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  1. Before the update to Sentinel's Opportunity inherent power, the reticle effect would be colored to match the Blast sets' coloring. Post update, it's always bright yellow - I figure it's because Vulnerability is it's own power. Would it be possible to change Vulnerability to be colorable like Opportunity was in the past?
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  2. I looked around and only found one thread suggesting that Phantasm be given different visual options, but it was a different idea. I've seen a couple of requests in the Discord server for, if possible, Illusion Control's Phantasm pet power be given the option to change the visual to that of Phantom Army's optional Mirror and Phantom Mirror visual customizations that have the pets take on the appearance of the player character. I'm not really sure how difficult it would be to work out, but I assume that, because Phantom Army can support the visual change, that Phantasm can as well. I figured I'd request it on behalf of others, especially since Illusion Control is slated to be proliferated to Dominators soon.
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  3. I joked when Page 4 was announced that I would replace the noises with the "keg smack" from Slipknot's "Duality".
  4. Bug report for "Liquefy" in the Sonic Resonance power-set: For all color customization options, for both Bright and Dark and alternate casting animations, the puddles/ripples and soundwaves aren't receiving palette changes. The bug occurs for Controller, Corruptor, Defender, and Mastermind. First image is an example of Bright Sonic Resonance colored pink: The puddles/ripples and waves after the projectile are of the default power-set coloration, as seen in the following image:
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