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Posts posted by Leogunner

  1. 6 minutes ago, UberGuy said:


    Huh? I am not sure how I'm conveying that. I mean, I seriously am not sure I understand what you think I'm saying, but it's not that.


    This conversation started because I understood you to be in disagreement with the changes to the AT. I made a qualified, subjective statement about why I disagreed (strongly) that the changes were bad, backed by some statements I feel are objective about the difference in performance on teams in particular.


    Everything else is just us debating the facts behind our opinions, and in the case of what you're saying here, me trying to understand what your opinion actually is.



    You decided to latch onto the term "consequences" in the context of me explaining a complex idea.


    You also seem to not understand the point I made about the effectiveness of the new style invalidating the old which I know is going to net you less DPS especially if circumstances go against you and you get dropped from hide. Overall, this is more a critique on the "modernization" that sets and ATs receive and how they can be perceived differently by different players. It can seem like a positive to some and a hindrance to others.


    I've learned that having been the biggest advocate of the Tanker AoE range buffs (I want to take credit for seeding the idea but I'm sure id be proven wrong somewhere) and even suggested my own versions of combo features for Energy Melee and Dark Melee in the past.

  2. 45 minutes ago, arcane said:

    You aren’t forced to do anything unless peak efficiency is - no if’s, and’s, or but’s - your #1 value. But if you’re complaining about playstyle issues, it would seem playstyle is your #1 value. So which is it? It can’t be both - as that would mean that “My favorite playstyle must always be also the best playstyle” is a reasonable proposition. Which it isn’t.

    You're reaching.


    I said "forced feel". Over all, I really don't give a duck primarily because power creep had already gotten it's clutches in the game. Trying to divide posters into binary camps here doesn't change that.


    44 minutes ago, UberGuy said:


    I did. And I just re-read them, and I don't see any of the things you just mentioned in them making this something that has "consequences". I think the issue is that I don't understand considering using the thing you like better to have the "consequence" of missing out on something newer that is, depending on context, more effective.


    To me that's like complaining about no longer being one armed, because now you feel bad using your one arm when you have a bionic prosthetic that's stronger. Use the arm you want unless there's a damn good reason to use one over the other, and enjoy the fact that you have two arms.

    You're obviously playing forum debate class then. I have no intention on mincing terms just because you decide to latch onto one single word of a paragraph.


    At this point you're making the point that I hold my arm behind my back for style (which I do) and that I should be ignorant of what I'm holding myself back from or just don't play.


    Yes, you're literally complaining that I know what the AT can accomplish and I'm stating it on a forum.

    38 minutes ago, UberGuy said:


    a) Never PvP'd here to speak of. I never liked MMO PVP, having been a team FPS player for years. So no, my perception of Stalker performance is not about how they did in PvP.

    b) Oh, please. Anticipation on this only went so far. Anticpation didn't stop the Brute from running in on you and pulling AoE splash on you while you AS'd. Any time you lost even one AS in a spawn (even if you got a 2nd through placate) that dropped your performance relative to a Scrapper, which was the point I was making when I talked about teams screwing up AS. Lets remember, this all started before IOs were a thing, and even softcapped defense gets hit, and the more stuff is flying, the more likely that is to happen.

    Ah, do you not see that hypocrisy here?


    So you missing an AS made you feel like your performance was dropping. Rather than concerning yourself with target prioritization, you feel DPS is most important so that is what the AT should be focused on even at the detriment of the AT's role. 


    I don't understand why you're coming off as defensive here. No one's taking away your Stalker buffs. This is all just criticisms and you've decided to attack the debater rather than the facts.

    12 minutes ago, siolfir said:

    Eh, I think it had more to do with how long it took to build attack chains because of how the primaries were set up, combined with having an interruptible attack at level 6 that took an excessive amount of endurance to do scale 1 damage unless you were hidden, and then it would do as much damage as all of your other attacks (usually until level 26) put together, but recharged slowly and Placate recharged even slower.


