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Everything posted by Elegy

  1. Sorry to necromance this thread once again, but I wanted to reply to this since this thread still comes up on Google if you search how to install Mids on Mac. This might be answered in the Discord, but I'm not in there. The video guide is slightly out of date. You will need to change a few things, but otherwise everything else is the same: When creating a blank Wineskin wrapper, used a 64 bit Windows 11 engine. It may work with others, or it may even work with Windows 10, but I used WS11Wine64Bit9.1: When running Winetricks, you will need to add the .NET Desktop 6 .dll to your Wineskin. Please note that .NET Desktop 6 is different from .NET 6. Like so: (This is technically optional, but will prevent you from having to re-create your wrapper every time you want to run the program) After running the Mids setup executable per the video and the Wineskin menu, you will need to modify the Wineskin app's 'Windows app' field. You may see a message like "No new executables found!" after you close Mids or the Mids installer. This is because Wineskin tries to check that a program was installed into Program Files, but Mids installs into AppData. Simply do the following: a. Right click your Wineskin for Mids and click "Show Package Contents" b. Navigate into the Contents folder and run the "Wineskin.app" app. The app should be located somewhere like here: And the folder with the app you want to run should look something like this: c. Once you've run the Wineskin.app you should see this menu. Select "Advanced". d. Modify the 'Windows app' field to the following: "C:\users\Wineskin\AppData\Roaming\LoadedCamel\MidsReborn\MidsReborn.exe" Please note that this location may vary in the future, or depending on where you installed the executable to when running the Mids installer via Wine. This field needs to match wherever you've installed the MidsReborn.exe file within Wine's /drive_c/ folder. You can use the 'Browse' button next to the 'Windows app' field to locate the executable within Wine's drive_c if you have misplaced your file or the default location changes in the future. Important note: There is currently an issue with Wine where installers will sometimes have the text loaded as white or near-white text with a white background, making it very hard to read. This is a bug with Wine and doesn't have anything to do with Mids and it isn't anything anyone here could fix. When navigating the installer, just click the 'Next' button at the bottom until you reach 'Install', then click that. If you choose to launch Mids from the installer when it's completed, please don't forget to update your Wineskin's executable location per step 3. To help future proof this post somewhat, please note that you can verify which Windows OS is recommend and which .dll file is required by checking the Mids Github on their site. Please check the actual link to the .NET .dll file, as it may be called something colloquially that differs from the .dll's actual name. For instance, Mids is currently using .NET Desktop 6, but the Github says .NET 6. You can find this info on the Github at the bottom, like so: Then, whenever you make a Wineskin for Mids in the future, just select an engine that matches that Windows OS and use Winetricks to install whatever .dll is required. If anyone out there is still trying to run this via Wine, hopefully this info is helpful to you. Cheers.
  2. With the current difficulty there is a disconnect between what is intended and how the game actually plays. As it stands now, there is currently no content in the game that actually requires that the Tanker class be played whatsoever, as nothing deals enough damage. This includes enemies with specialized ways of dealing damage, such as the Hamidon. There is also no need for dedicated healing at all, such as the Pain and Empathy powersets, as nothing deals enough damage. Specifically with the SCoRE changes to Blasters, there is nothing really to stop a player from single-handedly steamrolling through all of the games content on a ranged DPS'er, as they have access now to an undue amount of survivability that eliminates any challenge to staying alive they might face. There is also very little in the way of enemies that have enough HP and damage output that actually requires a team. Both the Hamidon and Really Hard Way Tyrant are somewhat easily disposed of with merely 4 players, despite being challenges intended for very large groups of players. While certainly not everyone is going to be able to pull this off, the fact that it is even possible in terms of numbers suggests a large gap between how powerful player characters are expected to be and how powerful they currently are. In particular, the Destiny slot stands out as particularly broken as a mechanic, with the values for returns on virtually every destiny being much too high for literally every person in a team or league having them. Additionally, economic and character progression changes have trivialized access to the power ceiling for any given character. Being able to obtain normal rewards in AE, incarnate xp from all content, gaining immense rewards simply by leveling via veteran levels, and having prices cut on all very rare/end game items at both merit vendors and on the auction house reduce the effort needed to bring a character to the point where the game is trivially easy. While the item economy is preferable to what was available on live, the ability to fully equip a character with tier 3 incarnates in every slot 2 hours after freshly rolling the character via AE farming is excessive. A good difficulty change would force players to actually need to use mechanics found in other RPG style games, such as aggro management or focused targeting, while still allowing the level of build diversity that characters enjoy in CoH, without being able to fully max out your character shortly after rolling them.
