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Posts posted by StarseedWarrior

  1. On 8/25/2019 at 8:23 PM, PaxArcana said:

    ... don't.

    Seriously, please just don't.


    There is no One True Way, for good or ill, to play any particular archetype.  Defenders can focus on their attack powers.  Controllers can focus on their buffs and debuffs.  Masterminds can go petless.  This is all allowed ... and it absolutely dismays me that there are any people left in our community that don't understand that.  (I've just been having a back-and-forth about supposedly "playing Masterminds wrong" over in the Suggestions thread, which is what prompted this post.)


    As long as you're not griefing other players .... do what you like.  Have fun.  People going against type, excuse me, against the assumptions of their archetype, has even inspired the creation of new archetypes.  Defenders who went for Attacks first, and buffs/debuffs last - known back in the day as Offenders - are why we have Corrupters.  Seriously, that's where the inspiration for Corruptors came from.  They aren't "blasters who can (de)buff", they are officially-canonized Offenders.


    So when you find yourself thinking "s/he is doing it wrong" ... stop.  Ask yourself, not "isn't that wrong", but instead, "why are they playing that way?"  Heck, maybe ask them why they've chosen to play like that.  Who knows, maybe you'll decide the idea is worth checking out for yourself .... and maybe you'll even decide "HOLY CARP, THIS IS HELLA FUN!"


    But whatever you do, don't tell anyone they're playing wrong, just because they aren't playing the way you think they're supposed to.  Because if you do ... then the only one who will be wrong, is you.




    Thank you for listening to my TED talk.  😄 

    >>> EDIT FOR CLARITY <<<


    It seems I have been - as usual, perhaps - less than brilliantly clear in getting across my point.


    I am NOT saying that you should never criticize anyone for any reason.

    I am NOT saying that there is no such thing as playing badly.

    I am NOT saying that you should just put up with whatever obnoxious behavior another player chooses to inflict on you, because oh the poor snowflake.

    AM saying, that you should not immediately leap to the conclusion that someone is playing their archetype wrong, just because they aren't playing it the way "everyone else" does, and especially not because they've chosen an unusual mix or powers, powersets, or enhancement slotting.

    You should first ask why they have chosen to go in that direction, why they have chosen to try and buck the trend for their Archetype.  They may have a perfectly valid reason for being .... call it experimental, call it avant-garde, call it just plain wierd ... but, the important thing is, they may have a very good reason for how they've chosen to build their character.  Even if it's a completely silly reason - for example, "I lost a bet, this is my forfeit, I have to get it to 50.  Ugh."  That's still a reason!


    Or maybe they don't.  Maybe they really are just completely clueless.  But, newsflash for everyone: if you start out saying "you are wrong", you stand a good chance of putting that person on the defensive.  They may then not only not listen to any advice you offer, but they may outright reject it completely.  A more collaborative tone is likely to produce much better results.  If they're a newbie to CoX ... reminisce about your own first weeks or months of play, and how much you learned.  Then, share those things with the newbie.  They're much more likely to listen to, and follow, advice given in a friendly tone, than in a derogatory or accusatory one.


    It is sad you had to edit this post to make things even clearer, when it was 100 percent transparent to begin with, maybe people assume way to much these days and automatically go to the defensive. Regardless this is a very good post to help filter out the over offended ones and trolls, but in the end they make us better and better at posting things like this don't they?

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 1
  2. I don't remember this pool from back in the day, can someone please explain how the Mystic flight and teleport compare to their "pure" versions from the original separate power pools?


    Arcane bolt is amazing on my illusion/radiation controller, you get another type of control power with some umph with some dps.

  3. If we're playing that game, the faux-medieval european fantasy genre is dying in video games.


    People hate Bethesda so much and have largely grown wise to how stagnant Bethesda is as a developer that they've turned TES VI into a scornful meme and TES VI is expected to finally break the trend of each TES game outselling the last by leaps and bounds, World of Warcraft has been withering for years and is down to only 1.6 million subscribers, dark souls is a concluded trilogy, CDPR is moving onto other things after the Witcher, and nobody is expecting good things out of Bioware for Dragon Age IV after so many disappointments in a row. The genre's not quite dead yet, but it's on life support and while Japanese fantasy series like the Legend of Zelda, Fire Emblem, and Final Fantasy are doing okay; the sword and sorcery RPG seems to have seen the sun set on it forever.


