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Everything posted by shamise

  1. I did the full dump and the partial dump.
  2. Unfortunately, the City of Heroes client encountered an unexpected error and must close. The error occurred in ntdll.dll at relative address 0x32a13. This is the error I get running windows 7, I am going to try updating windows 7 as much as I can this weekend, but I wanted to get this message out, This message happens with 32-bit.
  3. Unfortunately, cityofheroes-beta encountered an unexpected error and must close. The error occurred in ntdll.dll at relative address 0x32a13 That is what I get as soon as I try to open HC-Beta 32 HC-Beta 64 attempts to open and then I immediately get the "Windows is Searching for a solution" thing. I run on WIndows 7.
  4. I wouldn't mind if they brightened the color of the names when using the roleplaying tag.
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