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  1. My little post of Melee AT's getting better AoE in their Primaries went into Taunt Auras Lol.
  2. My preferred primaries lean more to the launch ones. Broad Sword / Martial Arts tend to rank as my favorites. Regen / Shield happen to be my enjoyable secondaries.
  3. To get out of your funk, Small Challenge. Scrapper Primary: Broad Sword Secondary: Regeneration No Temps, clear the Dr. Vahzilok AV in the Vazhilok Plague Story Arc. Only one Green Allowed.
  4. Any final decisions on it?
  5. Have the Same Arc radials as the Tanker per the Gauntlet Buff a few years back? Not the same Target Cap but at least the same Radius Buff?
  6. I just mostly wonder to the mildly controversial Ston tests, why its so slow compared to mostly everything else except (Broken Kinetic Melee)
  7. This mostly puts a big problem where no brute ever wants to complete a set to reach good survivability since any damage power you want has to be proc butchered. But then your sacrificing also global recharge for procs, and procs aren't reliable enough on their own.
  8. I did a small experiment Simple Slotting for Two near identical powers. Martial Arts Brute: Cobra Strike / Crane Kick. Since they have the same exact numbers it was interesting to compare. I slotted one with 1 ACC / 1 END R / 3 Recharge / 1 Damage The other was as; 1 ACC / 1 END R / 3 Damage / 1 Recharge Seeing the results on the Yellow Number - I Barely got more than 25 points of Damage Difference. Fury carries nearly 75% of Brute Damage and Damage Enhancements almost feel pointless.
  9. Just a fun alternative way of playing dear <3
  10. If you've completed at least 3 Sets or so you can probably test your limits by +2'ing the missions.
  11. "Hardcore" Ruleset for CoX Death is Permanent No Auction House Can Use University If you start a fight you must finish the fight, no running away. (E.g. You initiate combat with a mob by pressing a power that inflicts damage to a mob) No Prior Bankrolling via Email Only 1 Inspiration of each type allowed except Reds/Yellows (Too easy to stack purples and not die) No START Vendor Bonuses at all (including the given bonus Athletic Run and Jetpack) Cannot set missions to -1, After acquiring all SO's in your powers must shift to +1 No Revive Powers at all, if you see the Death Textbox, you are dead.
  12. Regen is the best armor set! Regen is the worst armor set! Yes
  13. If you're still around, have you found the answer yet?
  14. Regen Slander will not stand. It'll just get up again.
  15. @Spaghetti Betty My Troll Regen Girl at 36
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