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Posts posted by Techwright

  1. The Great Server-pocalypse of July 2020 is upon us, and while I wait, lurking in the forums, I figured "Why not?", so I've dug deep into my character shots from the game of yore to produce two that might be at least mildly interesting:


    Lumineon, originally  dubbed Neon Knight during development, was an early attempt to create a neon look, both in costume and in power colorization, without actually having neon elements to costumes (At the time, that is.  That has since changed for some costumes).   As a kinetic melee, each of his powers were given individual colors, chosen to give off a neon-like glow.  He looked pretty good in the tunnels under Praetoria, though I did always hate the pipes sticking out the back of the shoulder pieces.




    The second shot was the original look of my Vincent Poe, a dark/dark range striker.  I don't show him for his costume, which is pretty standard, but his face.  Nowadays, he's a corruptor, and was retconned to a bit of a teenage techno-goth look.  But originally, I was making a concerted effort to give him two costume looks:  Edgar Allen Poe, and Vincent Price.  Sadly, though I worked hours with it, I could never get the costume creator to deliver a believable Poe, but spending a lot of time fine-tuning the face sliders, I was able to get a passable Vincent Price.  


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  2. 25 minutes ago, SuperPlyx said:

    I accidentally found the portal to Studio 55 in Imperial City in the bathroom of Pocket D...took me a few minutes to figure where I was.

    Did the bathroom portal rotate clockwise or counterclockwise?  That might have at least told you what hemisphere you were in.  :classic_wink:


    • Haha 2
  3. What?  You cannot have them all and rotate through them?  95% of the players would probably be thrilled to come up with a costume as good as any one of these.


    To pick, I suppose it would be how you'd want your character to be perceived as soon as folks saw him:

    Beetle = tech,

    dwarf = steampunk,

    cloak = magic,

    winged helmet = ? I dunno, techno-Asgardian, maybe?    


    I get the confusion on the name "Voltsgeist".  Most people play on the shallow end of the philosophical pool, so a term like "volksgeist" tends to be obscure in the general English-speaking public.  Don't feel bad. I've had to can more "good" names than I can remember because I realize the other players wouldn't recognize the terminology I was punning.  It is a cool name when you explain it.

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  4. Just had an "I never knew that" moment this morning.  I was nosing around the architect area of Pocket D, an area I ventured into only to grab the exploration badge at the entrance, and I suddenly realized there were two DJ's on a high ledge (I previously thought DJ Zero was the only DJ in the place) and the armored duo are likely a visual reference to Daft Punk.

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  5. On 7/1/2020 at 11:19 PM, Sakai said:

    I don't think you are out of luck. I do not have all of the numbers floating around. They annoyed me as well so I made them go away but do not remember how. 

    I could have sworn I was able to turn them off in the original game, I've tried too this time around, but have been unable to find a solution.


  6. I made a rare trip through the Tiki Room of Pocket D tonight and suddenly remembered that in the original game there used to be a band that would make an occasions stage appearance there.  I can't recall them playing music, however.  I think it was only visuals?  Do they still appear, what is the schedule if so, and is there actually music, or just an appearance?

  7. On 6/21/2020 at 1:24 AM, Techwright said:

    Also, there's a few spots in the game where day jobs overlap and you can earn two simultaneously.  The one I'm always using is in the Vanguard base, right at the base of the stairs in the medbay.  Logging out in that spot will accrue for both the Vanguard and Caregiver day job badges.

    There's another of those spots literally on top of the marker for the Thrill Seeker explorer badge.  entrance to the Architect section of Pocket D.  You can accrue for both Clubber and Architect simultaneously.



    • Thanks 1
  8. On 6/2/2020 at 11:17 AM, Herotu said:

    In this new CoH, it seems that the SG is replacing the notion of the Home instance for a lot of players.


    I take it that by "Home instance", you mean like the garrisons of WoW or the homesteads of Wildstar?   Actually, that's exactly what I'd like to have in game, so yeah, my "supergroup" base is setup up just for all my blue characters on one server, and I'm hoping to add in my best friend soon.


    That said, and just a pipe dream here, I know it would be a LOT of work, but the comic superhero theme is rampant with the idea of solo, or small team "lairs":  the Batcave, the Fortresses of Solitude (both Superman & Doc Savage), the Skull Cave (Phantom), etc., so having such in-game would be perfect for today's player mindset.  DC Comics' Watchtower would be the supergroup base in comparison.


    As to Supergroups, maybe take a page from WoW's Ahn'Quiraj?  Just a raw idea here, but supergroups working through massive checklists, but on players' own schedules, nothing forcing them to leave real life, in order to unlock special content (perhaps big chapters in the Coming Storm saga) and special rewards.


    As I said, a LOT of work, and a pipe dream, but I'm laying it out anyway.

  9. I have wondered of late if a concentrated effort would improve red or gold side.  Say,  a designated day for promoting temporary swaps

     to red or gold and running content, kind of like a tanker Tuesday, or perhaps have a week every quarter where xp/inf/drops are greater when running tf's and storylines in these area.  

  10. Unless they changed it late in the original game, running a controller solo or with a smaller group proved challenging to level 20 due to endurance issues and to level 32 in some cases, when certain controllers would finally get damage dealing pets.  I have avoided all that in homecoming, but it certainly could be a challenge if it is still unaltered.

