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Kami Tsunami

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About Kami Tsunami

  • Birthday 01/01/1004

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  1. I see your reasoning. For me, I like to lead with Tidal Forces (build up), Envenom, Geyser, and finish off with steam spray. Mix in the other AoEs there somewhere too. Then, I can use spring attack in my build to jump in at melee range after and finish them off pretty safely from there with Venomous Gas and Weaken to lower their to-hit and dmg which has been working fine. So I thought about Oppressive Gloom, even Soul drain too, but there wasn't a necessity survivability-wise.
  2. Here I am a year later, but recently tried a Water/Poison corr. Always felt I couldn't get the build "just right". Tried for soft cap range def but something seemed off in mids to me. Was playing with some people who had some slotting suggestions for Steam Spray which I liked. I tried to fit it in my build, but I couldn't fit it without sacrificing some def. Stumbled upon this and liked some of what you had put together, good job! So, the final product (my original plan + some suggestions + your build here) is this: https://www.midsreborn.com/builds/download.php?uc=1694&c=740&a=1480&f=HEX&dc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otals at 50, pre-incarnate I understand it isn't how everyone would put it together, but I come to find I really like it. Maybe it helps you, or others, with their Water/Poison toons. Enjoy!
  3. Welp... I made myself do it, here are my builds up for download. I know they aren't all perfect. So before saying what you want just know that I couldn't care less. I just feel someone somewhere will find my builds helpful. And that's all the solace I need 😃 Have fun! (Moved from General Discussion) Blaster- Agent Dread (DP.MC).mxd Blaster- Stachel (Archery.NT).mxd Blaster- Turbonator (AR.Time).mxd Brute- Blizzard Cat (Savage.Ice).mxd Brute- Fierce Deity (TW.Regen).mxd Brute- Khairon (MA.WP).mxd Brute- Nether Rider (PsiM.DA).mxd Brute- Prodigy 13 (SS.Inv).mxd Controller - Mewow (Mind.FF).mxd Controller- Mind-Flip (Illusion.Dark).mxd Controller- Zip-Zap (Elec.Kin).mxd Corruptor- Dr. Aran (Energy.Emapthy).mxd Corruptor- Icerman (Ice.Cold).mxd Corruptor- Jack Fier (BR.Thermal).mxd Corruptor- Mr. Opioid (Rad.Pain).mxd Defender- Curupira (TA.Psy).mxd Defender- Grave Ivy (Nature.Dark).mxd Defender- Quantania (Time.Sonic).mxd Dominator- Jungled (Plant.Savage).mxd Dominator- Ka Lua Pele (Fire.Earth).mxd Mastermind- Mu'Rhen (Ninjas.EA).mxd Peacebringer- Chamali (GDPB).mxd Scrapper- Godhunter (Battle Axe.Elec).mxd Scrapper- Kanniu (Kin.Energy).mxd Scrapper- Mikau (Claws.Ice).mxd Scrapper- Slashpoint (Savage.SR) alt.mxd Scrapper- Worca Schey (Katana.SR).mxd Sentinel- Anti-Light (Dark.Energy).mxd Sentinel- Colonel Falcon (Fire.Elec).mxd Sentinel- Kami Tsunami (Water.Rad).mxd Stalker- Hazard 5 (DB.Bio).mxd Stalker- Nova Hex (EM.Sheild).mxd Stalker- Static-Frost (ElecM.Ice).mxd Tanker- Apokolyte (Invul.EnM).mxd Tanker- Captain Marine (WP.Staff).mxd Tanker- Emperor Koopa (Fire.Spines).mxd Tanker- Macrowave (Fire.Rad).mxd Tanker- Pyrock (Stone.Fire).mxd Tanker- Swiiiiish (SR.DM).mxd Warshade- Chanubi (Human only).mxd
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  4. I realized that after I had already posted as well.
  5. Welp... I made myself do it, here are my builds up for download. I know they aren't all perfect. So before saying what you want just know that I couldn't care less. I just feel someone somewhere will find my builds helpful. And that's all the solace I need 😃 Have fun! (Moved to Archetypes)
  6. Is his name Daem Daddy?... Because.... DAAAAAEEEEMMMMMMM DADDY!
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