  3. Master of Barracuda - No Inspirations - 21:44 This also doubles as the new general fastest cuda. P.S. waited for u at that olive garden Ukase but u didn't show up 😢
  4. Barracuda - 26:01
  5. tree 3 - 4:15 tree
  6. Treespec 1 - 4:29
  7. Katie Hannon - 13:40 P.S. meet me at the olive garden for that dinner Ukase
  8. Miss Liberty Task Force - 12:36 - 6 man - suck it P.S. Ukase gimme a kiss
  9. Ernesto Hess - 11:28
  10. Manticore - 18:59
  11. gimme a kiss
  12. Ice Mistral - 14:28
  13. Faathim the Kind - 23:20
  14. The crew!
  15. Got 3 signups so far, bumping for the night crew
  16. I will be hosting a Gladiator tournament on Torchbearer on May 28th at 6 p.m. US Central time. The grand prize will be one full purple set (Soulbound Allegiance) and 6 enhancement converters (in case you don't want that set). Second place will be a pair of Glad Armor & Panacea procs, third place will be a Panacea proc. A few general rules: [*]There is an absolute limit of 1 entry per player. [*]If you are late to a match, you will automatically forfeit after a brief grace period. [*]Entry will be granted on a first come, first serve basis. There is currently no player cap on the tourney, but if the sign-up pool gets too big, that's how I'll determine who gets in. [*]Sign-ups will close Monday, the day before, so I have time to go through names and make a bracket. A few tourney rules: [*]Single elimination [*]1v1's only [*]No bans in the first stage, later stages may have bans, depending on tourney size [*]Grand finals will be Best of 3 format Sign-up form is here: https://forms.gle/fKfS3fNy5UmZHYRt9 Here are some resources for gladiator fighting strategy: Gladiator guide by Unsub (08/16/06) https://www.neoseeker.com/cityofheroes/faqs/137496-city-of-heroes-gladiator.html Paragonwiki's Gladiator page https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Gladiator All in all, after you've composed a decent team, gladiator fights are essentially a matter of winning dice rolls and being lucky, so this is just a for-fun tournament to get people badging. If you sign up, consider bumping the thread so more people will see. I will most likely host more events in the future, probably task force races or pvp, so keep an eye out. Have fun & thanks for signing up. If you need to reach me I am @Elegy in game and Elegy#0666 in the discord.
  17. Would you mind users piggybacking off this event? I have a plan for hosting a gladiator tournament w/ a fairly large grand prize but if itd be too much server stress that day I can schedule it another day
  18. Oh okay that's awesome last I heard it was still 44 but I'll check that out, ty
  19. Yeah it was added in i2 iirc, but they updated a lot of Shadow Shard stuff over the years on live after realizing a lot of i was originally not very fun, like Faathim not having a way to call him and no portals to each zone. Later in the game, Faathim TF was updated to remove the simultaneous glowie activation. Additionally, the Shadow Shard was introduced as end game content and every single other TF there runs at level 50, and has already been subject to the power creep from incarnate abilities while still remaining as some of the longest TF's in the game. It'd be a big change to Quaterfield, yes, but there's just not many people running it cause of the way it is currently. On live the devs had already made changes to other Shadow Shard features to make it more playable, and I think Quaterfield will still be plenty long even w/ access to incarnate powers.
  20. So I remember y'all changed the level floor on Positron TF to be lower. Is there any chance y'all would be willing to change Quaterfield to run at 45 level cap instead of 44 so that players still have access to their level 50 stuff while exemplared? It'd be a big change to the way the TF plays for sure but it's the least run or at the very least one of the least run TF's ever because of everything else already going on in it, and a bunch of the Shadow Shard TF's were updated while the game was live to be less miserable, though mainly Faathim's. I think it's definitely worth considering, and is presumably possible in light of the Positron change. Lemme know what's up.
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