Thank you so much for the replies 🙂
I did not know about incarnate Incandescence Destiny 😮 thats awesome 🙂 i will deffo use this when i solo, even great for helping rush without my demons out in groups I think!
I'll test the passive/stay thing today, cant belive i didnt think about that 😮
Good idea with knockback in SS and stealth in a sprint type of ability, ill change that today to gain some knockback protection 🙂
Hmm, Team Teleport seems very slow if you're in a cave kind of map, cant barely click 50yards away before you TP into a wall then 😛 unless it works as Recall Friend? that would be... awesome 😮
Being slow poke around maps isn't much of a big deal to me, just trying to optimize or adapt if possible, got some very useful tips so far 🙂 Im glad i can test stuff today, hopefully this means I can keep Combat jumping, Superspeed, Leadership and fighting powerpool for some survivability 🙂 The incarnate TP thingy is really interesting, hopefully I can get enough salvages to test it... when I get enough exp to unlock it 😛