and "High", and for Defenders, they are "Minor" and "Light". An objective, numbers-based system would help alleviate this confusion.

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  4. What I like about this system:

    • More Prismatic Aethers earned, especially during the lower levels, seems like a good thing.
    • I like seeing what I call a "rainbow team", when every member of a team has a different archetype symbol on the team window, for aesthetic reasons.


    What I don't like about this system:

    • The specific roles assigned to the archetypes are too limited. In an attempt to be "fair" to the archetypes that are designed to specialize, the system is unfair to archetypes designed to do multiple things well.
      • The "Corruptors don't count as support"  argument is like beating a dead horse at this point.
    • I feel like the roles provided here make sense from a game design perspective but not a game play perspective.
      • I have never looked at a team and thought "This team is well balanced, except we need more melee damage. No blasters allowed, no brutes allowed, get me a scrapper or a stalker only!"
      • "Support" being a single category feels limited. I think there's a difference between offensive support (damage buffs, resistance debuffs), defensive support (defense and resistance buffs, damage and tohit debuffs), healing, and endurance (recovery buffs or outright +endurance effects). Most support sets have a mix of capabilities, but may focus on one way over another.
    • This system defines role as something you are, rather than something you do.
      • At the very least, this idea is clearly divisive.
    • I don't think all-support teams, or all-tank teams, or what have you, are any less "healthy" than a more balanced team.
      • I do agree that it is unhealthy if characters that focus on a particular role feel like they have no place in the game. But I think this isn't solved by being the tag-along so the rest of the team can get more rewards, and has to be solved with game design. If controls (for example) feel inadequate in the late game, more situations where they are useful must be introduced.
    • I don't want to be the guy who feels like he has to switch characters in order for everybody to get a 3 million influence bonus. Likewise, I don't want to be the guy who thinks about his teammates "I wish you were playing a different character."
    • The system incentivizes speedrunning shorter TFs multiple times with different characters over playing a single longer TF.
      • This also doesn't do anything for mission teams.

    Overall, I think the negatives outweigh the positives on this one.

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  5. 4 minutes ago, Cobalt Arachne said:

    If the consensus here is that this change will be a negative for the game, we can simply remove the free bonus and drop this feature.

    The sense I'm getting from reading feedback is that many feel like any attempts to influence the nature of team assembly is antithetical to the nature of City of Heroes.


    Honestly, I think that would be for the best. I know the dev team is trying to do something nice for the players, but I think this idea needs a bit more time in the oven.


    I don't know whether trying to promote more balanced teams in some way is something we should strive for, but if we do decide to do that, here's how I would tweak the system as presented:

    As for "what counts as a well-balanced team", the game already tells you what ATs do what roles, on the character creation screen. In this section of the character creator (which I skip every time) we have listed roles that perfectly match the roles in this new system, plus "Pets" which isn't so much a role as a playstyle. Clicking "support" gives you a list of the archetypes that someone, at some point, considered the full list of archetypes that can fulfill a support role. While I can see why it might be seen as "unfair" to give the classic ATs like Corruptors more roles than a more focused AT like Scrappers, I think it's more unfair to not recognize their full contributions to a team. Personally, I'd align the roles listed here with the roles for the system. Simultaneously, I'd limit each player to "counting" as only one role at a time for the system - not as something a player has to choose (so player's don't have to "queue as support" or whatever), but as something calculated in the background. This would mean that it requires a 5 person team to get this bonus, which I don't love but makes more sense than assuming one player is performing three roles at a time.

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  6. 1 hour ago, macskull said:

    Yes and yes. The epic ATs intentionally count for multiple roles.

    Ok, cool. To be clear, I was more focused on whether those ATs could count for multiple roles at the same time, rather than whether they could count for any one role as needed to fill out a team. But it sounds like the answer to my questions is "yes" either way.


    As for whether non-epic ATs should count as multiple roles, I can see both sides on this one.

    • On one hand, I play my corruptors specifically to bring support to a team. The game already tells you during the character creation process which ATs can provide what roles, and it seems silly to disregard that and have a much more narrow focus of what each AT is doing.
    • On the other hand, this doesn't change the way the game is played at all. It's only used for getting a bit of bonus rewards. And the end goal clearly seems to be nudging players towards playing "classic" teams of one of each AT, so I can see why there's exactly one traditionally Hero AT in each category and one traditionally Villain AT in each category.

    Ultimately I'm not going to worry about the design too much, just make sure things are working as they're intended to be working.

    • Like 1
  7. image.png.1a8e897cff6ec820563037ea1b404cec.png

    Here's a followup screenshot to show the similar issue.

    My UI scale is at 116%, and turning it down to 100% did "solve" the issue, though the game is unpleasant to play with the UI at that size, so I set it back to my preferred size.

    I'd be happy to check the "two line badge name" theory, but I can't find any that are long enough to break into two lines.

    • Like 2
  8. I've also experienced this issue. It doesn't happen with other games or programs, it is a City of Heroes thing, and has been a thing on both of the computers I've played the game on since Homecoming started. No idea what causes it.