    What is popular?


    Stuff with guns, people love shooty shooty bang bang settings with dakka galore. Post-apocalyptia, scifi, technothrillers, space fantasy, modern fantasy etc; medieval fantasy is almost quaint and passe and the genre as a whole is often scornfully mocked as dated and goofy compared to the kinds of settings used in shooters. Even in the RPG genre; aesthetics that allowo for the usage of guns are increasingly crowding out swords and sorcery. CDPR is moving onto Cyberpunk, Bethesda's heavy into fallout and is moving into space with Starfield, Obsidian is going for the space western and so on so forth. 


    I expect swords and sorcery fantasy to largely disappear from the triple A space in the 2020s and most future RPGs to move onto shooter rather than melee focused gameplay to follow the zeitgeist.


    I hate to break it to you but people are becoming more open minded to fantasy and evolving it into sci fi mixed with fantasy and etc, it seems to me you much prefer that yourself so your kind of expecting it to change partly from a bias, just as the entertainment industry as a whole has change so will the gaming popular genres, if anything there has been more paranormal/fantasy/fiction type of tv shows and movies lately then anything.

  4. Everlasting being the "Unofficial RP Server" won't have much impact on your playing the game. It just means that sometimes you'll see some odd things said in local chat that you should just chalk up to role-playing and move on, or hide on a rooftop and listen to (some are funny to eavesdrop on). I've been on a few "RP Mission Teams" and most are... Just teams.


    Not true at all, being on the rp server myself back in the day virtue, mostly due to a much friendlier community.  It is elever how people are with rp with city of heroes, more then any other mmo I have seen, however cox has the edge due to multiple genre flexibility. I have personally viewed hilarious things on the rp server with emotes alone.

  5. I think we have about as many people now as we can expect to ever have.  I don't think this game has much long-term appeal for new players, the landscape of MMOs has changed a lot and people's expectations have changed.  Nowadays it's all about a pointless run up to max level where the "real" game begins, which is not what CoX is.  CoX is about the journey, so my newer friends who blasted to max level inside a week stopped playing almost immediately afterwards.  Meanwhile, I and my veteran friends are still playing and haven't actually gotten to max level yet.  And even I realize my attitude is different now, either by playing other games in the last 7 years or just plain getting older.


    Is the magic still there?  Yes, and no.  CoX is just as fun as it used to be, but the players have changed.  Considering a big part of that magic *was* the players, we've lost something that most likely can't be replaced.


    I think if certain things are updated it certainly will keep new players in, like old melee sets to feel as fast as the new ones and etc. They have released some good updates so far.

  6. You have one group of people saying we can get in trouble for even playing and the other saying the opposite hmmmm.


    It's quite possible, and not even improbable that NCSoft might pursue some form of legal action against the Homecoming team to shut down the server.


    If history is any guide however, it's extremely unlikely that NCSoft would pursue the end users playing CoH on Homecoming.  It would be hard to prove any damages came directly from the end users.


    The User Agreement really says the following

    1.) Homecoming will protect your IP address and Email

    2.) You will abide by their Code of Conduct..  The worst Homecoming will do is ban you from the game if you breach it.

    3.) You have to be 13 years or older to play the game.  This has to do with compliance with Federal Law.

    4.) An indemnity clause stating that you play at your own risk, and won't sue Homecoming for any experiences you have in the game.


    The User Agreement is really about them protecting themselves from both the end users and the federal government.  It does nothing to increase your own legal risk in the playing the game, which is already extremely unlikely for you in the first place.


    TL;DR - Accept the Agreement, Have Fun, and don't get overly invested because NCSoft could shut it all down tomorrow...


    Ok thank you.

  7. So been playing a DP/time blaster lately and while at first it was fun, the whole stand safely at the back and hose the mob with DPS is getting old kinda fast. So I'm looking to find another Archetype that is a little more engaging and requires more thought than hit these 4 or 5 buttons in the most efficient way possible. I am thinking maybe a Corruptor or Defender, so I need to worry about keeping an eye on how my allies are fairing and managing buffs/debuffs. Also considering a Tanker, dont normally do melee but might be a nice change of pace and require some different thinking. Any thoughts or opinions?


