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Everything posted by Ezzerhauden

  1. My brute, Gravedigger. Enhanced screencap via Krea AI.
  2. After a sweet name grab, I'm pleased to present my War mace/stone armor (no granite) Brute Gravedigger! Theres a AI enhanced version in appropriate thread.
  3. Because someone asked for tier 3 costume effects... (Ghost aura)
  4. Krea Makes some awesome wallpapers!
  5. Tried out KREA. Takes a bit of learning curve but can make some nice stuff.
  6. Some of my favorites selfies I've taken where I thought the character fit the backgrounds.
  7. Released: Grey Hare Grey Gunman Zero-Kelvin Blizzard-Wizard
  8. Insightful and concise. However I'm unsure if such a thing would actually be necessary.
  9. From the Character Load in...
  10. My recent 50 time/water defender, Tide and Time.
  11. My circa 1940's Dark armor/ Titan weapon Tanker, Iron Goliath. Powered by poorly defined SUPERSCIENCE!
  12. So Many great costumes here. I may as well put in my two cents worth... My Dark/Titan weapon tank Iron Goliath. Big clunky and fun. 🙂
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