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  9. I'll chime in and echo Number Six's points. I play on Torchbearer now, and played on Triumph on the original servers. I prefer a smaller crowd for many reasons, which I don't have to get into here (I don't want to get into some kind of big server/small server slapfight). Suffice it to say, if I wanted to play on Excelsior, I'd be playing on Excelsior.


    If there was only one shard from the very beginning, I imagine I'd be playing on it. But as the system works now, a shard merge would show a callous disregard for my personal preferences, and it would be a faith-killer in the Homecoming team. That's why Number Six says people would quit over having more people to play with - not because more people is bad, but because the choice is removed from players like myself. Its comforting to see that the Homecoming team is not considering such a measure.

    • Like 2
  10. 30 minutes ago, biostem said:

    Can the game have a contact be present for one person by absent for another?

    NPCs can be present for some players and absent for others, based on active or completed missions - some examples include Laura Lockhart, Aaron Thiery, Lt. Harris, and multiple NPC contacts in Praetoria. There's also a scene with Marauder surrounded by police near Manticore and Swan depending on your progress on the Provost Marchand story arc (the blueside level 30+ arc, not anything that takes place in Praetoria).

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  11. People are giving a lot of great suggestions in this thread. I dig a lot of the Sonic/Symphonic ideas, and using Leviathan Mastery or Force of Will as well. While the Water/Mental blaster might be closer to what the OP originally asked for, I think some kind of sound-based set would be even more interesting. I like the idea of pairing something with Storm Summoning, or even Empathy might be suitable as a psychic-ish support set.

  12. I think having some free (both in terms of influence cost and endurance cost) toggle powers available at the Pay 2 Win vendor would be a great way to implement it. That way anybody could pick up all the ones they want, use them when they're desirable, disregard the ones they have no interest in, and maintain any costume visuals they already enjoy on their characters.

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  13. The game I played the most during the time between the live server shutdown and the Homecoming startup was Warframe, and that game was (and is) great in a lot of ways. I'd suggest taking a page or two from Warframe's book for some endless waves type missions. They have two mission types that would fit particularly well in CoH with limited modifications to the mechanics:

    1. Defense missions are about protecting an object from waves of spawns that are pathing directly to it. Enemies can attack players or the object, and if the object is destroyed, the mission fails. This one would probably work as-is with very little alteration, but would work on limited arena style maps that would need to be purpose-built for it, like the Terra Volta reactor.
    2. Survival missions involve picking up life support devices, which spawn at random locations on a map or from defeating enemies. This kind of design keeps players from picking a tasty chokepoint and camping there until the end of the universe. Survival maps in Warframe are the "normal" map types and are much more similar to normal CoH map types as well, with relatively linear paths that may branch at points. For CoH, though, the "life support" justification of the system wouldn't make as much sense, but the mechanics are solid - a bar slowly ticks down, and defeating specific enemy spawns or clicking on randomly spawning glowies partially refills the bar.
    • Like 1
  14. Hopped onto the Beta server to test out the new Effect: Flames power (the one bought with Prismatic Aether Particles). I was playing my corruptor with Fire Shield from Flame Mastery, which uses the same visual effect as the new Effect: Flames power. I found that when I had both powers toggled on, and then toggled either power off, the visual effect associated with the power turned off. This could result in Fire Shield still providing its buffs, and consuming its endurance, but with no visual feedback.

    The issue was first noticed using the default power customization themes (Original, Bright Flames, etc.) for both Fire Shield and Effect: Flames. Messing around in the tailor, I found that if Fire Shield is using a different power customization theme than Effect: Flames (say, leaving Fire Shield on Original and changing Effect: Flames to Bright Flames) both effects become visible at the same time, and as a result do not affect each other when toggled on or off. When using the same customization theme with different colors (setting both powers to Bright Flames, but turning the colors of one power red and the other power blue), only one power was visible at a time and toggling one power off turned off the effects for the other.

    I also tested this on my dominator using Mind over Body from Psionic Mastery and Effect: Psionic, but the bug did not occur (turning off one toggle caused a momentary visual effect drop, but the effects of the other power immediately activated). I have not yet tested using any other archetypes.

  15. 14 hours ago, Vanden said:


    That's only for iTrials and the like. The normal Taunt from Fury is below that, where it executes the Fury Proc Aura power.


    I see where I went wrong. I was missing the highlighted parts of the following (using Entropic Aura from Brutes as the example):


    100% chance

    2.25 second Taunt (Mag 3)

    if !target.HasTag?(Raid) && (target>enttype eq 'critter')
    100% chance
    Apply "Execute Power" (all affected targets)
    So in Raids, you get the 2.25sec taunt. Otherwise (including raids, or no?) you get the standard Fury proc, which includes a 13.6sec taunt. Meanwhile, the Scrapper is still only getting a 2.25sec taunt from Entropic Aura because they obviously don't get the Fury proc.
    Interestingly, the Scrapper version of Entropic Aura also has the "if !target.HasTag?(Raid)" tag on it. Seems to be true of other taunt auras as well, even though they all seem to work outside of raids, so I'm not sure if that tag means what it seems to mean on the surface.
    But anyway, all of that was a diversion from the point of the OP, so that's my bad.
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