    The attack chain thing? Not really. AS replaces an AoE which you likely aren't using in an attack chain primarily. In the early levels, AS is so much better, you really out pace a scrapper with an equivalent attack chain+AoE simply because you can drop an LT or a Boss with BU.


    The rest of that is mostly growing pains that come with any AT in the early game sans Brute.


    Hit and run was primarily used as a crutch but it never was more efficient, only safer. Hit and scrap is mostly what is done now with most emphasis taken off the hit part.



    • Confused 1
  3. 32 minutes ago, UberGuy said:


    Yeah, OK. So we're going to switch from debating the facts to attacking the debaters. Classy. And please don't try to put lipstick on that pig. You're saying I don't get the issue because of a failing or weakness on my side. Otherwise, you would just explain what you think I'm missing.


    I was playing Stalkers from days after CoV release - 10/31/05 when it came out on 10/27/05. I still play Stalkers today. A Stalker was the second CoV character I created. I know what features they had, and how well (or not) they "scrapped". I also played (and still play) a number of Scrappers. I have a thing for melee DPS ATs, and play Scrappers more than the others, but Stalkers (and Brutes) both get their time. I have made Scrappers and Stalkers with the same powersets. I have a good feel for how the two ATs play in relation to one another, and a strong grasp of the power mechanics.


    And I disagree strongly that, in objective, measurable terms, a Stalker on a team - which is usually a fast moving affair, had anything like a Scrapper's performance. Teams often prevented AS from going off. Between killing stuff before you could hit it, to aggroing spanws while you were still animating, causing AoE retaliation that both interruped the AS and broke hide, a great deal of the time I had to just scrap the old fashioned way with no special benefit for doing so. That's not a way to match Scrapper performance, when they have a higher base damage scale and random critical hits.


    I get that liking how something plays is not objective, and performance does not imply enjoyment. But the ability to play Stalkers the original way is not much changed. Demoralize still exists, but was reduced in duration - a change that may have happened regardless of the other changes. I am not saying they didn't change. I am saying I don't see how the degree of change is so bad that the old way of playing, if someone prefers it, is somehow ruined.

    Lol I like how you drop your Stalker cred but apparently couldn't use it on teams (even if something happened and you get knocked out of hide, you just keep rolling and anticipate your Placate set up). Nothing against you tho. I think a lot of the main criticisms of Stalkers was how it performed in PvP as a hit and run AT which carried over to expectations in PvE despite that not being optimal

    • Confused 1
  4. 13 minutes ago, UberGuy said:


    What "consequences"?


    Before on teams: "I often have no choice but to play in a way that doesn't leverage my AT's key features.

    Before solo:  "My AT features work fine here"


    Huh? I could BU+AS on teams just fine. I can still do it, in fact. The only thing that might hinder that is not dropping back into hide by the time I reach the next spawn.


    15 minutes ago, UberGuy said:


    After on teams: "On teams, if they won't let me leverage my original AT features, I have new ones I can use that make me effective in this context"

    After solo: "My original AT features still work here, or I can use the new ones if I prefer"


    If the "consequences" are that using the old way isn't as rewarding per unit time, that says something about the issues with the original mechanics. Yes, they could have tried to buff the original mechanics instead of adding a combo system on top, but retaining the reliance on being Hidden and the interruptable wind-up limits the options. Such "improvements" would have potentially removed the ability to play the old way at all.


    The consequences are primarily the BU window, crit opportunities and overall DPS suffer for effectively the same or less performance. Did you not read my post?

  5. On 11/18/2019 at 10:12 PM, Razor Cure said:

    Really cool set! But I am saaaaaaaaaaad there is no Whirling Scythe type aoe!

    When I made the set, I forgot about the signature anime aesthetic of a spinning scythe. If they ever improve Battle Axe, I hope they make Whirling Axe a decent fit for such an attack. That being said, yeah, I'd probably remove the AoE fear for the sleep in dissect instead and make the rift attack an actual spinning attack.


