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  1. Character name: Christina Rad Global: @Christina Base or SG Name: Fussy Farming Inc Shard: Excelsior Passcode: FUZZY1985-18475 Item Count: 12009 Category for Contest: Multipurpose Base Over 7k Items Additional Info / Must-See Areas of Note: All tp points can now be accessed from the entrance area (Interdimensional shard) to the right of the dock entrance. Aleph - Basement apartment Beth - 3 story mansion with a roof top bar, fire pit, hot tub and waterfall pond, inside a spinning floating globe. /stuck to exit this area or find the hidden tp. Daleth - Waterpark tower - 3 diving boards, 1 dead drop, 2 large slides and a hot tub. SG members custom 9 story apartment building, car dealership, 2 story penthouse, vacant 3 story penthouse. Don't miss Tim the stone Golem. Gimel - Secret 2 story log cabin mini base (see if you can find the hidden tp, trainer, icon etc.) - hidden inside a large rock. /stuck to exit this area or find the hidden tp. Heth - The secret garden (see if you can find the 2 hidden panthers and 1 spider). A beautiful slide to the docks. Kaph - 2 story Church building, (weddings have been held here), basement zoo/vet, don't miss out on the beautiful church garden in the back. Lamedh - Skies the Limit fine dining the SG restaurant (I've held diner parties and b-days here) Samekh - Secret custom sg member rooms - cowboy bar, sex dungeon, graveyard, strip club (I’ve held after parties here), the boys room. Lots of room to build more of these 🙂 Yodh - Entrance - this area holds all the things a base needs for members. All the tps, crafting, trainers, selling, enhancements, etc. This level has a 2-story mansion with a 4-tier waterfall pool on the roof. Venture to the dock and across the water area to the left find a hole inside the mountain which leads to the purple house. A 4-story house fused within the mountain, includes a hot spring, living room, dining room and a bedroom with an awesome waterfall wall garden. Zayin Point - Lava/alien invasion area - meet Ted the lava giant! Side note if you see enhancement table with a panther(Romeo)/wolf(Snowy)/ligar(Hugo) it holds 100 winters/purples. There are table on these levels K,H,L,B,G, and one inside the purple mountain house. Alot of the large mirrors hold an icon tailor so click away. Also enjoy the slides! Slides = happiness!
  2. are the servers down?
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