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Everything posted by Arawanach

  1. Inactivity doesn't seem to make characters names become available. My old account I no longer have access to still is keeping a hold on the names of my old characters.
  2. Is that the only pic we get to see?
  3. I made a character in DCUO and played trough the entire storyline with Batman as mentor. Since it was my main character and I liked the powerset I remade my character in City of Heroes. Note that this character is from Gotham and was mentored by Batman, and is an offical member of the Justice League. That is trough me playing trough the game with that character. Story is then that she was transfered from Gotham City to Paragon City to help out there. However my character is not based on an existing DC character, but is my own DC character from the online game DC made. It would be like if you remake and everquest character here. That is allowed, so remaking your own character and using IG storyline you played trough from a different game should be allowed. Nothing preventing you from remaking your own characters, right?
  4. Oh, that sounds fun. Homecoming had competions where we were making characters like that. And now we have to change them. Do we get to pick new powers too, then? I really hope that doesn't mean every OC character with nathionality colors would need costume change because of this purpose. Like American heroes with suits inspired by their nathionality because it is too similar to Captain America's suit. Or characters that coincidencially bears resemblance to existing characters. I made a character that looks like Link from the legend of Zelda. Even weapon look like that. So what would I need to do? Make the costume pink? Could probably keep shield as it is since there was no actual triforce symbol to put on it. Do I need to change the color handle of the sword to avoid it looking like Master Sword too?
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