    On 11/19/2019 at 9:48 PM, FDR's Think Tank said:

    Thinking about this, most of the weapon sets try to pack in as many variants and models as possible to enhance the usefulness of the set to the player base. As such, it wouldn't be bad to have other weapons that could be part of this powerset, although they might require a few extra/alternate animation styles. The main thing is these sets have the ability to do wide slashes and pull enemies towards you.


    I was thinking a Chain Kunai could work, if the character basically keeps the chain taut between their fists as they grip it.... that is, you could have something similar enough to use the same powers with slightly different animations. Depending on how clever the artist/animator is, they MIGHT pull it off with the Scythe animation.


    Since it's already two handed, you might have two fisted Sickles? (Or for something really thematic, a Hammer/Sickle combo?) This would also let you have whips, chains, martial neckties..... This would require a separate animation subset, but might be mostly handled by existing duel weapon animations.


    If it wasn't too much a stretch, you could have Retiarius style Trident and Net combo. This would be mostly looks, since there aren't any immobilizes specifically involved.... (Although perhaps pulled opponents should be stunned?) This would be the trickiest to animate, but I feel hugely worth it, if feasible. It's nice because you can't use a shield with this set anyway.


    Already in game but not expressed as a power are hook hands. There might be a way to work with that and another lethal weapon with a very flexible close combat range. This would be the most complicated, as far as animation goes.


    While I was brainstorming ideas for this style set, it occurred to me that in Day of the Dead they use neck grabbers to move zombies to the lab for research..... this would be impractical for a weapon, but you could make it a long necked claw grabber and it would have similar effects to this set and use the same animations as a Scythe might.


    I would definitely make a character with a Scythe, but it would be a shame if this set was locked down to a single character concept per account. More weapon models and styles free it up, like the Sword/Mace/Axe sets currently are.


    If these were possible as additional models/animations for this set, it would become the "Esoteric Blades" set. I realize "Rift into the Abyss" is largely a superpowered Scythe only special, but the effects could be achieved with any weapon flexing/flashy kata move that might intimidate someone. "Marked for Death" is an interesting mechanic... and while the naming style evokes really cool and potent images of a ruthless vigilante or a wicked villain.... the mechanic could also express the difficultly most people have defending against Esoteric Weapons... a sort of Unconventional Combat Advantage. I know. Very Generic. I am sure there is a better way to express that... but the concept definitely applies to a Scythe, which has that curved hook that can sneak past normal blocks or into blindspots.


    Either way, I really enjoyed thinking about this Power Set!



    The main hurdle with chain weapons is likely the lack of support for such animations. The only one I can think of off hand is MM Demon summoning whips which, when first introduced, was expressed by the devs to be very difficult to animate.


    As for a kind of blend of blades, you kind of have to go either or. With weapon customization, you can only customize one weapon this that determines the animation. If the powers are projectiles or not directly connected to the character, you can customize the options in power customization but you don't have weapon customization.


    Although I could just be misinterpreting your idea here...


    On 5/2/2021 at 8:26 PM, OmnibusOmnh said:

    Phenomenal job, love the icons for the set they truly encapsulate the feeling of the reaper itself. Would be very cool to see implemented in game. I know that there is a concern of the strength but it's not a problem in my opinion I enjoy new sets that deal a good amount of damage, helps flock people over to the set. Also nice usage of the to ally symbol always good to see a diverse set if symbols in a set.

    Much appreciated. I spent a good few hours on that one post but @malonkey1's formatted post helped massively too. Coloring the icons was the most fun part.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 minute ago, UberGuy said:


    You said:



    ... in response to Bopper talking about not liking combo mechanics. In context, that sounds like you were saying


    "If you think that was bad..."


    If not, my apologies for misunderstanding, but I hope you can see where it looked like that was your point.

    Yes, @Bopper was expressing his dislike for certain combo mechanics, but he also expressed why he dislikes them (i.e. he feels forced to conform to the combo mechanic to feel like he is performing efficiently).


    It's not about not liking the mechanic of combos, it's not liking the forced feel to use them or suffer the consequences.

  7. 9 hours ago, UberGuy said:


    Do you mean Stalkers? Because, if so, I could not possibly disagree more. Hide/Placate + Slow AS was completely out of step with other DPS ATs' performance and pretty incompatible with large team play. The Assassin's Focus mechanic made Stalkers playable for me.

