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  1. Thanks Coin, Is there a resource for all these newer badges? Just so I don't have to post here everytime I can't find badge info! Thanks
  2. Says this is only obtainable by owning Going Rogue expansion (which we all have!) no more info on it. Anybody? Thanks 🙂
  3. All was going well working on Villain Disruptor (went from 9 -22!) Suddenly it's stopped resetting after logging out, I've logged completely out too. Before it was resetting within a minute or so, it's like they changed something because of exploits? I mean there has been some maintenance today..
  4. Thanks 🙂
  5. I have a little progress on this badge but I can't find any of these, I have been in the undergrounds of praetoria and all I have seen that look close to these are 'ghouls' for which I have that badge. No info on them via wiki https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Failed_Experiments#Background Thanks
  6. If you're 50 and doing this (hero side) via Ouro fb how do you reset a mission? Wouldn't you have to quit tf and repeat those first 3 missions again, haven't tried it but I don't think you can reset Ouro missions. Looks like this is the only way to get Villain Disruptor once you are 50 on hero side? Thanks
  7. This new format on the forums seems to have deleted my posts on this thread?? As I was saying earlier I am a lvl 50 badge hunter trying to get the atlas park badge, I am exemplared down to lvl9 doing Twinshot's arc which gave me the shining star badge but she then dropped me (which I thought would happen!) since there is only 1 arc listed in Ouro lvl1-9. How do I get the other arcs? I have completed Matthew Habashy, Officer Fields, Aaron Thiery, Sondra Costel & Twinshot single arc from Ouro and have (I think) only 5/7 Or is it that naff that I need to start a lowbie alt and invite my badge toon?
  8. This plaque is driving me knucking futs! I can't find the plaque in the sewers where it's meant to be, and I can't access the abandoned sewers without doing a trial?? I took the taskforce from Mairenn MacGregor and it still isn't the abandoned sewer network?! seems a bit of a waste of time tbh
  9. Faultline exploration badges are really doing my nut! firstly had to visit both echo & current faultline but still I am incomplete as they apparently added 3 more badges: Riveting, Upcycled & Rock bottom! I can't find any info on these badges at all apart from https://www.rogueisles.com/topic/35-latest-patch-notes/ which only confirms that they exist. Anybody know where these 3 are? many thanks
  10. This is my Brickstown map now after installing the moremaps4u cr*p! https://gyazo.com/9f863cd572a59c73af34c2301dcf9565 I can't see any of the plaques which I just went there to get! any way of removing this??
  11. I tried to install the add-on pack for inclusion of new zone and other updates, am I right in that it basically replaces the 'data' folder in the CoH directory? I did this and still no Kallisti Wharf overlay, assuming there are exploration badges in Kallisti Wharf? the other maps are there. Any help please? Thanks
  12. Chills

    Ice Armor/?

    Thanks v much, will take a look xD
  13. Chills

    Ice Armor/?

    Thanks, yes I'm finding things really slow and it just doesn't feel the same. I will keep this tank but probably roll another Ice/? soon maybe dark melee. Just out of interest would you still have your old Ice/Em build around somewhere? Would really appreciate using it as a guide. Many Thanks :)
  14. Chills

    Ice Armor/?

    Apart from perhaps EM secondary, just read on another thread that ET was nerfed! Just got my ice/em tank to 35.. thinking of rerolling now :( Ice/energy was really uber but I left the game shortly after that.
  15. Thanks, just need to remember really! wish I'd taken some screens of the build now !
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