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Nagasaki Ghost

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Everything posted by Nagasaki Ghost

  1. Raised on a game table. Doesn't swat dice.
  2. My first character, about a month after launch, was Law Dog (ss tank). Right away, I ran around looking for female characters and I would do sets of flexing in front of them. Every single one of them said something to the effect of "dude, I'm a dude" to which I'd reply "You sure look all woman to me. You sure?" Deleted him at about lvl 8.
  3. I mostly ran around Virtue with my main King Sequoia (earth/storm troller) but I ran a few alts like Jinx Formula, Rift Chaplain, and ZOZ. Was in one of the many Hero Force sg's
  4. I see some names I remember. Nice to see. Warm memories. My main was King Sequoia but I had many many alts. ZOZ Shadownaut Sargon 5k One Thousand Spirits Tronin Pheyd and others who's names are fuzzy to me. My SG was The Atomic Brute Squad After most of my local RL friends left the game, I went to Virtue for the population, but I always considered Victory to be home. I wish I had the kind of time I had back then. Doubt I'll ever do a TF that takes more than an hour again. Still, nice to be back even in limited capacity. I'm on Excelsior. What's everyone else's new home?
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