    Disagree with what? That Assassin's Focus is a charging combo mechanic? That it was added to the whole AT? Or that it mostly replaced the standard Hide+AS mechanic?


    I never said anything about liking it disliking it, just that it exists.

  8. 3 hours ago, Bopper said:

    I don't really like build up combos either (street justice, water blast) as I feel forced into only using powers that build up the combo, otherwise I feel less efficient.


    Imagine them changing an entire AT to function that way while mostly discarding the rest of its style.

  9. 15 hours ago, DreadShinobi said:

    Good sir did you really just allude to Fire Manip being bottom of the barrel? It is top tier lol. 


    Comparatively.  I don't really keep up with how the meta holds up but sets like Mental Manipulation, Energy Manipulation, Plant Manipulation and Tactical Arrow were the cream of the crop in either utility, damage, sustain or all of the above.  Sets like Electricity, Atomic, Temporal and Martial were somewhere in the middle while sets like Ice, Fire and Devices were kind of missing crucial aspects to make them outright better than other sets.


    The actual bottom of the barrel is Ninja Training but being near the bottom is just as bad to some players trying to keeps within arms reach of the meta.

    • Confused 1
  10. Interesting concept.  So its primary unique mechanic is it can make the user intangible for a short period (I'm assuming it would still allow you to continue attacking foes while you cannot be harmed).  Overall, pretty neat but kinda unfair.  To help balance it, maybe have a similar "lock out" period like Psi Melee and Savage Melee have with their mechanics but there would be an obvious reason why you'd be locked out of the permeable state whereas it doesn't make sense why you're locked out of Insight.


    The revenant thing is a bit wonky and I see no mention of Taunt, which every set has and I see no mention in your post why it's absent.


    Overall, this set reminds me of a set I created, partially because I could possibly see creating this set as a reanimated version of Dark Melee or Psi Melee.  If you chose one of those to copy the powerset activations while creating the new animations, you could make them swappable so your cool new Soul Melee animations could be used for that other set too.


    To elaborate on that, the suggested set I made was a 2-handed melee weapon set but with activation times that mimicked Battle Axe so you could have a 1-handed version of my proposed set or a 2-handed version of Battle Axe.  You can read more about the idea here:



    • Like 2
  11. 47 minutes ago, Herotu said:

    Would you say that due to the asymmetrical nature of the sets, that there's necessarily a stronger set?


    Let me put it another way... do YOU see ice being used as much as fire?

    Realistically, both sets are likely in the minority now-a-days but if we're trying to determine which is the one closest to the bottom of the barrel, I could see Ice Manipulation picked less often and that likely has more to do with Ice Manipulation being a CC oriented set with several powers doing 0 damage while Fire Manipulation, every power in the set either does damage or increases damage.


    If self-sustain/survival was more an emphasis of a build, I would likely choose Ice Manipulation if I could also either capitalize off the sleep or the knockdown whereas I'd be mostly relying on the fear in Hot Feet to be keeping mobs away from me (if it's still toggled on).


    On the prospect of making Frozen Aura a toggle, beyond the power having the word "aura" in it, it doesn't really benefit a Blaster who wants as few toggles to bounce around in case they ever do get mezzed.  If the question is is Ice Manipulation too weak or is Fire Manipulation too strong, why not just ask that?

    • Confused 1
  12. 9 hours ago, Clave Dark 5 said:

    So like every zone after midnight or so?


    Not my idea of a good time as I'm a shift worker and spend over half my CoH hours in the middle of the night.


    You can still stealth a few missions to suppress those high crime areas solo.


    That one is the least offensive example considering it's counterable by just decreasing the team multiplier to have fewer enemies to fight.