    Whaaat? I loved blaster back in the day just blap to.

  8. We do, in fact, read these boards. But we're a very small team compared to a full game development studio. We will miss suggestions sometimes, or have to put it on the backburner for more important issues. Situations like this, while it is something we'd take under advisement, isn't likely to be rectified on a quick timeframe. I do apologize about this, but, again, we only have so many hands to work on this.


    You do not apologize most of us can clearly see how hard you guys are working.

  9. I told you they don't care at all.

    Oh, I guess we're done here, then.




    There, that should get people to pay attention to you.


    Lol well said.

  10. I disagree. Your defensive response and shot at me just helps prove my point. We're just like every other gaming community out there. We have our helpful people, arrogant ones, rude ones, gamergaters, awesome people, lame ones, etc. I know people in this community, so I like it the most of the ones I've been around, but my personal feelings and attachment doesn't change my initial statement.


    I hang with MunkiLord on this one.

    The percentages might be different, but that can be said about any MMO/game community.


    How many people right on this forum can post about having been teleported to a high place launch by a troll?


    Every small MMO thinks they have an outlier, best community. They look at things like WoW and EVE, and compare their little group to it, then proclaim their community best of all communities.


    Reality is most MMOs have more decent people playing it than jerks. But the bigger the game gets, the more jerks there are even if the percentage of good people to jerks stays the same.


    I've played tons of MMOs, pretty much since 1999 with everquest. And everyone thinks they found the secret happy MMO community. But they're all the same. Except second life... it needs to be nuked from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.


    Reality is older mmos are known for better communities and in a game where you can pretend to be a super hero has a more mature community I know this from years of experience in mmos across many servers. I also know this by playing again this community still beats the others.

  11. Literally what the subject says, it doesn't much matter to most in this game if you're a veteran of the old game. A lot of us are, I'd even say most of us are, but it doesn't need saying as if it provides prestige or immunity to criticism. I don't think this is a really large issue, but I have noticed it preceding opinions as if it validates them at times.


    The only thing I think one should take away from being a veteran to this game, is a desire to provide help to those that are not or are returning casual players. It should be a helping hand at most, and never a bludgeon.

    You misunderstand why its important, the reason is because you knew how amazing the community was then and your helping bringing that back to mmos like this one, it has nothing to do with ego or being better and more to do with the communities like on the rp servers.

    Man, I fully agree with this as a good reason to bring up being a veteran. Well said.


    I just wish that were the way it is usually expressed.



    Just so we are clear, because I hate feeling like I may have agreed partially to something and folks think I signed the whole thing: I think mentioning being a vet in terms of remembering that wonderful community is a fine and dandy thing to do. It was different during it's time, although we still had some of the same issues other communities did, and the current one is more an admixture of both.  But I fully agree with Munkilord too, often when people bring up being a vet it's got a very ego-laden component. It's used to squash dissension, exert some type of privilege, and inform people that you are better or should be respected.


    So it's not so much as I missed the point as you initially stated, I fully get that point. It's just not what people mean when they bring it up, on a practical level. I think both of you are right in what you say, and describing slightly different groups with some overlap.


    Since I mentioned this is only due to a great community there really was no reason I know what you agree with and thats great.

  12. Literally what the subject says, it doesn't much matter to most in this game if you're a veteran of the old game. A lot of us are, I'd even say most of us are, but it doesn't need saying as if it provides prestige or immunity to criticism. I don't think this is a really large issue, but I have noticed it preceding opinions as if it validates them at times.


    The only thing I think one should take away from being a veteran to this game, is a desire to provide help to those that are not or are returning casual players. It should be a helping hand at most, and never a bludgeon.


    You misunderstand why its important, the reason is because you knew how amazing the community was then and your helping bringing that back to mmos like this one, it has nothing to do with ego or being better and more to do with the communities like on the rp servers.

    Man, I fully agree with this as a good reason to bring up being a veteran. Well said.


    I just wish that were the way it is usually expressed.



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