  11. 13 hours ago, Wild Claw said:

    I believe you're right. Spark Blade, Rose Star, Foreshadow and Mirror Spirit were all part of the supergroup "W.I.S.D.O.M." which was part of the "City of Hero" Korean beta. It never made it to production, but parts of it got integrated (All the 'young faces' in the character creator came from that beta, I believe). I think Spark Blade at least appeared in the physical Top Cow comic for a couple of issues. Not sure about Rose Star.

    They can all be seen in action in the trailer here: 


  12. 4 hours ago, Turric said:


    3.  For the original Freedom Phalanx characters, 3 are invulnerability tankers (Statesman, Back Alley Brawler and Citadel). The original team consists of 3 tankers, 2 defenders, 2 controllers and a blaster. No scrapper. Just an  observation there.


    Unless it was adjusted late in the game, so I would not have heard it, Back Alley Brawler is actually not a member of Freedom Phalanx, though he certainly runs with them a lot.  He is actually one of the founders of The Regulators, a drug-culture fighting supergroup, that I think the Eagle Eye storyline in King's Row has you rebuilding.  The confusion comes apparently due to mishandling by the original dev team. BABs is a member of the Surviving Eight from the Ritki War, and since most are Freedom Phalanx members, folks confuse the status group with the super group. Even one of the old wikis got that mixed up, though the other one corrects it.


    Also, technically they are not the original Freedom Phalanx. They are the game-starting members.  The original group founded in 1932, just days before Brass Monday. Of that group, I think only Dark Watcher and Statesman survived to the modern era.  I know Maiden Justice and at least one member of the duo Vambrace are dead. Elementar is presumed dead, but his passing is unusual and probably left open the possibility of a comic book styled return.

    • Like 2
  13. 1 hour ago, Turric said:


    4.  Aurora Borealis has no secondary power set. She also has no Praetorian counterpart. I feel like her secondary could be "Light Manipulation", if that were a thing.


    Aurora's Praetorian counterpart, if you can call it that, is the body that Mother Mayhem (Sister Psyche's counterpart) has forcibly taken possession of.  You see her in the cut scenes at the beginning of the Behavioral Adjustment Facility raid (BAF).  This merging is a callback to the origins of the game and the Earth Prime storyline, where Sister Psyche, in order to survive had to mentally take control of Aurora's body, allowing Psyche's body to slowly heal over time.  Eventually, of course, they separated. 

    • Like 3
  14. On 6/22/2020 at 8:13 AM, Jono265 said:

    Cosmo Rocket!
    Spacecar Racer by day, crime fighter by the same day!
    (DP/Martial Blaster)


    Though I'm not a fan of garish colors, at least all over (certain key spots like the power rings are more my style), I do dig the overall look of the character.

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  15. On 6/19/2020 at 12:37 PM, Skyhawke said:

    Logging out in a graveyard for long enough can grant the Mortician day job badge.  I was this years old when I accidentally discovered that.

    I wasn't sure I would be able to get the supergroup base badge since I wasn't part of a supergroup (at the time).  A few months back I discovered that for those who don't have a base, all you need do is find a base portal and hug it closely.  A small ring around the portal will allow you to earn the badge.


    Also, there's a few spots in the game where day jobs overlap and you can earn two simultaneously.  The one I'm always using is in the Vanguard base, right at the base of the stairs in the medbay.  Logging out in that spot will accrue for both the Vanguard and Caregiver day job badges.

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  16. I'm loving my storm/illusion controller.   He's practically a Swiss Army Knife: some ability to address every situation, and he tears through enemies.  Now that may not seem thematic at first, but since I play him as a mutant with remarkable mental powers, I see both powersets as projections of his mental abilities.


    I could see a water/storm corruptor as well.  Though I've not played that particular pairing, I've played the individual components, and they're quite potent.

  17. 12 hours ago, EmmySky said:

    I don't know if this is a mechanic per se but I like the missions that you enter one place and inside the mission you click on doors and experience different maps then the final exit is a door that takes you to the other side of the zone or a different zone entirely.

    That would make for a nice transitioning from one level zone to another.  Say, start the mission in the highest area of Atlas and exit in the lowest area of Steel Canyon.

  18. 10 hours ago, Patti said:

    Have to log in.   Maybe add a suggestion for new quality of life feature?

    If they ever go that route (and I hope they do) I'd love to have account-server monitors also for salvage and recipes.  It'd be a lot easier for crafting if I could see in other characters' lists and didn't have to log into every character to find what I need for crafting.

  19. Not a combo mechanics, but I love how ninja run, which was supposed to be just a cool-looking low-end travel power, actually opens up tactical moves for my martial arts scrappers, and a couple of other characters as well (Shield, for example).  If a tank is not on the team,  I can  utilize NR to charge a collective mob, do a low somersault over the mob, land behind them, and hit dragon's tail to sweep them from behind.  The mob now turns towards me, exposing their backs to the rest of the team.  Super fluid moves, practical, tactical, and totally cool.  


    For this and other effects, I'd really like to play NR all the time.  Unfortunately, it is not slottable, and is a huge endurance drain in combat as a result.  I'd really love to see Homecoming either heavily nerf the endurance drain or provide a single enhancement slot (purchasable from P2W, perhaps?) to allow for endurance reduction enhancements, similar to sprint, so that I can run this constantly.


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