    1 hour ago, Night said:

    Also, limiting access to zone TFs is a terribly harmful idea. I'll paint a word picture:

    MrGenericPlayer comes home after a long day, he's busy but manages to make an hour a day to play with a group of his friends, slowly going through the game content. Everyone is roughly the same level. Last night they finally finished going through Croatoa arcs and unlocked Katie Hannon as a contact. The group is excited to play through her TF, but they get to her and see a big popup reading "133/500 Red Caps Defeated". They're all around lvl 31, and don't have the time or will to kill hundreds of enemies and still fit in the TF within the hour, so they go check out Brickstown for another TF in their level range. They get to Manticore and see "0/500 Crey defeated". Defeated, they choose to turn to AE or run paper missions instead of what they wanted to.


    So you view an issue that could hamper an idea.  Is your first response to hyperbolize the issue so you can complain more about it?  Or would it be a suggestion to make it more accessible?


    Suggesting the inoffensive "let me model the game to be exactly the challenge I'm comfortable with" is just a cop-out because we're talking about a PvE game (player vs ENVIRONMENT).  You shouldn't really be dictating the stakes of the environment.  Next you're going to tell us we should get to decide how many merits we get as a reward or choose which enemy factions show up in a TF.  The point is to make the environment dynamic rather than static.  You can already change notoriety from anywhere, tune the levels and remove bosses/EBs/AVs.


    As for your hyperbolized example, the easiest solution would just be the TF giver giving you a pre-mission to activate the TF or spawn a zone event related to the zone whose completion activates the TF.   Something completable solo in maybe 10-15min or a team in 3min.


    1 hour ago, Night said:

    There are so many suggestions which come down to "this is how I want to play and nobody can play in any other way! Everyone has to play how I want to!" instead of putting in any effort to forming dedicated teams or groups themselves so they and the few likeminded people can play how this one person wants.


    How this putting-in-effort thing works with revitalizing lower level zones? Well, a group of likeminded people with this goal in mind could make a number of characters, level them to the max level of each zone, turn off XP and then make it a thing of advertising daily for zone content. Like, "Skyway city needs your help! Come join in lowbie streetsweeping, paper missions and story arcs!". You could even make it a habit of picking one day per zone, monday being Kings Row, tuesday for Steel Canyon, etc. Don't need sweeping changes that affect everyone, especially when it would just make people avoid those zones. I still like the idea of more zone-events and even multiple events per zone to add to the liveliness, not that those aren't avoided anyway after you've done them a dozen times.


    Like I said, I don't care about shifting traffic (revitalizing lower level zones, as you say).  I mostly care about making missions change over time.  Like the example above of a shift worker playing at late hours working high crime zones isn't barred from completing the same missions as before, they just have to change their tactics (or their difficulty setting).  I could be encountering a mission solo in a High Crime area which might force me to change tactics in a few fights or have some other mission where now Trolls are turning into Supa Trolls in a mission that didn't have them before.


    But the suggestion overall is mostly pie-in-the-sky as I'm certain it would be more difficult to code than any kind of notoriety options added.  It's mostly a kind of forum springboard to see what ideas bounce a bit more and identify the people that would rather clutch their pearls about how Jimmy can't play because he's blind, in a wheelchair and only awake 2 hours of the day.  Nothing against those people and their situations but it's not fun for everyone to have to compromise for the least common multiple while they do nothing to compromise their play....or rather, I'm tired of people using other peoples' situation as an argument.


    11 minutes ago, Troo said:

    I get it, basically the invasion proliferated to other enemy groups.. yeah not a terrible use of existing functions but kinda meh after aliens, robots and zombies..



    Not exactly.  More like Temp powers granted to mobs in a zone and its instances.

    • Thanks 1
  13. 24 minutes ago, MTeague said:

    This exactly why my Fire/Fire/Fire Sentinel is a Sentinel and not a Brute or Blaster.  (yes, I skipped FSC in his epic pool).

    And yet... I don't mind the Psi-Blades in Psi Melee. 


    For whatever reason the flaming scimitar is a total non-starter to me, asthetically, and feel like "why concentrate fire into the shape of a blade to strike a physical blow with it, why not just BURN THEM!!?".  But the Psi-Blade, work for me.  I guess I can see it especially for a character who's background leaves them half-or-totally-untrained,  and they're just making it in the shape of a blade, out of instinct, not really knowing HOW, just reaching for the familiar, trying for a knife, to attack with because they don't KNOW how to just do a psionic blast from afar.  


