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  1. Thanks for the tips. I've started a dark/dark and it's not bad to lvl 31. Definitely an end hog. Water/Martial will be next. Sonic/Sonic? I remember disliking sonic on live, but that was probably before IOs. You never see either set, which is a bit intriguing. Of course it may just be the sets suck. Do you have a build @Force Redux or general tips?
  2. My preferred playstyle is more melee than ranged but not full blapper. (I do have full ranged Arch/TA and blapper Rad/Nrg so not against either) I'm trying not to duplicate any primaries or secondaries on my blasters so here's what's left: Primary: A.R. / B.R. / Dark / Nrg / Sonic / Water Secondary: Atom / Dev / Dark / Martial / Plant / Sonic I'm looking for input on what sets go well together from this list. (If I really plan to see it through I may do my next six blasters off this list, but ...)
  3. Nice arc. It makes good use of the time-travel idea. Thanks for the help!
  4. I always get paranoid when I can't get on.
  5. I did a patron and all their arcs. Then I did all the other patrons' arcs in flashback. So now I have 16/17 towards Complete every story arc from Black Scorpion, Captain Mako, Ghost Widow, Scirocco and Lord Recluse to earn this badge. Lord Recluse doesn't have a flashback arc. I haven't done LRSF. Is that the last piece of this accolade badge?
  6. I figured it out. Notification Center was popping up but not showing any display.
  7. Are these blue or red? Which level ranges? Why are they referred to as "task set" instead of mission or arc?
  8. I've been having an unusual experience with my powers trays. Any power in tray 2 or 3, if I click on them I get multiple copies of "dragging power x" and the sound goes quiet but the power doesn't activate or toggle. I also can't use inspirations or press the "+" to spawn more trays. If there are other trays open already I can use powers in them. I can also swap powers into trays 2&3 so the powers I need move to a usable tray and I can use them. Just relogging doesn't fix, but restarting Tequila and relogging does. This has happened to multiple toons.
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