    Why don't I afford Fire Swords the same latitude? I don't know.  But that is how the very odd thought process works in my brain. 


    That and it also leaves the concept more open to more than simply psionic melee.  With the advent of weapon, power color and power animation customization, fire melee can be more than just fire melee.


    On my Fire/Shield/Leviathan once-Brute-but-now-Tanker, his fire melee is actually a manifestation of his Dragon-necromancy powers while the rest of his fiery moves are literal fire since he's a dragon...but fire really only comes from his mouth (dragon heritage and all that) so he only uses the swords, Combustion (only while flying) and Breath of Fire.  If the rest of the melee attacks had sword attacks, I guess he would use them as other dragon-necromancy sword attacks but the fun of his concept is that he can swap out his "throat" for that of other elemental dragons.  He's got a sonic mouth blast, ice breath and acid breath to accompany his sword that melts living flesh to bone.


    Overall, I think it's what you make of a concept that's the most fun about making characters in this system.

    • Like 1
  14. 7 minutes ago, Night said:

    Points were being made about making low level enemy groups more difficult, I'm saying it's not needed, they're a challenge at their intended level as is. Your original suggestions sound more like zone events, like the prison break in Brickstown or Longbow raid in St. Martial, which, sure, more zone events is cool. But you're not gonna force people into running missions in zones so they don't get attacked by  tougher mobs or can fight easier mobs in their missions, or into streetsweeping grey mobs 30 levels below them. People are just gonna avoid those zones.


    It's not zone events, it's more like "zone effects".


    Like I said before, low level enemies were intended to be faced with TOs, DOs or no enhancements at all.  That has changed so you already aren't facing these groups at their "intended level".  That and very few ideas are being prompted or discussed about varying difficulty outside of stuff like notoriety setting that are in complete control by the player while simultaneously ignoring the fact the player has settings to make the game *easier*.


    The game is in dire need of a challenge boost injection.  If you have to ask "but what about the noobs and 1st-timers", the obvious answer is to change your settings!  I'd bet you money a noob with no enhancements can solo that mission at -1x2 with no enhancements at all in a hypothetically High Crime area.

    • Like 1
  15. 3 minutes ago, KelvinKole said:

    I like the premise here. The world feels most alive when some zone level events are happening, not inside mission instances. I'd like to see some dynamic zone characteristics that pull people into low traffic areas. What if you couldn't initiate task forces inside zones that have been "overrun?". Not much traffic in Croatoa, need to clear out some fir blog or no access to Katie Hannon.


    My initial idea wasn't to push people into low population zones but I could see that being something to do when you're not busy just to help others.  My initial purpose was to add in some variety to engagements but also to toss around an idea to give you some kind of tangible effect on the environment like in some of the PvP zones.  Making more zone events gives the zones a bit of variety but they are merely things that happen to you.  This would be something that you have an affect on the zone.


    As for limiting TFs inside the zone if it's overrun, I think is a neat idea but probably would be unpopular.  It happens in other games but people aren't expectant of the game to cater to them in those cases.  Having the TF initiator tell you to defeat a few groups of enemies to be able to start isn't that inconvenient but I'm sure someone will see it as supremely inconvenient. 

  16. 4 hours ago, biostem said:

    I think they should either split the set into psi blades and psi fists, or add power customization options so you can have all psi blades or all fists - having a mix of both makes the set feel, IMO, inconsistent.

    I'm probably in the minority that either doesn't mind the animations or actually likes the juttery motions as they were trying to make it feel impactful.  They could probably improve that though.


    My Psi melee Stalker has the powers colored to look like air since his attacks are meant to be condensed super-chilled air emitted and controlled by his mind and trying to hurt someone with air might be a bit tougher than anime portrays.  I wouldn't mind them giving alternate animations to help people that want consistency but I get the feeling the design was aiming to make a kind of "construct" melee that creates various objects to attack their targets, not a specific object that you manipulate for all your attacks (like a weapon melee set).


    That said, yeah, give all the sets a "sword" version and a "hand" version but maybe add in a spiked mace, a gatling gun (for the cone), a pair of wings beating (for the tier 9), or something as wild cards to emphasize the set's concept.

  17. 1 hour ago, Night said:

    Making zones fill with tougher enemies won't make people wanna run missions in them, especially when you've done everything you can in that zone or outleveled them. It's only gonna make people avoid them altogether. Also, low level gangs are meant to be easier, they're for starting out characters. Try going solo into a +2 Vahzilok, Outcast or Skulls mission at lvl 8, with lvl 8 powers and you'll find more than enough of a challenge.

    Lower your difficulty.  Set yourself to +0 or -1 and x1.  You got SO enhancements at lvl 1, I don't wanna hear "Oh, but it's suppose to be easy in the low levels".  Psssh...

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  18. 2 hours ago, Outrider_01 said:

    More powers for the enemy.  Widow smoke grenades, Malta sappers, Nemesis vengeance, and Paragon Protectors hitting MoG.  Like, why can't Skulls be making life difficult, nothing like them going invisible then popping MoG and every other gang banger suddenly getting Neo from the Matrix like reflexes from Vengeance.

    I could see a zone pressure effect that randomly swaps in a Nemesis automaton into a faction dressed like one of them that has a special version of Vengeance that it casts upon entering combat and again upon defeat.  Would be a sting to an early 20-30something team to mix things up.  How that zone pressure could come into effect...well, it could always be in effect because everything is a Nemesis plot.



  19. I've read plenty of suggestions for extra notoriety settings and what not.  All well and good.  But that's not what I do (keep making/posting the same ideas).


    My personal view of "challenge" is adaptation.  You can't always be in control of everything because it won't ever force you out of your comfort zone.  Sometimes things change and you just have to deal with it by changing your tactics or difficulty levels.  An idea I had been knocking around occasionally is a more thematic event-oriented change called "Zone Pressures".  Overall, it just means actions that have occurred (or haven't occurred) has an effect that is zone-wide that can affect the enemies you face or even your team's abilities.


    Some basic ideas-


    High Crime: Occurs in a zone where villain activity has not been suppressed (no one doing stuff in that zone).  Enemies in an area (or the instances in that zone) of High Crime gain AoE defense and gain +ToHit for every villain ally that is within 15ft.  High Crime suppresses if 5 or more missions are completed within 5min in that zone (or a certain number of enemies are defeated outside of missions) for 1 hour.


    Police Presence: Occurs in a zone where villain activity is mostly suppressed (high traffic zones, lots of street sweeping/TF/missions completed).  Enemies that flee will seek the nearest escape and exit the scene permanently.  All enemies gain a 5% chance to do a massive critical hit ONLY on their first attack in combat.  


    There could also be zone/faction specific zone pressures-


    (Skyway) Troll Supremacy: Only occurs during the Supa Troll raves, all trolls in the area have a 50% chance to transform into a Boss Supa Troll at low health, healing themselves to full in the process.


    (IP Port) Sky Skiff Retaliation: While engaging Sky Raiders in IP Port (instances too), Sky Skiffs will do a fly-by and shoot missiles at any heroes in the immediate area.  Occurs for 5min after a successful Sutter TF.


    • Like 4
  20. 1 hour ago, ForeverLaxx said:

    I tend to just blow up the spawn, or afk in mission so long the buffs time out. There's no middleground when I'm soloing, and when in a team, no one cares if I confuse the "buff bot" because they attack and kill it first anyway.

    One could say that is either a "you" problem or one could use this as another example of just how exceedingly easy the game is that mostly no thought is utilized when committing to a combat engagement.


    Some might respond that "they like the game easy so they can relax" to which I'd reply "turn your settings down then".

  21. 8 hours ago, ForeverLaxx said:

    Some people like Boggle, but I personally can't find a good use for it. It's effectively a pure, non-damage, single target control power in a melee damage set and while that's not unique to this set (though more common in ranged damage sets), it gets pushed aside like all the others in my builds even though the AT I use the set on (Stalker) would probably get the most out of it. It's short range, but doesn't break Hide to use, which can be a boon in the right situation. I just haven't found the "right" situation.

    It's a "free buffs" button.


    If a spawn has an Lt that tosses out a force field generator or defense bubble or an Accelerate Metabolism buff at the start of a fight, you get to just claim that yourself.  Or do you not like extra defense, attack, recovery, rech, etc?

  22. 2 hours ago, Monos King said:

    People say that about willpower and bio because they have higher regeneration values, but frankly it's not true. 


    The experience of those powers is just completely different. Bio less so than WP, but ultimately...they play nothing alike. Different functions, different design goals, different results both in idealized possibility in actual application. They are better regeneration sets in terms of the City of Heroes specific attribute, but not at all in terms of regeneration the thematic power. Also both are only superior regeneration sets surrounded by enemies,  otherwise they share no real commonality besides minor traits like +res and +max end. 

    It also has to do with concept.  People that expect a "Wolverine regeneration" set should play Willpower.


    To explain, in the comic books and media, while it's often depicted as "wow he was just hurt but now he doesn't have a scratch at all", the prospect of time still has a place in the concept.  But really, you're not going to be able to make a set purely regeneration without giving it the opportunity to trivialize most encounters unless mitigation also helps facilitate that "over time" recovery.  Willpower, mechanically, functions almost exactly like the media/comic book regen because it scales its regen by situation and it looks like it's mostly healing over time because it also lessens the incoming damage to be more manageable by said scaling regen (he also has a measure of damage resistance thanks to that skeleton of his).


    Regeneration (the set), has never functioned like that unless you assume there is some span of panels between the time you get hit and the time you heal it is somehow traversed instantaneously by the power Reconstruction and Dull Pain.  Otherwise, it's not really regeneration from an injury but rather injury negation and making the injury disappear or revert oneself to a previous state.  It's like Tom the cat getting smashed by a piano, visibly showing his crushed body and missing teeth but then instantly being back to normal in almost the very next action he takes.


    Not saying you have to make a cartoon character if you're playing Regen, just saying part of the concept is actually *getting hurt*, illustrated by your decreased HP and then recovering it instantly.  For the "grow your skin back over time", you need def and/or resistance to give your regen time to conceptualize that (i.e. Willpower).  

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  23. 1 hour ago, arcane said:

    I’ll acknowledge it plays differently due to requiring regular clicks, but that’s all I’m ready to admit at the moment. I’m certainly not faceplanting where my other brutes aren’t, but I am less able to just totally AFK mid-fight, yes.

    You still can.  Just die, go AFK, come back and hit Revive.

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  24. 1 hour ago, arthurh35353 said:

    I was actually pointing out how bad it would be to do the draconian thing. I don't think getting rid of farming would fix anything other than to drive up costs/rarities. Which I'd rather they did away with anyways.

    The point I was making is, it's too late to change anything now.  But it's not really draconian if it was a system that works and was in place since many of the introductions of the new systems.  Like imagine if tips were exceptionally rare to get and the bonuses inside them were vast.  If that was just how tips were since they were introduced, that's just how they be similarly to how we just accept that street sweeping is more like a last resort throw-away activity with limited novelty that has no exceptional value besides the title given to the activity by players. It's just accepted that street sweeping is going to net you fewer of the same rewards as any other activity and I doubt any future updates with change that.


    Off topic, but if I were suggesting how AE would have been implemented, you wouldn't even get xp in it, only tickets.  The tickets would then be used on lotteries and roulettes for rewards to include recipes, salvage, bonus powers, special salvage/merits AND xp with each roulette having various values for returns with the most prominent part being you have to take time out to get your rewards rather than them being automatic.  That, in and of itself would create a balancing factor between normal arcs/radio missions and TFs.  But none of that is either here nor there since no one is going to advocate for reducing the status quo to reallocate in other content.  It's a mental exercise to frame why certain content is vastly more rewarding than other content.

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